
Alternative to Surgery Coming to Molokai

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

Community Contributed

By Lisa Davis

Holistic regenerative medical procedures that cure pain in the spine and joints will soon be coming to Molokai through Sheila Mohammed, MD, PhD and Lisa Davis.  The treatments rebuild cartilage, tendons and ligaments to cure the source of the pain and pain goes away naturally and permanently. Dr. Mohammed is skilled in Prolotherapy, Prolozone, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Stem Cell Treatments, Acupuncture, Anti-TNF (post-stroke, Alzheimer’s dementia) and Biophotonic treatments. They will also have a chiropractor service from NE Heights Albuquerque Chiropractic Care. We do musculoskeletal ultra-sound guided procedures. Prolotherapy is the only known curative treatment for arthritis.…

Caregiver Workshop

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Maui County Office on Aging News Release

Maui Adult Day Care Centers and Maui County Office on Aging invite you to a free caregiver workshop, “Understanding the Older Adult.” The workshop will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Home Pumehana Hall.

Gain awareness and understanding for the emotions an aging loved one goes through as you take over their care. Learn also about factors that contribute to negative/positive behavior changes, caregiver tips to help you provide care with compassion and tips for surviving the holidays.

The event will be taught by Kathleen Couch, Caregiver and Program Coordinator at the Maui Adult Day Care Centers.…

Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center Challenge Winners

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center Challenge Winners

Na Pu`uwai Fitness Center News Release

Na Pu’uwai has brought its latest eight-week challenge to a close on Oct. 31, and results are in!  This challenge produced 83 participants, including both men and women.  We had a grand prize winner as well as first through fifth place winners for men and women, ranging from $25 to $100 in gift certificates,  a month free membership at the fitness center, and cotton fitness center T-shirts.  The grand prize was a custom long board with Na Pu`uwai’s logo made by Bouvey Bradley from Makaha, Oahu.

Harley Tancayo sneaked in from the sidelines and took it home for the win. …

Waving Goodbye to Domestic Violence

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

Waving Goodbye to Domestic Violence

Hale Ho’omalu News Release

This year’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month of October ended as it began with sign-waving on the highway.  Lynda Dudoit, Kalola Kaulili, Rose Pettigrew and Kammy Purdy, pictured here, urged passersby to join in the cause of ending domestic violence.

October’s events included the annual Candlelight Vigil at Kaunakakai Baptist Church, held in memory of those who lost their lives to domestic violence.  Molokai’s own beloved Malia Kahalewai was honored in this year’s vigil.  Unfortunately, domestic violence remains a threat for many families.

Here is a list of questions that can predict whether you or someone you love could become a victim of domestic violence. …

Breaking the Cycle

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

Preventing Sexual Abuse

An estimated one in four girls and one in six boys are sexually abused before they turn 18, according to child abuse experts. In a statewide study conducted in 2011 by the University of Hawaii’s School of Social Work that examined community children and family conditions , it revealed that “Molokai needed to be worked on” in terms of protecting children from sexual abuse.

“Sexual abuse on this island is rampant. It’s the last big secret. Almost every single family has somebody who has been molested.” said one anonymous Molokai participant in the study.

In response, former Molokai police detective Gene Santiago joined with concerned community members in 2012 to create a project that prevents child sexual abuse on Molokai through the Consuelo Foundation, an organization working to prevent child neglect.…

OHA Chair Expected to Make Full Recovery After Hospitalization

Sunday, November 3rd, 2013

OHA News Release

Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) Chair Colette Machado, of Molokai, is expected to make a full recovery after suffering a stroke Friday night.

“Mahalo to everyone for their thoughts and prayers,” Machado said, adding, “I feel great.”

Machado is grateful her family and friends who assisted her and called 911 immediately, and for the prayers from her church family. “It is crucial for a people having a stroke to get to the hospital immediately so they can get the right medication. If you think a member of your ‘ohana is suffering from a stroke, call 911 right away.”…

Kiawe Beans Pods Not Just Food For Livestock

Monday, October 28th, 2013

Kiawe Beans Pods Not Just Food For Livestock

Community Contributed

By Mercy Ritte

As you know, our kiawe trees produce an abundance of bean pods every year. Not only is it a nutritious food source for livestock, but also for people. In its native lands, dried kiawe bean pods ground into meal or flour is considered a staple food. It is very delicious and adds a sweet nutty taste to breads, pancakes, muffins, cakes and cookies. It is also gluten free, GMO free, highly nutritious, diabetic friendly and can be used to make syrup, jelly, tea, milk, and wine. Unlike wheat that digests within one to two hours, kiawe takes four to six hours to digest, resulting in delay of hunger pangs.…

Lions Roar

Saturday, October 19th, 2013

Molokai Lions Club News Release

Two major events have occupied the Molokai Lions Club for the past several months. One has passed and one is fast approaching. The second annual Walk for Sight on Molokai was held on Sept. 28 and the Halloween Costume Contest will be held on Oct. 31st.

The Walk for Sight on Molokai was very successful, netting the club nearly $2500 to keep its vision programs on target. These programs include bringing the team of Maui doctors from Maui Optics to Molokai to help screen preschool and elementary students. The funding will also help the Retina Vision Van project and assist the community with financial aid in vision when necessary.…

Free Breast Cancer Screening Clinic

Saturday, October 19th, 2013

Na Pu`uwai News Release

Na Pu`uwai is hosting a free breast cancer screening clinic on Saturday, Oct. 26. The clinic is sponsored by the Susan G Komen Foundation and will be held at the Na Pu`uwai Office at the Kulana Oiwi Complex from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. No appointment is necessary and walkins are welcome. Na Pu`uwai does ask that those who plan to come to the clinic allow at least half an hour to complete paperwork prior to their examination.

In addition, to the free breast exam, breast cancer educational opportunities are available as well as a lucky number drawing and snacks.…

Celebrate Freedom of Choice This Month

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

Pakolea Rehab News Release

October is National Physical Therapy Month and on behalf of all the physical therapists on the island of Molokai, Pakolea Rehab would like to say a warm mahalo to all of our patients, families, and friends who have become a part of our ohana.

In November, 2010, Hawaii passed confirmation of universal direct access for physical therapy services in the state. What does this mean? In one word, freedom! You can now choose to go to your physical therapist as a walk-in without a referral in hand, eliminating the need to visit your physician first.

Pakolea Rehab continues to communicate with your physician regarding your status and progress throughout your treatment just like before.…