News Releases

Releases that pertain to the Molokai and Hawaiian communities.

Gov. Signs Bill Appropriating $5M for Kalaupapa Memorial

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

Gov. Signs Bill Appropriating $5M for Kalaupapa Memorial

Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa News Release 

Governor David Ige signed a bill passed by the State Legislature that appropriates $5 million to plan and build The Kalaupapa Memorial. Ige signed the bill, which was proposed by Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa, last Wednesday in a ceremony in his offices at the State Capitol.

“I really want to thank everyone involved with getting this measure to my desk,” said Ige.

The Governor singled out Senators Lynn DeCoite and Brian Taniguchi for their persistence in leading the effort in the State Senate to pass the bill to fund The Kalaupapa Memorial that will list the names of the nearly 8,000 men, women and children who were taken from their families and forcibly isolated on the peninsula known as Kalaupapa because they were diagnosed with leprosy, now also known as Hansen’s disease.…

Hoʻolehua Water Temporary Shut Off

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

DHHL News Release 

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL), through its contractor Goodfellow Brothers, will conduct repair work on the main water storage tanks and distribution lines of the Ho‘olehua Water System beginning Monday, July 18.

As a result, DHHL will temporarily shut off service from its Hoʻolehua Water System to customers in the Ho‘olehua area on Tuesday, July 19 at 10 p.m. through Wednesday, July 20 at 6 a.m., subject to delays.

Water system customers in Ho‘olehua and Kalamaʻula are advised to conserve water ahead of and during the scheduled service interruption. Upon reactivation, some customers may experience low water pressure until the system is fully pressurized.…

Molokai HAMS Needed for Emergency Drill

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

Hawaii ARES News Release

Calling all Molokai Amateur Radio operators or HAMS! On Saturday, July 16 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, the Hawaii Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) will be hosting the Makani ‘Ino Hurricane Emergency Communications Drill.

Molokai residents are some of the most self-reliant people in the state. They have been cut off from each other many times in the past, from dangerous burning wildfires to flooding water, closing roads on the East End.

We also know that cell phone coverage is very limited as we drive around the island. Imagine what would happen if Molokai got hit by a hurricane? …

Financial Assistance for Cancer Patients

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

Mana’olana Pink Paddlers News Release 

New funding is available for Molokai patients fighting cancer. Na ‘Ale O Mana‘olana (Waves of Hope) is Mana’olana Pink Paddlers’ cancer financial assistance program to help Maui County residents actively dealing with cancer. 

“This assistance program began as a dream when we won $14,000 from 100 Women Who Care in 2019,” said President Mary Dungans. “Then in 2020 we received a $10,000 donation from U’ilani Fund when they dissolved their breast cancer support non-profit due to COVID.” 

Since then, Mana’olana has received generous grants from Atherton Family Foundation and the Laurence H. Dorcy Hawaiian Foundation to further fund their programs. …

Pizza Franchise Targeting Molokai

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

Little Caesars News Release

Little Caesars is looking to grow its presence in paradise with a goal of opening more than 16 new franchise stores across the Hawaiian Islands by 2027. The bulk of franchise ownership opportunities are available on the island of Oahu, but the brand has also identified Kauai, Maui, Hawaii Island and Molokai as territories ripe for growth.

“We want Molokai residents to have a restaurant on the island so they can enjoy the value and convenience of Little Caesars without having to travel to Honolulu,” states the brand. “We want to serve their community.”

A major focus of this expansion is on providing interested military veterans located on the islands with financial incentives to open a franchise through the company’s Veterans Program.…

‘Ohana Garden and Grindz is Growing

Wednesday, June 29th, 2022

UH CTAHR Molokai Extension News Release

‘Ohana Garden and Grindz is a virtual garden to table program designed for Molokai families by CTAHR-Extension Agents Jennifer Hawkins and Heather Greenwood-Junkermeier. The project has been funded in recent years by the County of Maui Office of Economic Development. Jennifer, Heather and a team of Extension Agents from across the state were just awarded a $350,000 grant from USDA to continue the project on Molokai and expand to Kauai and Hawaii counties! 

‘Ohana Garden and Grindz offers youth and their families a chance to work together to develop their skills in the kitchen and the garden.…

Kawela Stream Diverted Again

Wednesday, June 29th, 2022

Molokai No Ka Heke News Release

On April 19, the state Commission on Water Resource Management approved a historic “median flow” level of stream restoration for Kawela Stream, and directed Molokai Ranch to fully restore Kawela Stream for a period of six months while the Ranch conducts an audit of its wasteful and inefficient mountain water system. Community group Molokai No Ka Heke has been pursuing restoration for Kawela since 2019.

On May 11, Molokai No Ka Heke joined Water Commission staff and Molokai Ranch lawyers at the East Kawela dam, and witnessed the temporary full restoration of Kawela. The stream had overtopped the dam, the diversion intake was stopped, and all Kawela water was flowing in the stream as ordered by the Commission.…

Mahina Poepoe Running for State House D-13

Wednesday, June 29th, 2022

Mahina Poepoe Running for State House D-13

Mahina Poepoe Candidate News Release 

Aloha e Molokai! For those who may not know me, my name is Mahina Poepoe. I am the only Molokai candidate in the race for the State House of Representatives, District 13. I was born, raised, and lived my entire life on Molokai. I am a descendant of Native Hawaiian family ancestry from Puko’o, Mana’e. 

My mom is Puanani Goodhue from Puko’o, Molokai. My dad is Doug Lopes from Waianae, Oahu. 

On my mom’s side, my grandma is Anna Duvauchelle from Puko’o, and my grandpa is John Goodhue from Mapulehu, Molokai. 

My husband is La’a Poepoe, son of Kamalu and Mac Poepoe. …

Ranch Community Ownership Meetings Continue

Wednesday, June 29th, 2022

Sust’ainable Molokai News Release

Please join us this month for meetings regarding community ownership of Molokai Ranch. Each meeting has a different purpose. Subcommittee meetings will focus on technical research about funding options and community ownership models. These meetings will be followed by a community meeting that will provide distilled updates on working group progress and serve as an opportunity for broad community input. Please join us! See the dates below and also in the new community calendar.

Funding Options Subcommittee Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 7 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. This meeting will focus on acquisition of Molokai Ranch. …

Resources for Deer Issues

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022

Sen. DeCoite News Release

In collaboration with State and County agencies, Senator Lynn DeCoite is once again working to provide the public with information and resources on who to contact regarding axis deer issues.

Injured and alive deer – Deer that have been injured, for example, by vehicle strikes and are still alive pose a threat to public safety. If a live injured deer is encountered, do not approach the animal. Immediately call: 

During regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., call the Division of Forestry and Wildlife’s Maui Branch Office (DOFAW) Molokai Office at (808)553-1745.  After hours and weekends, call the Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) at (808) 873- 3990 or Maui Police Department Dispatch (MPD) at (808) 244-6400. DOFAW will immediately dispatch a trained specialist to secure and capture the animal safely.…