
Kalaupap Peninsula and Kalawao County news, articles, and stories.

8 Survivors, 1 Death in Makani Kai Kalaupapa Crash — UPDATED

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

8 Survivors, 1 Death in Makani Kai Kalaupapa Crash — UPDATED

Updated Thursday, 12/12 at 3 p.m.

A Makani Kai flight departing Kalaupapa this afternoon crashed into the water about 3:45 p.m. shortly after take-off about 1/2 mile off the peninsula last night. Eight on board the Cessna Grand Caravan survived, while Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy died in the water after exiting the sinking plane.

The pilot, Clyde Kawasaki, has been flying for Makani Kai for one year. He previously worked as a pilot for Aloha Airlines and has experience working thousands of hours of flight time, according to a Makani Kai representative.

“He’s a pilot that I’ve flown with frequently — he’s one of the best,” said Department of Health Kalaupapa Administrator Mark Miller.…

Kalaupapa Celebrates Thanksgiving

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013

Community Contributed

By Father Pat Killilea, St Francis, Kalaupapa

I approached the State kitchen on staff row in my Paddy Wagon for the large annual gathering of our Kalaupapa family. All had been planned and prepared. Tom and Tina Turkey were present in all their delicious splendor and in succulent good taste. Finny the Fabulous Fish was also on display and of course it would have been a yam shame if Miss Sweet Potato had not been featured in this feast. So we all enjoyed a good time and great food at the settlement kitchen, compliments of the State of Hawaii.…

Airport Construction on Hold in Kalaupapa

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

Airport Construction on Hold in Kalaupapa

The Kalaupapa airport will soon be receiving a long awaited fire truck garage and services. However, with design discrepancies on where to place the garage and a strict timeline, the project might be delayed further, postponing safety services Kalaupapa residents seek.

A team of designers and engineers as well as representatives from the state Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) presented a design scheme to Kalaupapa residents Nov. 12, seeking public input and approval to move forward with the project.

In 2010, the Kalaupapa airport was scheduled to receive a fire truck and a team of Maui County firefighters who would rotate in 42-hour work shifts, according to Department of Health Kalaupapa Administrator Mark Miller.…

Year of Faith in Kalaupapa

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

Community Contributed

By Father Pat Killilea, St. Francis Church, Kalaupapa

When I first learned that Pope Benedict had called us to a special Year of Faith, my initial thought was, “What is this? Aren’t we called to live the Faith every year?” Perhaps it is the son of a farmer in me that tells me that a farmer’s work is every day of every week of every year. So every year for the Christian Catholic should be a Year of Faith. Then of course it dawned on me that Pope Benedict intended that this Year of Faith is meant to renew the entire People of God in the Faith and to challenge us ” to share our Faith boldly with others,” as our own Bishop Larry Silva said in his letter to us at the beginning of this Year of Faith.…

Airlines Compete to Serve Kalaupapa

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

Kalaupapa is regarded as one of the most isolated communities in the country. With 2,000-foot cliffs separating the peninsula from topside Molokai and no outside road access, the only way to and from the settlement is by foot, mule or plane. As Makani Kai Airlines reaches the end of their two-year federal contract to provide Kalaupapa with affordable airfare, they—along with three other airlines—are bidding to offer subsidized service to the settlement’s residents and visitors beginning in January 2014.

The Essential Airline Service (EAS) is a U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) program that provides small, rural communities access to major national and international airport hubs though a subsidized commuter airline system.…

Kalaupapa Celebrates Halloween

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

Community Contributed

By Father Pat Killilea, St. Francis Church, Kalaupapa

They stepped through the doors and looked around the hall at those seated at tables, like Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday as they entered the saloon in the days of the old west. They were not, however, wearing 10-gallon hats or armed with holstered guns. They were dressed in robot-like outfits and strutted around the hall for all to see. One showed bulging biceps while the other displayed the legs of a model.  It was Mary Jane and Mark and they had come to McVeigh Hall to participate in our annual
costume party sponsored as always by our own beloved Edwin Lelepali.…

First Anniversary of Sainthood

Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

By Father Pat Killilea, St. Francis Church, Kalaupapa

As we waited at Kalaupapa Airport’s terminal, I couldn’t help but think of the story about the bishop who was greeting parishioners at the Cathedral on the last Sunday prior to his becoming Archbishop of the neighboring Archdiocese. As he shook hands with a little old lady, she shed a tear and in a broken voice said, “The new bishop won’t be as good as you.” Flattered by this greeting, the bishop replied, “Nonsense, my dear, he will be a great bishop.” To which she replied, “No, really. I mean it. I’ve been here for six different bishops and each one has been worse than the last.”…

Federal Gov. Shutdown Felt on Molokai

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

While the shutdown of the federal government for two weeks earlier this month didn’t affect the daily lives of many Molokai residents, it did have a marked impact on some. The National Park Service, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and other federal agencies with employees on Molokai all felt the federal actions directly.

Across the country, 800,000 federal civilian workers were furloughed for 16 days after the government faced a partial shutdown starting Oct. 1. More than one million members of the military remained on the job, as well as just over one million civilian federal workers involved in operations deemed essential, including air-traffic controllers and TSA inspectors, among others.…

Farewell to the Rose of Kalaupapa

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

Community Contributed

By Father Pat Killilea, St. Francis, Kalaupapa

She climbed the few steps from the airport’s concrete strip and disappeared into Makani Kai’s plane. The doors closed, the engines roared, and the small plane began to pull away from the terminal building. We watched and waved as it taxied toward the top of the runway, turned, and with an increased roar of the engines, sped down the runway, then lifted gracefully into the Kalaupapa sky. The Rose of Kalaupapa was on her way to her next adventure.

The previous night we had toasted and roasted Sister Rose Annette Ahuna as she prepared to leave us after four years of wonderful ministry here in Kalaupapa.…

A Return to Konohiki

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

Community-based proposal to manage Hawaii’s resources

Last month in Kalaupapa, the state-mandated Aha Moku Advisory Council presented a plan that could change the way natural resources are managed in Hawaii. The plan calls for a return to the konihiki system, in which those knowledgeable about the ways of the ocean set guidelines for marine food gathering using traditional Hawaiian methods.

“The Aha Moku is set up to look at evolving power back to the communities as far as resource management,” said Sen. Kalani English, who was among a handful of legislators who attended the Kalaupapa gathering. “How do we do that within state law… that’s what we’re figuring out.”…