News Releases

Releases that pertain to the Molokai and Hawaiian communities.

Leadership Transitions at the Dispatch

Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

The Molokai Dispatch News Release

The Molokai Dispatch would like to let readers, advertisers and supporters know about some upcoming transitions in leadership and staffing roles at Molokai’s only newspaper. 

Catherine Cluett Pactol, who has worked at the paper for the past 15 years and served as editor for more than a decade, is beginning a new chapter in her career. She will be working with Hawaii Public Radio as the organization’s Maui Nui reporter, where she will continue to live on Molokai and share the island’s voices and stories on statewide radio, while also expanding the station’s coverage of Maui and Lanai news.…

Join Hoʻahu Energy to Interview Solar Contractors

Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

Ho’ahu Energy News Release

Hoʻahu Energy Cooperative Molokai, a grassroots group formed in 2020 to support community-owned energy projects, invites you to join us for our next virtual workshop on Saturday, June 24 from 9 to 10:30 a.m.

The workshop continues Hoʻahu’s work to co-design two solar and battery storage projects under Hawaiian Electric’s Community Based Renewable Energy (CBRE) program. Hoʻahu was awarded contracts for these projects by the utility earlier this year and is now in the engineering and interconnection studies phase.

At this meeting on June 24, we will be interviewing potential contractors for Hoʻahu to hire for the installation of the solar and battery projects.…

Live Like Tre’ Day

Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

Live Like Tre’ Foundation News Release

On July 8, the Live Like Tre’ Foundation will hold a Live Like Treʻ Day on Molokai to celebrate the life and legacy of the late Treʻ Evans-Dumaran, one of Hawaiiʻs fallen firefighters. 

The Live Like Tre’ Foundation was established to continue Treʻ’s work of spreading kindness and happiness, and Live Like Treʻ Day is an opportunity for everyone to join in this mission. The Molokai event will be held on July 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Mitchell Pauole Center. 

The event will be filled with fun family activities, music, food, and much more.…

Molokai Subsistence Study Update

Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

Sust’ainable Molokai News Release

Did you know that in 1993, 28 percent of the food Molokai families ate came from subsistence activities like hunting, fishing, gathering from the ocean, and raising animals? For Native Hawaiian families, 38 percent of food came from subsistence (Matsuoka et al, 1994). 

This summer, Sustʻainable Molokai will conduct a research study to update this information. A survey will be launched in late June 2023 and will be available online and in person at community events. All English-speaking Molokai residents over the age of 18 will be eligible to complete the survey. The survey will take between five and 30 minutes.…

Army Corps Hosts Meeting on Harbor Dredging

Wednesday, June 14th, 2023

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers News Release

The Honolulu District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on behalf of the Hawaii Department of Transportation Harbors Division, is hosting a community information meeting to present the construction plan for the Kaunakakai Harbor Maintenance Dredging Project. The meeting will take place on June 21 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Duke Maliu Regional Park Pavilion in Kaunakakai. 

Over the past year, USACE has engaged with members of the Molokai community and stakeholders to hear concerns and ensure any potential impacts on the environment, recreation or fishing were addressed in the plan. Please join us for this presentation to learn more. …

Machado Memorial Scholarship

Wednesday, June 14th, 2023

CNHA News Release

The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) has launched a scholarship opportunity to support students from Molokai who are the first in their family to pursue higher education. The Colette Pi‘ipi‘i Machado Scholarship honors the legacy of the late Colette Machado, a Molokai native, respected community leader, and former chair and longtime trustee for the state Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA). 

The $2,500 scholarship is open to qualifying applicants now until June 24.

“Colette was a true mana wahine who fought passionately and tirelessly to uplift the lāhui, and in particular, the community of her beloved Molokai,” said Kūhiō Lewis, chief executive officer of CNHA.…

Molokai General Named Among Top Critical Access Hospitals

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

Queen’s Health System News Release 

The top 20 Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) nationwide, including Molokai General Hospital, scored best among CAHs as determined by the Chartis Center for Rural Health for Best Practice in Quality. The rankings were recently announced by the National Rural Health Association (NRHA). An awards ceremony will be held during NRHA’s Critical Access Hospital Conference in September in Kansas City, Mo. 

The top 20 CAHs have achieved success in overall performance based on a composite rating from eight indices of strength: inpatient market share, outpatient market share, quality, outcomes, patient perspective, cost, charge, and finance. This group was selected from the Chartis Center for Rural Health’s 2022 top 100 CAH list, which was released earlier this year.…

Free Meals at Summer PALS

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

County of Maui News Release

The County of Maui is providing free meals at its Summer PALS sites on Maui and Molokai, in an effort to ensure that no children go hungry while school is out of session this summer.

The Summer Food Service Program is a federal program made available in eligible areas to ensure that children receive nutritious meals. All youth 18 years old or younger are eligible to receive a free meal through this program.

Many children in Maui County receive free or reduced-price meals during the school year, but countless numbers of these children do not get enough to eat when school is out.…

Submit Art to Juried Exhibit

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

HI Craftsmen News Release 

Held annually since 1967, the Hawaii Craftsmen Annual Statewide Exhibition features the finest traditional and contemporary craft from across the state of Hawaii. This year, the juror will be Beth C. McLaughlin, Artistic Director and Chief Curator at Fuller Craft Museum. The juror will be visiting each island to make public presentations and to select the very best work to be included in the exhibition. 

Online registration runs from Aug. 1-31 and Molokai intake and public presentation will be on Sept. 6. Notice of acceptance will be on Sept. 14. 

This year, HC expects over $11,000 in awards to be designated by our juror.…

Summer Meals at Public Schools

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

HIDOE News Release

Eighty-six public schools, including two on Molokai, will serve meals free of charge over the summer to children ages 18 years and younger. The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) announced the meals will be provided regardless of public school enrollment status, through its summer food service program. 

Beginning in early June, the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) program will serve meals at select public school locations on Mondays through Fridays, with the exception of June 12 (King Kamehameha Day) and July 4 (Independence Day). The SSO is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and was established to ensure that children continue to receive nutritious meals during the summer.…