
Kalaupap Peninsula and Kalawao County news, articles, and stories.

Kalaupapa Remembers Edwin Lelepali

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

Kalaupapa Remembers Edwin Lelepali

By Rick Schonely, Staff reporter

A Kalaupapa legend Edwin “Uncle Pali” Lelepali passed away at the age of 88 on Feb. 7, 2016, and the Kalaupapa community celebrated his one year of passing earlier this month on Tuesday, Feb. 7, in Kalaupapa. A service was held at Kana`ana Hou Church with Pastor Richard Miller and Charles Buck, Conference Minister of the Hawaii Conference of the United Church of Christ, and along with many of his friends. Uncle Pali’s favorite music was played by the Kalaupapa Backyard Band and stories were shared by many. After the service and music, everyone headed to the grave site at Papaloa Cemetery for more beautiful words, music, hula and poetry.…

Boater Rescued Off Kalaupapa

Monday, February 20th, 2017

Boater Rescued Off Kalaupapa

A man in a homemade, 22-foot boat was rescued off Kalaupapa by the Coast Guard early last Friday morning, Feb. 17. The Coast Guard received a mayday call at 1:43 a.m. from the vessel’s 52-year-old occupant  — who remains unidentified by officials as of Sunday. At 3:08 a.m., the Coast Guard’s dolphin helicopter crew hoisted the mariner from his fiberglass vessel, the Harmony B.

With windy weather and 7-foot seas at the scene near the Kalaupapa lighthouse, the boat’s captain said he believed his anchor was no longer holding and was concerned that the weather conditions would push his vessel onto the nearby rocks, according to the Coast Guard.…

Trail Access Threatens Mule Ride

Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

Trail Access Threatens Mule Ride

The Sproat family, owners of Molokai’s legendary mule ride, say they’re worried land access issues may prevent the business from continuing operation.

The Kalae barn that serves as their base of business — home to the mules that make daily guided trips down the rugged Kalaupapa trail — is on land owned by R.W. Meyer Ltd, leased by the Sproats. R. W. Meyer also owns the land at the trailhead by Kalae Highway, through which mules and hikers must pass to access the settlement.

The late Buzzy Sproat operated the mule ride for more than 40 years, and his family has owned the business for 25 years.…

Touchdown at Kalaupapa

Friday, November 20th, 2015

Community Contributed

By Father Pat Killilea, St. Francis Church, Kalaupapa

On a lovely October morning, a plane glided to a perfect touchdown on Runway 5 and I remarked to Sister Theresa, “That has got to be Brittany.” Sure enough, it was Super Girl Brittany who soon pulled up to Terminal 1. Shortly thereafter she was joined by her husband, Captain Sean, Maui John, and Quick Nick, all ace pilots in their nine-seater Makani Kai planes. Their passengers, led by Bishop Larry Silva (Power to the Portuguese) were soon on terra firma eager to begin their pilgrimage to Kalaupapa and Kalawao.

After an initial greeting and prayer by Bishop Larry, Pat Boland, our long time pilgrimage guide from Saint Ann’s in Kaneohe, escorted the entire group of 35 to the waiting Damien Tours’ bus and set out for the township of Kalaupapa.…

Getting the Point in Kalaupapa

Friday, October 16th, 2015

Community Contributed

By Father Pat Killilea, St. Francis Church, Kalaupapa

The story goes that the great Chinese philosopher and teacher, Confucius, was teaching his class one day on his Silver Rule, “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.” Evidently the class was not responding to his message in the manner he had hoped for and desired, or perhaps just did not get it. So wishing to get some positive reaction, he raised his voice a decibel and said, “He or she who sits on tack gets the point.” Almost immediately one young student rose to his feet and said, “Yes, Master Confucius, and rises to the occasion.”…

Park Program Connects Kids to Kalaupapa

Friday, October 2nd, 2015

KNHP News Release

Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KNHP) will be offering interested fourth grade teachers on Molokai the opportunity to have a Kalaupapa Interpretive Park Ranger visit their class throughout the school year. They will bring Kalaupapa to each Molokai school through fun and interactive lessons. This is part of the White House’s new Every Kid in a Park program.

The long term goal of this initiative is to educate and inspire the next generation of environmental ambassadors and stewards,” said KNHP Superintendent Erika Espaniola. “I’m excited for the NPS to bring programs into Molokai classrooms and share the importance of this very special place.”…

‘Born Under a Wandering Star’

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Community Contributed

By Father Pat Killilea, St. Francis Church, Kalaupapa

“I was born under a wandrin’ star

I was born under a wandrin’ star

Wheels are made for rolling, mules are made to pack

I’ve never seen a sight that didn’t look better looking back

I was born under a wandrin’ star.”

Recently I watched an Amazon commercial featuring a small white dog with a bandaged hind leg following a kindly young man walking in the park. He picked up the little dog and carried it in his baby pouch, while Lee Marvin’s gravelly voice sang in the background, “I was born under a wandrin’ star.”…

Kalaupapa Crews Fight CA Fires

Friday, September 18th, 2015

Kalaupapa Crews Fight CA Fires

Community Contributed

By Jeannine Rossa

Molokai’s Ricky Chong, Daniel Romes and Joe Mollena recently returned from a stint fighting wildfires in northern California. Employees at Kalaupapa National Historical Park, they joined National Park Service staff from other Hawaii parks to make up an all-Hawaii wildfire-fighting crew. The crew joined staff from other agencies and was deployed to the over 10,000 acre “Dodge Fire” north of Susanville, CA and the over 36,000 acre (and counting) Forks Complex fires near Hayfork, CA.

Terrain is steep, rocky, and rugged. The work is hot, smoky, exhausting and dangerous.

“Those fire shelters really aren’t going to help you much,” explained Chong.…

Kalaupapa Nonprofit Earns Awards

Thursday, June 25th, 2015

Ka `Ohana O Kalaupapa News Release

Ka `Ohana O Kalaupapa was presented with two Preservation Awards by the Historic Hawaii Foundation at their annual awards banquet in Honolulu last month.

One of the projects cited was the exhibit, “A Reflection of Kalaupapa: Past, Present and Future” that features 100 photographs and quotes from the people of Kalaupapa and their families. The exhibit is currently on display at the Molokai Museum and Cultural Center in Kalae.

The `Ohana was also recognized for “The Restoration of Family Ties” program that has helped hundreds of families obtain more information about their Kalaupapa ancestors who were sent there because of government policies regarding leprosy or who were kama`aina prior to the establishment of the settlement in 1866.…

Noddies in the Rocks

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

Noddies in the Rocks

Community Contributed

By Rick Schonely

Noio koha, or brown noddy, is a Hawaiian shorebird that often nest on cliff sides and feed on fish and squid. Both parents incubate a single egg and feed the chick. The oldest known individual brown noddy lived to be 25 years old. Pictured here, a thriving colony of brown noddy was seen May 23 on the north side of Makanalua Peninsula at Kalauapapa, Molokai.…