News Releases

Releases that pertain to the Molokai and Hawaiian communities.

Hospice Yard Sale

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

Hospice Maui Molokai News Release 

The eighth annual Hospice Maui Molokai yard sale fundraiser will take place on July 1. Your gently used items are another person’s treasures.  If you have gently used or new items of value and want to donate them, please call Dan Reed, 808-658-1015, or Maile Silva, 808-658-6030.  Please wash clothes; no books, CDs or VHS.  

The sale is Saturday, July 1 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon at Dr. McGuire building parking lot, Kamehameha V Highway.  No early birds please.  All proceeds will benefit the Hospice Maui Molokai Kokua Fund.…

Kanikapila Group Change of Location

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

KGT News Release

Kanikapila Group Therapy (KGT) will no longer be meeting at the Congregation Church Pavilion in Ho’olehua. 

What does KGT do? It is a gathering to play music: kanikapila. You might remember when KGT had weekly gatherings at Coffees of Hawaii in Kualapu’u. KGT meets the first and third Tuesday of every month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. All are welcome to come, whether you play or just want to sit and listen to music.

On June 20 and July 18, KGT will meet at the Lanikeha Community Center in Ho’olehua located by the Ho’olehua Fire Station. There will not be a meeting on July 4 and the announcement of the new location will be made by July 28.…

Free Volleyball Camp

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

Fieldhouse Volleyball News Release

Molokai raised and alumni of Molokai High School, Annette Luafalemana travels home to host a free volleyball clinic on June 3-4 at the Molokai High School Gym. Ike Loa Volleyball Camp is open to ages 8 to 17 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. for under 12, and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for ages 13 and older. 

Passionate about volleyball, she currently manages the Fieldhouse Volleyball Club in Texas that helps all ages to follow their dreams and become proud athletes.  This is her way of giving back to her community that helped raise her to be who she is now.  …

College Outreach Events

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

UHMCM News Release

We’re coming to you! If you’re interested in learning more about college and career opportunities, come talk story with UH Maui College, Molokai in your neighborhood.  

We will be at Manae Goods and Grinds on Monday, June 19; Kualapu’u Store on Thursday, June 22; Maunaloa Store on Monday, June 26; and Friendly Market on Friday, June 30 – all from 9 to 11 a.m.

Ask about our free course offerings and career opportunities. Any questions, call (808) 553-4490. Hope to see you in your neighborhood, mahalo!…

New Book from Bayer

Wednesday, May 17th, 2023

Bayer HI News Release 

As part of its ongoing support for education and agriculture, Bayer Hawaii is sharing copies of its “Hawaii’s Farm to Table” activity book for children via online download and to various community groups, including several on the island of Molokai.

Created as an educational tool about the important role that farmers play in food production – from planting seeds and caring for crops to harvesting and delivering fresh products to their customers – this 36-page book is chock full of fun, creative activities that explore where some of our foods come from.

 In April, Bayer’s Molokai team gave away free copies of the book to MEO’s Head Start program, and to fourth graders at Kaunakakai Elementary School as part of the school’s Earth Day celebration.…

Concert on the Lawn

Wednesday, May 17th, 2023

MAC News Release 

A music performance by the Molokai Instrumental Music Education Program (MIME) will be held on Friday, May 19 at 6 p.m. on the lawn of the Molokai Public Library. Students from Kualapu’u and Kaunakakai elementary schools’ 21st Century program will perform introductory music as well as Shostakovich and Copland. This is a free event and all are welcome! 

The Molokai Arts Center (MAC) is the fiscal sponsor for this program which is led by Bob Underwood. Underwood has graciously and with dedication taught music performance to Molokai’s keiki and adults for over 12 years. This program is offered free to elementary students during the school year and instruments are provided.…

Pūnana Leo Ho’omau

Wednesday, May 10th, 2023

Pūnana Leo o Molokai News Release

E hele mai a launa pū me mākou. Hui Mākua o ka Pūnana Leo o Molokai presents Ho‘omau 2023, happening this Saturday, May 13, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Kualapu’u Rec Center. Booths and activities include local crafts, ‘ono food, keiki corner, lucky number, entertainment and more! 

This event will benefit the keiki of Pūnana Leo o Moloka’i. We hope to see you there. E ola ka ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi.…

Give Input on Renewable Energy Projects

Wednesday, May 10th, 2023

Ho’ahu News Release 

Come learn about and give input on the first community-owned solar projects on Molokai at a virtual meeting to be held May 20 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Residents can check for login information.

The purpose of the meeting is to share information about two community-based renewable energy projects proposed to be developed on Molokai in Kualapuʻu and Palaʻau and to solicit public comments to be filed with the Public Utilities Commission.

Hoʻahu Energy Cooperative Molokai (Hoʻahu) was first formed in 2020 by Molokai community advocates to enable our island residents to design and own renewable energy projects built on Molokai.…

Artist in the School

Wednesday, May 10th, 2023

MAC News Release

The Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) Artists in the Schools (AITS) provides grants to schools to bring in qualified, trained teaching artists from the Artistic Teaching Partners (ATP) Roster. The residency is designed to provide engaging, creative, and fun learning experiences based on the Fine Arts standards for all grade levels. Many of these teaching artists integrate their art form with other core curriculum areas, such as language arts, math, social studies, science, meeting both fine arts and other core standards.

This year, Kualapu’u Conversion Charter School was privileged to have poet Laurel Nakanishi work with 5, and Papa 6 classes. Laurel…

MHS Graduation

Thursday, May 4th, 2023

MHS News Release 

The Molokai High School Class of 2023 will be honored through a traditional ceremony on Saturday, May 20 at 4 p.m. in the MHS gymnasium. The community will be invited to join in-person or via livestream online on Akaku, channel 54, the Akaku app called “Maui Stream,”, as well as the Maui/Molokai Akaku Facebook pages.

At the gymnasium, the doors will open at 3 p.m. and close at 3:55 p.m. for approximately 15 minutes for the graduate processional. Please be inside and seated prior to 3:55 p.m.

There are no COVID-19 restrictions, however there are no signs, tubes, balloons or air horns allowed in the gym.…