
Link Between Oral and Overall Health

Friday, August 8th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Jon Mikami, RPh, and Kelly S. M. Go, RPh, Molokai Drugs, Inc.

The health of your mouth may mirror your overall health. What’s the link? Good dental care helps prevent a buildup of bacteria and inflammation from gum disease. And that may help protect other parts of your body. Researchers need to conduct more studies to confirm the possible links, but evidence is growing.

Research suggests that heart disease and stroke may be linked to bacteria in your mouth. For example, a recent worldwide trial of nearly 16,000 people showed a strong link between oral health and heart health risk factors in people with chronic heart disease.…

Teatime in the Garden

Wednesday, August 6th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Simon Mendes

This past school year as a Food Corp service member at Sust`ainable Molokai, I visited weekly with Kumu Teddy Sotello’s second grade class at Maunaloa Elementary. On a typical class day, I led students outside to their small, designer 4-by-4-foot “tea garden” bed—constructed at the beginning of the year—where we’d harvest a couple of pieces of mint and lemongrass. We often discussed how herbs like mint and lemongrass can be used in different kinds of teas, similar to how raspberry leaf tea is appreciated for its unique flavor and health benefits. I collected the harvest, poured over hot water, and we’d wait for tea to brew.…

Molokai Fitness: Workout and Nutrition

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014

Community Contributed

 By Ayda Ersoy

Do you workout to lose weight? If the answer is yes, then unfortunately you are wrong! Let me explain why. It’s great if you go to the gym to do your workout. Maybe you’re even doing intense training, or perhaps you’re just walking outdoors or doing yoga or hula. That’s great, and I love it! That said, when you make exercise a part of your routine, the right gear can make a huge difference in how you feel and how effective your workouts can be. Whether you’re lifting weights, attending a fitness class, or stretching after a long day, your clothes should provide comfort and support, allowing you to move freely and perform at your best.…

MHS HOSA Team Earns National Recognition  

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

MHS HOSA Team Earns National Recognition   

Community Contributed

By John Van Ornum

Six students, one advisor and one chaperone from Molokai High School (MHS) traveled to Orlando, Florida on June 22 to compete in Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) national competition. The team of Oceana Madani, Marissa Motas, and Luke Kikukawa earned second in the nation for their PSA presentation on Child Hunger. This achievement places Molokai students in the national spotlight and shows that hard work does pay.

The win was offset by the burden of traveling eighteen hours and crossing four time zones to reach their destination. Molokai competitors face challenges that other islands and states do not in terms of cost and travel time. …

Grassroots Concert Raises Money and Awareness

Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

In a world full of fast-food, imported groceries and processed snacks, a Molokai organization is combating the food norm to promote eating local.

The concept of eating and buying local can be daunting but that hasn’t stopped The MOM Hui—and its grassroots network of like-minded advocates, farmers, vendors and ohana—from promoting sustainability, a healthy environment and a conscious lifestyle.

Hundreds of attendees gathered under a star-lit sky last Saturday to promote this vision at Duke Maliu Park for the second annual Grassroots Benefit Concert organized by The MOM Hui.

“I want the community to be conscious of the impact we can have on our environment through the choices we make, the food we eat, the way we decide to grow our food and how we take care of this environment,” said MOM Hui founder Mercy Ritte.…

Molokai Fitness: Calorie Intake

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

Community Contributed

By Ayda Ersoy

Do you know what’s more important — how many calories you take, or how much nutritional food you are eating each day?

Actually if you start to listen to your body, it will tell you the answer. Your body will tell you which food is good for you and which is not. Think about it: if you eat junk food or processed food, your body has to work so hard to digest it that after you eat you’ll feel low energy, sleepy and bloated.

Are you giving enough attention to what you’re eating? When you eat healthy, fresh, real food, you’ll feel much higher energy.…

Sharing Lomi Aloha

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

Sharing Lomi Aloha

The Molokai residents who visited the shaded grounds by Keawanui Fishpond last weekend likely left more relaxed than they arrived. That’s because 15 licensed lomi lomi massage therapists and apprentices performed more than 125 hours of Hawaiian massage treatments free of charge to about 100 community members Friday and Saturday.

Under the breezy shade of blooming tress and the soothing sound of buzzing bees, dozens of Molokai community members were treated to 50-minute treatments. The healing massage therapy was made possible by Ho`omana Spa Maui, which facilitated the visit of the therapists.

“We’re all here to aloha everyone and part of the lomi lifestyle is about giving back,” said Jeana Iwalani Naluai, spa owner and international instructor of lomi lomi massage.…

New Health Director Vows to Serve Kalaupapa

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

New Health Director Vows to Serve Kalaupapa

For the first time as the state’s new Department of Health (DOH) Director, Dr. Linda Rosen visited the Kalaupapa settlement last week and was warmly welcomed by residents.

“I want to tell you all how delighted I am to be here, what a privilege it is to be the director, especially because of the special role that the director plays for the community of Kalaupapa,” Rosen told patients and employees at a community meeting in the settlement. “I’m very lucky that the governor appointed me. I… thank [Kalaupapa] for welcoming me so graciously. I look forward to helping in any way that I can.”…

Molokai Lomi Treatments

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

Ho`omana Spa Maui News Release

Molokai residents will have an opportunity for healing through lomi lomi massage and other 광주출장안마 techniques June 27 and 28, when a group of licensed therapists will be offering free treatments on island.

Ho’omana Spa Maui in Upcountry Maui is sponsoring 15 therapists led by Jeana Iwalani Naluai, Spa Owner and International Instructor of Lomi Lomi Massage and Hawaiian Spiritual Teachings to Molokai. The Ho`omana team of licensed therapists and lomi lomi apprentices will be offering more than 125 hours of free Hawaiian massage treatments to local residents and Molokai kupuna. This is a dream come true that began more than two years ago when Justin Kekiwi, a student raised in Molokai, was awarded Ho`omana Spa Maui’s Native Hawaiian Scholarship to attend their year-long training to obtain his Hawaii massage license.…

Tips from the Vet for Your Pet: Leptospirosis

Friday, June 20th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Stewart Morgan, Ph.D., D.V.M.

Leptospirosis is a disease that can make both people and their pets sick and can result in death. It is found worldwide and is present on Molokai. Leptospirosis is spread by a bacterium (species of bacteria) that infects animal kidneys. The bacterium is released in the urine of infected animals. People and most common pet and farm animal species can catch this disease; cats are one species that is resistant to leptospirosis.

Animals and people can become infected with the disease through cuts in their skin, or through oral (mouth) or venereal (sexual) contact.…