
Preventing Falls as You Grow Older

Friday, April 3rd, 2015

Community Contributed

By Jon Mikami, RPh, and Kelly Go, RPh, Molokai Drugs, Inc.

Whether it simply bruises your ego or breaks a bone, taking a fall is no fun. Each year, one in three seniors 65 and older experiences a fall—a number that has grown in recent years. For people in this age group, falling is the leading cause of injury and injury-related deaths.

Whether due to concerns about independence or worrying others, however, fewer than half these people tell the doctor about their falls. But that could add insult to injury because one fall may lead to another fall.

Don’t keep it a secret.…

Metaphysical Teaching Comes to Molokai

Friday, April 3rd, 2015

Community Contributed

By Joan Gattuso

Last year my husband and I moved to Molokai fulltime, after visiting this wonderful island for 25 years.  As a successful and respected metaphysical leader for decades on the mainland, I have decided it is time to share my teaching here beginning April 20.

When I was a young woman, I was faithful to a traditional church which taught from firm doctrine.  But when I was told I could not question that doctrine, I left the only church I had ever known and, through a fortuitous set of circumstances, joined a church called Unity.  What I discovered there was that questions were not only OK, they were encouraged.…

Warming Laps and Hearts

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

Warming Laps and Hearts

A group of kupuna received a cozy gift last week when members of the Molokai Museum Handcrafters Guild presented them with colorful, handmade quilts.

Wilma Pratt, who founded the guild in 2008, said the eight members gather to quilt and create crafts together once a month. It took them about a year to sew about a dozen lap quilts, and Pratt said they decided to donate the finished products to the kupuna at Na Pu`uwai’s Senior Day Care Center, a program that offers care and activities for the elderly.

Their warm and colorful gifts brought smiles and words of gratitude last week.…

Health Center Begins CEO Search

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

The Molokai Community Health Center (MCHC) is in search of new leadership.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Desiree Puhi stepped down last Friday after seven years at MCHC, leaving for “a mellower part-time job” and to take care of her father.

“I am happy to pass the baton and let the younger generation build the future,” said Puhi. “I believe all nonprofit CEOs should leave after five to ten years to infuse new ideas and energy into the company.”

In the meantime, MCHC’s Board of Directors has chosen Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Andrea Trenner to fill in as interim CEO of the organization, which opened in 2003 and offers multiple healthcare services, including medical, dental and behavioral health.…

Molokai Fitness: Ready for Paddling Season?

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

Community Contributed

By Ayda Ersoy

Do you know how you can improve your endurance? Yes, you need to do cardio. But more than that – you need to work on your core, your lower back and especially you need to stretch your spine and improve your strength. If you’re a paddler already or want to get started, here are some ideas to get ready for the season. If not, these are also helpful suggestions for getting back in shape.

First you need a plan, and you need to write it down. Why? This will keep you motivated, and you’ll be able to see how you improve after each training. …

New Leadership for Group Home

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

ARC of Maui County News Release

The ARC of Maui County Board of Directors is pleased to announce Robert Lane as the organization’s new Chief Executive Officer.  He joins ARC with a vast knowledge of the developmental disabilities community with experience ranging from Executive Director for Special Need Camps to Administrator of a 64 bed ICF/IDD facility in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Rob joins ARC at an exciting time with the recent licensing from the State Department of Health for our newest group home on Molokai.  This five bedroom home is the first state licensed domiciliary home on the island.  Residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities will receive 24-hour support from staff who are trained to meet the needs of each individual resident. …

Urgent Care Comes to MCHC

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

Urgent Care Comes to MCHC

The Molokai Community Health Center (MCHC) has added services that they hope will lower patients’ healthcare costs and reserve the island’s only emergency room for more acute patients. On March 1, the health center began a one-year pilot program that offers urgent care-like services to the community.

Since MCHC doesn’t have an official urgent care designation, they will offer “urgent care-like” services and will consider getting an official certification if the program does well.

“Urgent care is a little bit above primary care, which is what most walk-in clinics do, and a lot below the emergency room,” said Dr. Christina Economos, MCHC’s medical director.…

Dementia Education Workshop

Friday, February 27th, 2015

Na Pu`uwai News Release

On Wednesday, March 11, Na Pu`uwai Senior Enrichment Center Adult Day Care (ADC) will be sponsoring a workshop for family Caregivers and paraprofessional Nurse Aides who do in-home and respite care focusing on dementia and the effect of this disease on their loved ones. Dr. Michael Cheang, University of Hawaii Gerontologist, and Ms. Daria Gray, a speech-language therapist based in Oregon, will be discussing dementia and effective tools to help cope with this disease and how to support their loved ones who are afflicted with dementia.

Join us at Kulana `Oiwi in the old Alu Like Room. …

Preventing Child Sex Abuse

Friday, February 27th, 2015

Consuelo Foundation Molokai News Release

One out of four girls, and one out of five boys are sexually abused.  Research suggests primary prevention education can increase your child’s ability to self-protect, report, and seek help..

In partnership with the Hawaii Sexual Abuse Treatment Center (SATC), Consuelo Foundation’s Molokai Child Abuse Prevention Pathway (MCAPP) currently offers a series of lessons at a few Molokai schools on personal safety, respecting boundaries, recognizing unsafe situations and getting help.

Call us at 660-2619 for more information about primary prevention education for your child.…

Suicide Prevention Tip of the Month

Friday, February 20th, 2015

Community Contributed

By SPAM Youth

A person who is thinking of suicide may not ask for help, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want it. Most people don’t want to die, harm themselves or others, they just want to stop hurting! Remember the hardest step to take is to ask for help.  If you or someone you know is hurting themselves, go get help.

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or visit

This message is brought to you by the Youth of Suicide Preventers Around Molokai (SPAM). We are a youth led group sponsored by Hawaii’s Caring Community Initiative under the Molokai Community Health Center.…