News Releases

Releases that pertain to the Molokai and Hawaiian communities.

Let’s Redefine Tourism

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021

HTA News Release

The Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) and Maui Visitors and Convention Bureau (MVCB) are encouraging the public to participate in the upcoming Maui Nui Destination Management Action Plan community meetings to share their views on tourism’s future direction for Maui, Lanai and Molokai.

John De Fries, HTA president and CEO, said continued input from Maui Nui residents is crucial to ensuring that tourism is meeting their needs and expectations. 

“The people of Lanai, Molokai and Maui have been instrumental in shaping the Destination Management Action Plans for their respective island with candid perspectives and thoughtful discussions on how to malama the places and traditions they cherish most,” said De Fries.…

Vaccines at Na Pu’uwai

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021

Na Pu’uwai News Release

Na Puʻuwai offers regularly scheduled COVID-19 vaccine clinics for those individuals needing their first, second or booster Pfizer vaccine. Our remaining 2021 COVID-19 vaccine clinic dates are Oct. 29, Nov. 19 and Dec. 10. COVID-19 vaccination is free to the public, available to those who are age 12 and over, and by appointment only (no walk ins will be accepted).

Na Puʻuwai is now also offering the flu vaccine. You can make an appointment Monday through Friday. Walk-ins for the flu vaccine are accepted and welcomed. To schedule an appointment for your COVID-19 or flu vaccine, please call us at (808) 560-3653 or email us at

New ‘Ukulele Lending Program

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021

Molokai Public Library News Release

Attend a free online event on Oct. 27 at 4 p.m. with ‘ukulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro in launching a new ‘ukulele lending collection at the Molokai Public Library! 

The event will include live performances with guest musicians Jon Yamasato, Herb Ohta, Jr., and Molokai’s own Jeremiah Kahuakai Kaholoaa.  In addition, Alice Kaahanui, Executive Director of the Molokai Arts Center, will speak about her organization and the programs offered for all ages. 

The ‘ukulele instruments for library check-out are provided and supported by the Music for Life Foundation and Jake Shimabukuro, co-director of the ‘ukulele sponsorship.  

For more information, call 808-553-1765.  Please enjoy the show and support our library by watching. …

UH Molokai Fall Festivities

Wednesday, October 20th, 2021

UHMCM News Release

If you’re a current UH Maui College, Molokai (UHMCM) student, we’re so excited to invite you to participate in the upcoming Fall Festivities Campaign for your chance to win a tuition waiver to UH Maui College next semester. From FAFSA workshops, campus activities, academic advising, to spring registration, we hope to provide you with a wealth of information to prepare you for the upcoming semesters.

We’ll be kicking off festivities in early October through Dec. 17. When you participate in six or more activities, you will earn a chance to win a tuition waiver at UH Maui College for Spring 2022.…

Life at Aka’ula School

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

Community Contributed

By Aka’ula School Students

Editor’s note: These stories are written by students and published in Aka’ula School’s newsletter, reprinted with permission.

Rugby in the Water
By Crystal Hoffman, Freshman

Akaʻula School and their swim program has incorporated water polo, considered by some the most ruthless and competitive water related sport ever. Water polo is a full contact sport. Swimming, wrestling, shooting, passing and dribbling are all aspects of this sport. On top of that, players are treading water the entire time to keep afloat for long periods. To participate, students should have swimming experience for a safer game; meaning, endurance, speed, and agility.…

Join a County Board or Commission

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

County of Maui News Release

The County of Maui is seeking applicants to fill multiple vacancies on county boards, commissions, councils and committees. There are currently two vacancies on the Molokai Planning Commission, among dozens of other opportunities to make an impact on local policy. 

There is one vacancy on each of the following: Affirmative Action Advisory Council, Civil Service Commission, Maui County Cultural Resources Commission, Real Property Tax Review Board, and Salary Commission. 

There are two vacancies on each of the following: Animal Control Board, Board of Ethics, Board of Variances and Appeals, Board of Water Supply, Fire & Public Safety Commission, Hana Advisory Committee to the Maui Planning Commission, Liquor Control Adjudication Board, Liquor Control Commission, Maui Planning Commission, Molokai Planning Commission, Paia-Haiku Advisory Committee to the Maui Planning Commission, Police Commission, Public Works Commission, South Maui Advisory Committee to the Maui Planning Commission, Kula Agricultural Park Committee, Commission on Healing Solutions for Homelessness, Maui County Arborist Committee, and Maui Redevelopment Agency. …

Visitors Bureau Seeking Nonprofit Partners

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

The Maui Visitors and Convention Bureau (MVCB) is seeking nonprofit organizations on Maui Nui to take part in the statewide Malama Hawaii program, an initiative to inspire mindful travel, while encouraging visitors to give back to the destination. Through this initiative, industry partners and volunteer organizations across the state have come together to build the Malama Hawaii initiative.

“There are currently nearly 80 hotel partners and more than 30 nonprofit partners statewide that have joined the program,” said Meagan DeGaia, destination manager of the Maui Visitors and Convention Bureau. “We are extremely proud that of those partners, 28 hotel partners and 10 nonprofit partners are based in Maui… With such tremendous support and success from our industry and nonprofit partners on Maui since the inception of the program, we are hopeful that other nonprofits not only on Maui, but on Molokai and Lanai would be interested in partnering with us as we continue to grow the Malama Hawaii program to the greater Maui Nui.”…

What’s the News at MHS?

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

Community Contributed

By Clare Albino, MHS Newsletter Team

COVID has had its toll on the Molokai High School (MHS) students with missing out on so many fun activities. With the start of a new school year, MHS is proud to announce the new Molokai High School Executive Board. The students on this board are earnest to ensure that the high school is a safe learning environment.  They plan to bring some fun activities to make up for much of the student isolation of the last school year.  These chosen students want to make a difference for the 2021/22 school year and are keen to hear from the students’ voices and opinions on making the school a better place.  …

PALS Keiki Kare Winter Program

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

County of Maui News Release

Online registration will begin Monday, Nov. 1, for the 2021 PALS Keiki Kare Winter Program, the Department of Parks and Recreation announced.

This modified program aims to provide working families with essential child care during the winter break and help to strengthen their family and community connections.

The PALS Keiki Kare Program will begin Tuesday, Dec. 21, and continue through Thursday, Dec. 30, excluding holidays.

The Molokai program will be located at the Mitchell Pauole Center. 

Registration for the program will need to be completed online only between Monday, Nov. 1 and Monday, Nov. 15, and is open to children ages 5 to 12 years old.…

Dispatch Wins 4 Journalism Awards

Wednesday, October 6th, 2021

Dispatch Wins 4 Journalism Awards

The Molokai Dispatch News Release

The Molokai Dispatch was honored with four Excellence in Journalism awards for coverage in 2020 from the Society of Professional Journalists Hawaii Chapter. The statewide awards are presented annually in newspaper, TV, radio and magazine categories and this year, recipients were announced via Zoom conference on Sept. 29. 

The Molokai Dispatch’s editor Catherine Cluett Pactol won first place for her story, “Sust’aina ble Molokai Launches Egg Production” in the general news/enterprise category of non-daily newspapers in Hawaii. The story, which printed in November 2020, highlighted the organization as the first of its kind to be certified in egg production and assisting community members to raise egg-laying chickens. …