News Releases

Releases that pertain to the Molokai and Hawaiian communities.

School Science Education Grants Available

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

Bayer Fund News Release

Applications for the 2023 Bayer Fund – Hawaii Science Education Grant are now available to eligible public schools interested in obtaining a grant to support their science curricula.

Since 2005, this Bayer Fund grant program has awarded over $357,000 to public schools in Hawaii for programs, tools, supplies and equipment to enhance their students’ science education. All public schools serving students at the intermediate, high school and college grade levels on the islands of Oahu, Maui and Molokai are eligible to apply.

To be considered for the next grant period, completed applications plus supporting documentation must be received by Friday, Sept.…

Molokai First Aid Class

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

Maui County Red Cross News Release

A handful of Molokai residents and Red Cross volunteers got certified or recertified to practice adult and child CPR and first aid during a class held last Thursday. The class was taught on Molokai by Gordon Gillis of Maui, owner of Safety Services Hawaii, a company that provides community and workplace health training and consulting. 

Participants of the classes became certified in the most recent Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) techniques as well as how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED), basic emergency first aid, and Naloxone administration. The certification is good for two years, and four Red Cross Molokai volunteers became recertified.…

Admission Deadline Extended

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

UHMCM News Release

Want to enroll in college classes on Molokai? You’re in luck. The admissions application deadline has been extended to Aug. 8. Apply online at or schedule an appointment with the Educational Opportunity Center by calling (808) 553-4490 x 2. Classes start on Monday, Aug. 21. Come visit our campus anytime, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.…

Veterans Urged to Apply for Toxic Exposure Benefits

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

Congressman Ed Case News Release

U.S. Congressman Ed Case urges Molokai veterans and their survivors who may be eligible for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care benefits under the historic PACT Act of August 2022, and who have not yet applied for PACT Act benefits, to file or at least complete and submit an intent to file before Wednesday, Aug. 9 to preserve eligibility for retroactive benefits back to the law’s enactment.

The Sergeant First Class (SFC) Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act is one of the largest VA health care and benefit expansions ever.…

Grant For Energy Savings

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

Hawaii Energy News Release 

Molokai nonprofits, small businesses and restaurants can receive grants of up to $6,000 for eligible energy efficiency projects through the EmPOWER Grant program. Applications will be available beginning Aug. 1 and must be submitted by Sept. 29. Organizations may apply for a grant of up to $6,000, depending on the equipment type, which may cover up to 100 percent of eligible project costs.

EmPOWER Grant funding may be used to cover the following expenses of energy efficiency projects: new energy efficient equipment, including HVAC systems, window film, ENERGY STAR® certified commercial kitchen appliances, and refrigeration technologies like motor controls and adding doors and anti-sweat controls to open cases; parts, accessories and other materials necessary for installation; labor for old equipment removal, site preparation and installation of energy efficiency measure(s); shipping costs for equipment and materials; taxes for the preceding items.…

Na’iwa Financial Assessment

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

Hawaii Community Lending News Release 

Lessees and family members in the Naʻiwa Homesteaders Program are invited to attend a special gathering on Friday, July 28, at 5 p.m. at the DHHL/OHA Conference Room at Kulana ʻOiwi on Molokai. This informational meeting is planned to help lessees prepare their finances for homeownership. Food and beverages will be provided. RSVP not required.  As for those who don’t have such programs in their area, they can still gain some funds through sites like

The project will train Native Hawaiians as owner-builders, assisting them in navigating the permitting, approval and construction process unique to Hawaiian Home Lands as well as build their capacity to move their agricultural land leases into production.…

The Molokai Dispatch Wins 7 Awards

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

The Molokai Dispatch News Release

The Molokai Dispatch is honored to have won seven Excellence in Journalism awards for its news coverage in 2022. The awards are held annually by Society of Professional Journalism Hawaii Chapter and presented in newspaper, TV, radio and magazine categories. Winners for 2022 were announced at an awards dinner last week in Honolulu. 

Winning the News Page Design category for all newspapers statewide was The Molokai Dispatch’s graphic designer Marissa Motas for her layout of “Ka’ahele A Lono” in the Feb. 2, 2022 issue. 

“The designer utilized a lot of photos in an attractive and readable way,” judges commented.…

Artists in Residence

Wednesday, July 19th, 2023

Artists in Residence

MAC News Release

This month, the Molokai Arts Center (MAC) welcomes two Artists in Residence, Dr. Ryan Pratt and Ms. Tansy Xiao. Dr. Ryan Pratt will be working on A Sonic Ecology. Ms. Xiao’s project is entitled Sound Dust.

Ryan is interested in “recording the natural sounds of Molokai, studying them and extrapolating a musical landscape, exploring portraits in audio with ‘endangered’ sounds, reflecting the ecology of the island.” Tansy would like to “create a poetic video essay inspired by Hawaiian traditional music.” She was fascinated by Hawaiian filmmaker Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu’s work, which was her first encounter to the genre.

Ryan Pratt was introduced to music through his grandmother, a jazz pianist and vocalist.…

Molokai Ranch Acquisition

Wednesday, July 19th, 2023

Sust’ainable Molokai News Release 

Interested to learn more and get involved in community ownership of Molokai Ranch? Molokai Heritage Trust will be holding a public meeting to continue the planning of community acquisition of Molokai Ranch once again! This is a community-led project facilitated by Sustʻainable Molokai. 

Please join us on July 20 (Thursday) from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Zoom. ( Meeting ID: 812 7008 2253

We apologize for the long hiatus and thank you for your patience as Momi Afelin transitioned out of her position as the community facilitator to focus on her studies. At the same time, we have transitioned Kawaipuna “Puna” Kalipi as the incoming community facilitator.…

Apply for Made in Maui County Festival

Wednesday, July 19th, 2023

Maui Chamber of Commerce News Release 

The Hawaiian Airlines Made in Maui County Festival, a highly anticipated celebration of local craftsmanship and community pride, reminds local manufacturers and potential vendors to seize the opportunity and apply now for participation in its monumental 10th annual event. With limited space available, this two-day festival offers a platform like no other to showcase products, connect with wholesale buyers, engage with customers, and experience the unwavering support of the Maui County community.

Past attendees of the Hawaiian Airlines Made in Maui County Festival have consistently praised the significant impact this event has had on their business.…