News Releases

Releases that pertain to the Molokai and Hawaiian communities.

‘Legend of Mulan’ Upcoming Performances

Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

Hokulani Children’s Theatre News Release 

Hokulani Children’s Theatre of Molokai proudly offers our first ever community performance!  The “Legend of Mulan” features the efforts of 22 Molokai keiki on Friday, April 14 at  6.p.m and Saturday, April 15 at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the Home Pumehana Recreational Hall.  

Performances are free — we do not want any child to miss this opportunity for wholesome family entertainment.  For those who are able, donations are gladly accepted to support our scholarship program for interns and future program offerings to develop performing art skills for our island children.  There will be a drink and snack concession available for purchase.…

Broiler Chicken Project

Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

Broiler Chicken Project

Sust’ainable Molokai News Release

The Molokai community has a new opportunity to increase local poultry production, boost our island’s economy, and support farmers and ranchers in their business goals. Sustʻainable Molokai is looking for 30 beginning Native farmers/ranchers on Molokai for our Mahiʻai Moa Project! This project is a five-month educational program on commercial broiler chicken production utilizing a blend of in-person and Zoom classes. 

Participants will have access to workshops with J. Ludovico Farm, workshops with the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR), off-island field trips, one-on-one farm business support with a Farm Business Specialist, a built-in market for broiler bird sales, a cohort-style model that encourages farmer-to-farmer support, and $4,000 worth of supplies to get your chicken business up and running. …

Hot Malasada Sale

Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

St. Damien Parish News Release

St. Damien Parish is hosting a hot malasada sale on Saturday, April 8 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, or while supplies last, at the Damien Church in Kaunakakai.

There are two ways to get your sweet treat! You can walk up to the front of the church, or drive in the back parking lot. Malasadas are priced at six for $10.

This will be the replacement for the Mardi Gras event back in February that was canceled due to the weather. …

MHS Alum Named CEO of Hawaiian Board

Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

MHS Alum Named CEO of Hawaiian Board

HCDB News Release

Patti Tancayo Barbee, of Molokai, is the new president and CEO of the Hawaiian Community Development Board (HCDB). She has been senior vice president, working for over 20 years with Kali Watson, the outgoing president who has been appointed by Gov. Josh Green and confirmed by the Hawaii State Senate to lead the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, a post he first held in the Cayetano administration.

Barbee has many years of experience planning, executing and closing various types of housing projects throughout Hawaii. She is an expert in project and program management, mortgage financing, environmental reviews, government procurement and contract management. …

Artist in Residence

Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

Artist in Residence

MAC News Release 

The Molokai Arts Center welcomes our first Artist in Residence (AIR) of 2023, ceramicist Brad Menninga of St. Paul, Minnesota. Molokai provides a perfect backdrop to create, explore and experience a unique culture. The purpose of the MAC Artist in Residence program is to provide guest artists with a respite from daily responsibilities to enable them to create and concentrate on their work. This is a non-paid, volunteer position.

Menninga began his ceramics career in Portland, Oregon, dividing his time between studio pottery and making giant puppets for street theater. Eventually wishing to focus more intently on art-making and the ideas motivating his work, he received a MFA from California College of the Arts in San Francisco in 2010 and incorporated a daily practice of study into his routine.…

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

DOH News Release 

On March 20, Governor Josh Green, M.D., proclaimed April 2023 as “Sexual Assault Awareness Month” (SAAM), which is part of a nationwide campaign to raise awareness about the issue of sexual violence. A statewide SAAM sign-waving is planned for Tuesday, April 4, including an event at the Hawai‘i State Capitol from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and at other locations and times across the islands. Molokai sign-wavings will be held every Wednesday in April. 

This year’s theme, “Foundations for the Future,” aims to envision a future without sexual violence through healthy relationships and safer communities. During the month of April, the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) and partner agencies are providing statewide trainings, events, and activities to bring awareness to the continuum of sexual violence from primary prevention to response and intervention.…

College Resource Fair

Wednesday, March 29th, 2023

UHMCM News Release

Find a degree pathway that best fits your interests! Join us at our Resource Fair at the UH Maui College Molokai (UHMCM) campus on Wednesday, April 5 from 1 to 4 p.m. to meet with program coordinators within the UH System. We have a wide range of representatives joining us, from UH Manoa’s College of Education and the Thompson School of Social Work and Public Health, to UH Maui’s ABIT program and ELWD Apprenticeship and Trades. 

If you need help applying for the Fall or summer semester, stop by the Center for assistance with the application process. For more information or if you have questions, call (808) 553-4490.…

Resident Raises Awareness for Early Cancer Screenings

Wednesday, March 29th, 2023

UH Cancer Center News Release 

Molokai resident Nancy Swartz noticed redness and a lump on her right breast. Having breast cancer in her family and a husband with prostate cancer, Swartz took these symptoms seriously. If your husband is also dealing with prostate cancer, I recommend you to find out here a great supplement that can offer many health benefits.

To continue, she consulted her primary care physician who found her symptoms to be consistent with Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC). IBC is a rare form of breast cancer that gets its name from symptoms appearing swollen and red, or inflamed. IBC can present different symptoms than other types of breast cancer, such as rapid change in breast size or shape, redness or rash on the breast or nipple, pain or tenderness in the breast, nipple retraction or discharge, and enlarged lymph nodes under the arm or collarbone.…

Grant Solicitations to Support Native Hawaiians

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

OHA News Release  

More than $9 million in grant solicitations to help Native Hawaiians are now available through the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA). Solicitations include community grants to strengthen ʻohana (family), moʻomeheu (culture) and ʻaina (land) connections, and grants to support education, health, housing, economic stability, homestead communities, and iwi kupuna repatriation and reinternment. Two new granting categories are being launched to support Native Hawaiians with disaster recovery and provide technical assistance to organizations serving Native Hawaiians (Kakoʻo Support Grants). 

Molokai nonprofit organizations are encouraged to apply.

With a legacy of supporting more than a decade of community events, OHA’s ʻAhahui Grant Program is making more than $300,000 available for community events scheduled from June to December 2023.…

Long-Sleeved Shirts for Farmworkers

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

MEO News Release 

New or lightly used long-sleeved shirts are being collected for farmworkers from March 24 to 31 by Maui Economic Opportunity’s National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP).

The Nat’l Long Sleeve Shirt Drive, organized nationally by the Association of Farmworker Opportunities Programs, coincides with Farmworker Awareness Week, which brings attention to farmworkers and honors their work.

Long-sleeved shirts provide protection from pesticide exposure and heat-related illnesses. Donations, which will be given to farmworkers, need to be light colored, natural fabric and long sleeved.

They may be dropped off at MEO Molokai, 380 Kolapa Place, Kaunakakai.

MEO is Hawaii’s NFJP operator, the nonprofit agency’s only statewide program.…