
‘A House That Love Built’

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

‘A House That Love Built’

A newly-completed house in Maunaloa is ready to become a home for Molokai residents with developmental disabilities. After a year of construction with the help of a trusted knock down rebuild contractor, waterproofing services, and exterior drain tile technician for its foundation, but more than 10 years of discussion and planning, supporters of ARC of Maui County– the local branch of a national nonprofit organization serving those with intellectual disabilities — call the house a dream come true. If you’re interested in additional details, you can check out epoxy flooring uk cost to explore suitable flooring options for the project.…

Molokai Battles Back Against Cancer

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

Relay for Life Molokai News Release

Walkers will go around the clock in the battle against cancer when the 2014 American Cancer Society Relay for Life Molokai gets underway with teams of residents gathering on August 8 at 6 p.m.

Relay for Life events are held overnight as individuals and teams camp out at the Kaunakakai Ball Park with the goal of keeping at least one team member on the track at all times throughout the evening.  Teams do most of their fundraising prior to the event, but some teams also hold creative fundraisers at their camp sites during Relay, sporting chili plates/bowls, popcorn, glow sticks, and many more. …

Molokai Fitness: Benefits of Exercise

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Ayda Ersoy

If you’ve seen my previous articles, then hopefully you started to drink more water. Last time, we talked about being aware of your breathing. Now it’s time for exercise!

Everyone knows how important exercise is, and what benefits it will bring you. So why do we so often choose to wait until we have to lose weight before starting exercise? Or why do we choose to go to the doctor and have to take pills? Why wait until it comes to this?

When you are exercising regularly, you can actually prevent many illnesses. And you will feel much better, think more positive thoughts, sleep better, feel stronger, and have more energy.…

Hawaii Meth Project Teen Advisory Council

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

Hawaii Meth Project News Release

The Hawaii Meth Project, a nonprofit organization that implements large-scale, research-based campaigns and community action programs to reduce methamphetamine use in the state, is seeking applications for its Teen Advisory Council for the 2014-2015 school year.

During their terms, Teen Advisory Council members will have the opportunity to lead and facilitate outreach in their schools and communities across the state. They will be charged with raising awareness about the importance of methamphetamine prevention, especially among Hawaii’s youth.

All high school students entering grades nine through 12 for the upcoming school year and attending public, private, and home schools statewide are encouraged to apply for one of 20 available positions on the council.…

Welcoming FoodCorps Hawaii

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014

Welcoming FoodCorps Hawaii

Sust`ainable Molokai News Release

This past Friday, March 14, Sust`ainable Molokai welcomed the FoodCorps Hawaii state team to Molokai. The team consists of eight service members, with five from Hawaii Island: Jane Lee serving at Kohala Elementary, Julia Nemoto at Mala`ai Garden, Jessica Sobocinski at Honaunau Elementary, Kalu Oyama at Na`alehu Elementary and Leina`ala Kealoha at Kua O Ka La Public Charter Schools. Additionally, Tasia Yamamura is serving at Ma`o farms on Oahu and here on Molokai, Lacey Phifer and Simon Mendes are our service members. The state fellow is Amelia Pedini, and our host site leader from the Kohala Center is Nancy Redfeather.…

Community Health Center Gets $500,000

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014

Governor’s News Release

Molokai Community Health Center will receive $500,000 in capital improvement grant funds, Gov. Neil Abercrombie announced last week.

Identified by the state Legislature, this grant will complete phase II of the Center’s capital improvement project that includes renovation of structures, an addition of a central deck, repaving the parking lot, installing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant walkways, as well as irrigation and landscaping at its Oceanside Center in Kaunakakai.

“The Molokai Community Health Center serves approximately 3,000 of the island’s 7,200 total residents, which is more than 40 percent of its population.” Abercrombie said. “This project will expand and improve access to quality health care on the Friendly Isle.”…

Red Cross Volunteer Honored

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

Molokai’s Lester Keanini has traveled across the country, dedicated thousands of volunteer hours and even moved to Maui — all to support the Red Cross. For this dedication, he was recently awarded the honor of Maui County Volunteer of the Year.

The award is based on nominations, said Michele Liberty, Red Cross Maui director, and Keanini got the most nominations. Final selection was made by the Maui Advisory Council. March is Red Cross month, and Liberty said it’s also a time to honor the organization’s many volunteers — and “Lester’s humble humanitarian, spirit embodies that of the Red Cross mission.”

For the past year, she said, Keanini’s been volunteering every day, full time, at Maui Red Cross office.…

Tips from the Vet for Your Pet: Tick Diseases

Friday, March 14th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Stewart Morgan Ph.D., D.V.M.

On Molokai, there are two common diseases that you and your pets can catch from ticks. The two diseases are ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis. In people, ehrlichiosis can be fatal almost two percent of the time. Signs in people include fever, muscle pains, headache, fever, vomiting, diarrhea and signs similar to that seen with the flu, according to the Center for Disease Control. Anaplasmosis has similar effects in people, with a one percent mortality (death) rate.

The brown dog tick is the tick species that carries and spreads the diseases ehrlichiosis (ehrlichia) and anaplasmosis (anaplasma) on Molokai.…

Working to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

Working to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

Molokai is a strong, tight-knit community with close family and neighborhood ties. However, issues such as child sexual abuse are often avoided in conversation and swept under the rug for fear of damaging those relationships, according to a statewide study conducted in 2011.

“About sexual abuse, there are generations of it [on Molokai],” said an anonymous participant in the study lead by the University of Hawaii School of Social Work. “Everyone knows but no one talks about it cause it is a small community.”

Yet Molokai women broke the silence last Wednesday at the first women’s group meeting to address child sexual abuse on the island.…

Ozone in Medicine

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Sheila Mohammed, MD, PhD

Ozone is a form of oxygen which possesses unique properties which are applied to clinical practice. It contains a large excess of energy which manifests bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal actions which make it a treatment of choice in certain conditions. During the First World War, ozone’s bactericidal properties were used to treat infected wounds, mustard gas burns and fistulas. Today, medical ozone generators deliver the purest ozone-oxygen mixtures in precise dosages. Ozone must be freshly generated for immediate use at the treatment site.

Contraindications to ozone treatment include acute alcohol intoxication, recent myocardial infarction, hemorrhage from any organ, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, thrombocytopenia and ozone allergy.…