
Molokai Fitness: My Secret Diet?

Thursday, February 12th, 2015

Community Contributed

By Ayda Ersoy

I keep hearing that everyone all over Molokai is trying the 21-Day diet. Awesome! That means you are already aware that you need to change something, and you are trying hard. Is 21 days the magical number that you need to create a new eating habit? Enough people keep saying this, so of course, everyone is starting to believe.

Let’s look a little at how changing habits really works. In the 1960s, a plastic surgeon named Maxwell Maltz did research, and noticed on himself, that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. His book Psycho Cybernetics went on to sell 30 million copies!…

Molokai Fitness: Makahiki Time!

Friday, January 30th, 2015

Community Contributed

By Ayda Ersoy

Makahiki is the ancient Hawaiian festival in honor of the god Lono. I love the Makahiki season – nowadays, it means fun games, seeing everyone, watching the kids’ happy faces. And food!

We definitely need to support everyone who cooks all the food for the festival. Mahalo!
Here are some tips for the Makahiki, or any time you go out to a party or a meal, on how you can still eat healthily and at the same time have fun.

First, make sure you eat well before you go, so you’re not so hungry. When you get there, everything looks and smells delicious; there’s food all around you and everyone else is eating.…

HOSA Students Volunteer at Bike Race  

Friday, January 30th, 2015

Molokai HOSA News Release

Molokai High School’s Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Club helped stage Kualapu`u School’s inaugural Molokai Metric event last weekend by providing trained First Aid/CPR responders at each of the six aid stations on the 100-K course. Aid stations extended east from Hotel Molokai to Morris Point and back, then west to Kualapu`u, Airport Loop, and return — a total of 62 miles of road.

Luke Kikukawa served as the HOSA Club volunteer recruiter and trainer.  After using a account to finance his own CPR/ First Aid Trainer Certification on Oahu, Luke returned to Molokai to provide CPR/First Aid training to the following current and former HOSA club members:  Rainbow Kee, Oceana Madani, Sabrina Curtis, Kahale Ramos, Grayson Aldridge, Tanner Mosher, Geisha Nunez and Misty Parker.…

Lions Roar: Vision Van

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

Molokai Lions Club News Release

Happy New Year from the Molokai Lions Club to the community on Molokai. Thank you for your continued support of our events and projects that are specifically designed to enhance and sometimes even amuse the residents of Molokai.

Sight is the main mission of the Lions Club both on Molokai, in Hawaii and internationally. We in the Molokai Lions Club try very hard to do our part in bringing sight related services to the community. The Project Vision Van’s Big Bus will be on island Feb. 5-10 to do retina eye screening for adults. This service is especially beneficial to those afflicted with diabetes.…

Improve Your Cholesterol Levels

Friday, January 9th, 2015

Community Contributed

By Jon Mikami, RPh, and Kelly Go, RPh, Molokai Drugs, Inc.

Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance in your blood. It increases your chance of heart disease, stroke and other problems. Many things may put you at risk for high cholesterol. You can’t control some of these risks such as your age, gender, or family history. Fortunately, the list of things you can control is longer; it includes your weight, diet, exercise, blood sugar and smoking.

Maybe you’ve put on a few pounds in the last couple of years. Or your 2014 New Year’s resolutions were short-lived, making that Na Pu`uwai gym membership a bit of a waste.…

Treating Pain and Injuries with Cold or Heat

Wednesday, December 24th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Jennifer Smith, Physical Therapist, Pakolea Rehab

If you’ve ever had an injury and wondered whether to apply cold or heat, you’re not alone – it’s a common uncertainty. Applying the incorrect agent can be more irritating than relieving.  In general, ice is used on recent injuries and heat is used for more long standing injures once the inflammation has subsided. However, accidents can sometimes lead to severe injuries where seeking proper legal advice becomes crucial. In such cases, head over to the BeachInjuryLawyers homepage for expert assistance. Injured in a car crash in Southfield, MI? This car accident attorney Michigan
from Mike Morse Injury Law Firm can help you file a claim to seek compensation.…

Molokai Fitness: Why Do You Exercise?

Friday, November 21st, 2014

Community Contributed

By Ayda Ersoy

Exercise has so many health benefits — it can improve your posture, decrease stress, help you sleep better, improve your memory, you’ll have more energy, live longer and be happier. Sounds pretty good, right?

But many people exercise just to lose weight. That should not be your main reason to exercise. Yes, if you burn more calories in one day than you consume then eventually you will lose weight. But in reality, most people do not achieve and sustain weight loss just through exercise, no matter what they try.

So do you want to lose weight temporarily?…

Molokai Fitness: Why Are We Getting Overweight?

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Ayda Ersoy

Do we get fat because we overeat? Or do we overeat because our fat tissue and our genetics effect our body and cause it to accumulate excess fat? Actually both are true to some extent.  Remember that anything that you eat that’s beyond your immediate need for energy creates new body fat.

A study by Colorado University showed that one third of all women and one quarter of all men in the U.S. are on a diet right now! I could tell you endless reasons why we struggle with our weight, and why being overweight is connected with so many other health problems, but here are a few of them: Increased portion size of restaurant food and grocery products; Mislabeling on the packaged food; Artificial sweeteners; Soft drinks; Consuming many more calories than we need; Sedentary lifestyle; Increased intake of processed food; Increased sugar intake; Using food for our emotional needs, or giving it as a “gift” to our kids; We are not paying attention to our bodies actual need for food.…

Continuing Quest in Sexual Violence Prevention

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

Consuelo Foundation, Molokai News Release

The Consuelo Team of Molokai continues to do primary education on the prevention of sexual violence with an emphasis on prevention of child sexual abuse.  In September, we had a two-day training session with the Sexual Abuse Treatment Center facilitated by the Education Coordinator HaeOk Miller.  In lieu of our training, women from different on-island agencies were invited to have lunch on Sept. 5 with HaeOk.  The discussion included on how we all can collaborate as a community to protect our children against this prevalent but quiet issue.

On Oct. 16, Dr. Barry Coyne, state prison psychologist, had an opportunity to meet with both on-island agencies and community members discussing what happens to “sex offenders” and how they are rehabilitated back into the community. …

Molokai Fitness: Behavior Change

Wednesday, October 29th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Ayda Ersoy

Why do we create habits? If something feels good, then most likely we will do it again and again, even if it is not really doing us good. But our body starts automatically doing it, without thinking about it. Our body takes control over our mind.

And why then is it so hard when we try to break our habits? Because a change, or a new habit, feels uncomfortable, unfamiliar. We are trying to change ourselves without changing the way we think. We can’t change the way we feel, or what we do, if we don’t first change the way we think.…