News Releases

Releases that pertain to the Molokai and Hawaiian communities.

Residents Get Trained in Suicide Prevention

Wednesday, August 31st, 2022

Residents Get Trained in Suicide Prevention

 MEO News Release 

Twenty Molokai residents learned to be suicide prevention gatekeepers in training sessions last Tuesday and Wednesday conducted by Maui Economic Opportunity Youth Services.

The four sessions, held over the two days at MEO’s Kaunakakai office, covered recognition of the warning signs of suicide, how to provide support to those contemplating suicide and connecting them to services.  The content was patterned after suicide prevention sessions held at Molokai High and Middle schools in April.

The training sessions were a follow up to a town hall on suicide prevention held on July 27.  Some at the town hall were interested in the program taught in the schools.…

$3M in Home Gardening Grants

Wednesday, August 24th, 2022

HDOA News Release

The Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) is now accepting applications for the second year of the Micro-Grants for Food Security Program (MGFSP), which provides support for small-scale gardening, herding and livestock operations to help produce food in areas that are food insecure.

A total of $3 million will be available in this program, which includes $2 million for this year’s grant funds combined with $1 million that was carried over from the previous year. Last year, a total of 177 grants were awarded statewide. Funding for this grant program is provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) under the 2018 Farm Bill.…

Grants for Robotics Teams

Wednesday, August 24th, 2022

Bayer Fund News Release 

Eligible student robotics teams on Oahu, Maui and Molokai are invited to apply for The Bayer Fund’s 2022 FIRST Robotics Grant program. Open to FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC), FIRST Lego League Challenge, and FIRST Lego League Explore teams, the program offers grants ranging from $500 to $3,000 per team to inspire and nurture students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math.

The grant application period closes on Sept. 30, at 6:59 p.m. For more information and to apply, visit; use the invitation code 22FIRST. For questions, contact

Established in 2015, the Bayer Fund’s FIRST Robotics Grant program has benefitted Hawaii students in elementary through high school grade levels.…

MAC at the Library

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

MAC at the Library

MAC News Release 

MAC at the Library is back! Molokai Arts Center returns to the Molokai Public Library with Artist in Residence Rafael Lamas (all the way from Spain!) conducting the Molokai Instrumental Music Education (MIME) Septet. The event, which will be held on the lawn behind the library on Wednesday, Aug. 31 at 5:30 p.m., will give Lamas an opportunity to teach conducting and share his journey on Molokai. Bring your hali‘i or lawn chair and experience culture and the arts on Molokai.

Lamas is an orchestra conductor, a concert pianist, a creative writer, and Professor of Spanish Literature and Cultural Studies at Fordham University at Lincoln Center of New York.…

Watercolor in Halawa

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

MAC News Release 

The Molokai Arts Center returns to Halawa Valley for an afternoon of watercolors and fresh smoothies inspired by Molokai’s natural bounty. Come learn Landscape/Floral Watercolor Painting. This class will be offered every third Sunday of the month and the next class will be on Sunday, Aug. 21, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Local artist Kalani Pruet, who prefers on-location nature observation and color mixing, will teach a three-hour class right in his backyard. The class includes a smoothie and a painting demonstration. Kalani will share fundamental watercolor techniques such as landscape sketching, silhouette and outline drawing, watercolor tiling and blending or layering methods. Cost is $30 non-member, $24 annual member/affiliate. All painting materials are provided and each participant will take their piece of art home with them.…

Suicide Prevention Training

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

MEO News Release

Suicide Prevention Basics, two-hour training workshops, will be offered by Maui Economic Opportunity Youth Services on Aug. 23 and 24 at MEO in Kaunakakai.

The trainings are for parents/guardians and will cover suicide risks, warning signs, how to listen, self-care and protective factors and resources available.  This is a follow up to a town hall gathering on suicide prevention held July 27 in Kaunakakai. Some attendees were interested in the suicide prevention curriculum presented by Youth Services staff to Molokai High and Intermediate students in April.

Youth are welcome to attend the trainings.

Four sessions are scheduled: Aug.…

Dispatch Welcomes New Intern

Wednesday, August 10th, 2022

The Molokai Dispatch News Release 

We are excited that Sage Yamashita, a senior at Molokai High School, will be interning with The Molokai Dispatch. During her internship, Sage will help provide news coverage of community events and MHS sports through photography and reporting. She will also gain hands-on experience with all aspects of weekly newspaper operation over the next semester. 

Sage’s parents are Melinda and Matt Yamashita, and after graduation, she plans to study marketing. 

“I’m starting my senior year and I’m using this year as a starting point to learn some new skills, get out into the world, and prepare myself for college,” she said.…

Hoʻolehua Tree Trimming This Week

Wednesday, August 10th, 2022

DHHL News Release 

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) and County of Maui Highways Division will conduct tree trimming work on Kolea Ave in Ho‘olehua, Molokai, beginning Monday, Aug. 8 through this week.

The tree trimming service will be on-site and working within the roadway from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with temporary traffic redirections and elevated noise levels during the scheduled work interval.

The work is expected to be completed by Aug. 12, weather permitting. DHHL lessees impacted by the work in the area have been notified via USPS mail of the work and have been asked to remove any personal property, including vehicles, between Kolea Avenue and their homestead lots.…

Agriculture Technology and Tools Workshop

Wednesday, August 10th, 2022

UH Molokai Extension News Release

Are you interested in learning the tricks and trades of using small equipment on your farm to become more efficient?  Join us for live demonstrations and a talk story session with farmers using these tools.  Tools include hand tools, cultivation tools, irrigation supplies/tools, walk-behind tractor, soil tilther and more.  

The workshop will be held on Aug. 16 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the UH Extension Farm (old MCC Farm) located just past Kumu Farms at 652 Huuai Road.  Funding for the workshop is provided by the USDA Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement.  Partners for this program include Sustainable Molokai, Go FARM Hawaii, and UH Molokai Cooperative Extension Service.  …

Na’iwa Homesteaders to Benefit from OHA Grant

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022

OHA News Release

Four grants totalling $1.36 million were approved today by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, one of which will serve homesteaders of Na’iwa, Molokai.  

An economic stability grant of $398,000 was awarded to Hawaii Community Lending for its Native Hawaiian Owner-Builder Project which will increase the economic stability of 58 Native Hawaiians in Naʻiwa, Molokai, by establishing a culturally relevant program that will increase access to capital, credit and technical assistance for Native Hawaiians to build and own homes on Hawaiian Home Lands. Improving the construction can be achieved when using services like owner-builder defects reports.

Other funded grants include a $498,660 award to the Purple Maiʻa Foundation for its Malama Design Studio to educate 20 Native Hawaiian business owners through a collaborative design research process that will result in the implementation of a technology solution that can improve their businesses and ultimately cultivate economic development for Hawaiian communities. …