
County Emergency Rules Mandate Staying at Home

Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

County of Maui News Release

Mayor Michael Victorino announced a “stay at home and work from home” amendment to the Public Health Emergency Rules in an effort to fight the spread of COVID-19.

The amendment is effective at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, March 25. The new order will be in effect until April 30.

“The health and safety of our community has always been my top priority and I believe we need
to take bold actions if we are to stop the spread of this virus,” Mayor Victorino said. “I am ordering all our residents to stay at home and our visitors to stay in their rooms as much as possible.…

Lessons from Covid-19

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

Watching the Administration floundering like a fish out of water in the Covid-19 pandemic teaches Molokai a great lesson.

The Administration of the U.S. lags way behind the rest of the world in responding to the threat. Why is this? How can a nation that claims intellectual, economic, technological, and moral world supremacy fail to greet the pandemic with at least meaningful testing ?

This has happened largely because of the Administration’s refusal to recognize the significance of Covid-19. The news is still full of fools ranting against the Left for discussing the matter. It has even been suggested that Democrats and Liberals are intentionally damaging the economy by publicizing the issue.…

Keep School Grounds Clean

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

We need your help. Please malama our school, Kaunakakai Elementary. We realize that there are many sport events close to our school and that there is no other playground in town. However, Kaunakakai School is actually not a public park and you are loitering if you are on our campus. If you do find yourself on our school grounds after school hours, please remember that children and teachers may still be working on campus, even on the weekends. The parking lots are part of the Department of Education property and therefore, there is no smoking or drinking alcohol permitted anywhere on the property at any time.…

Molokai COVID-19 Meeting Live Streamed Wednesday

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

County of Maui News Release

Mayor Michael Victorino will be hosting a live stream meeting online to update Molokai residents on COVID-19 on Wednesday, March 18 at 2 p.m. The Mayor previously announced holding in-person meetings but canceled them to hold virtual meetings instead.

Mayor Victorino will be joined by Dr. Lorrin Pang from the Maui District Health Office. An announcement on where residents can watch the live stream will be provided as soon as possible. [Editor’s note: As of press deadline Sunday, this info was not yet available; check The Molokai Dispatch Facebook page for updates.]

General information and resources on COVID-19 (coronavirus) can be found on the County of Maui’s website at…

Molokai COVID-19 Update Livestream Friday

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

Molokai COVID-19 Update Livestream Friday

County of Maui News Release

The County of Maui will be providing COVID-19 updates to Molokai and Lanai residents on Friday via a live stream on Akaku Channel 53 and the County of Maui Facebook page.

Mayor Michael Victorino will be joined by Dr. Lorrin Pang from the Maui District Health Office to talk about the coronavirus and answer questions from the public. Questions pertaining to Molokai and Lanai residents can be emailed to or asked on Facebook during the stream.

Previously planned for Wednesday, the stream has been rescheduled to 2 p.m. on Friday, March 20.

General information and resources on COVID-19 (coronavirus) can be found on the County of Maui’s website at

The Molokai Dispatch Office Temporarily Closed

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

The Molokai Dispatch News Release

To encourage social distancing recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure the health of our staff, we’ve made the decision to close The Molokai Dispatch and Copy Center office temporarily starting Thursday, March 19. Don’t worry, our staff will still be working hard remotely to produce our island’s newspaper, which will continue to be distributed weekly. To place an ad in the paper, please email To submit articles, releases, letters, announcements or events for the calendar, please email

We know many of you have come to reply on our Copy Center for your printing needs and we apologize for any inconvenience during this time.…

Mayor Announces Emergency Rules for Maui County

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

County of Maui News Release

Mayor Michael Victorino announced a number of Public Health Emergency Rules effective as of 7:45 a.m. Friday, March 20, 2020, directed toward limiting the gathering of groups of people and curtailing vehicular transportation except for essential activities or operation of essential business or government functions, such as travel to and from work and medical appointments.

 “We need to take dramatic action to limit the spread of this infectious virus,” Mayor Victorino said. “We cannot do this alone, so we’re asking our community to follow these rules and look out for one another as we face this unprecedented crisis.”…

Molokai Community Health Center COVID-19 Response

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

MCHC News Release

Molokai Community Health Center is announcing several updates to the operations of their facility in response to the COVID-19 outbreak including Medical, Dental, Behavioral Health, WIC and Ka Hana Pono programs and services, effective immediately.


1 visitor per patient is welcome Children under 12 years old are not allowed unless receiving care as a patient


Hours of operation for the Acute Care Treatment (ACT) Clinic: Monday thru Friday – 8:00 am to 11:00 am and 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

MCHC is an active COVID-19 testing site. Testing is administered via our onsite Acute Care Treatment (ACT) Clinic.…

Molokai General Hospital COVID-19 Protocols

Sunday, March 15th, 2020

Molokai General Hospital News Release

Molokai General Hospital has been working hard to keep on top of the ever-changing advisories and protocol related to the Covid-19 virus.  We want to assure you that we are able to provide testing to those needing testing and care to those who need care.  We have adequate supplies and medicines to handle patients presenting to our clinic or emergency department.

We have been preparing to continue offering excellent health care to our community. There have been many rumors circulating. Here are the facts:

There are currently no known cases of Covid-19 on Molokai. The hospital has not been on lock-down No one was being held in isolation We have a yellow emergency tent and it may be used to offer additional screening areas if needed.…

Concerns Rise Over Community Health Center

Saturday, October 26th, 2019

Frustrations over staff shortages, concerns about a medical clinic closure in August and what has been called “gross mismanagement” by organization leadership have left a path of broken trust in Molokai’s federally funded Community Health Center. Tensions have recently come to a head, and many community members and politicians are calling for the resignation of Health Center leadership.

Patients and family members have recounted how a clinic closure for four days on Aug. 22, 23, 26 and 27, as well as failures to refill prescriptions, make timely appointments and other issues with the Health Center have left them and their families in challenging or potentially life threatening situations.…