
Hawaii Beaches Closed

Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

DLNR News Release

Governor David Ige issued a Fifth Supplementary Proclamation to his Emergency Rules. This one includes limitations on activities outside homes or places of residence and closes all beaches on Molokai and statewide. It became clear that many people are continuing to access beaches, waters, and trails for social and recreational activities without proper social distancing during the COVID-19 crisis. Such activity contributes to the risk of spread of coronavirus across the state.

Under these new rules, all beaches are closed, which means no sitting, standing, lying down, lounging, sunbathing, or loitering on beaches and sandbars. People can still cross beaches to access the ocean for outdoor exercise like surfing, solo paddling and swimming as long as social distances are maintained.…

National Guard Assists on Molokai

Monday, April 20th, 2020

National Guard Assists on Molokai

Last week, seven members of the Hawaii National Guard arrived on Molokai to perform thermal screenings at the airport and assist the Maui Police Department during the COVID-19 pandemic. The guardsmen are unarmed and “all local boys just trying to serve their community,” said Staff Sgt. Laurence Kimoha’e Puailihau, Jr., who is from Molokai and now lives on Oahu with his family.

Puailihau joined Councilwoman and Molokai High classmate Keani Rawlins-Fernandez in a virtual talk story last weekend to answer questions and clear up “the uncertainty and anxiety that people feel when they hear the National Guard is coming,” said Rawlins-Fernandez.…

Ualapue Shaft Tested Positive for E. Coli

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

County of Maui News Release

The Maui Department of Water Supply detected E. coli bacteria in the Ualapue Shaft on Molokai on April 7, in a water sample collected the previous day. E. coli testing takes 18 hours to complete. It is important for residents to note that this detection was in the shaft itself and not in the water source.

A resampling of water from the Ualapue Shaft the following day, April 8, was confirmed to meet federal Environmental Protection Agency and state Department of Health water quality standards. It did not contain any traces of E. coli contamination.

The water in the Ualapue system remains safe to drink, because it has been disinfected, and no E.…

Produce Distributed to Residents in Need

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

Produce Distributed to Residents in Need

Molokai Chamber of Commerce News Release

On Friday, April 10, with generous financial donations from our business community, the Support Molokai Initiative was able to purchase produce from Valley Isle Produce and have it flown on Mokulele Airlines and Kamaka Air to Molokai. It will be distributed to our kupuna and needy families by the Molokai Homestead Farmers Alliance and community volunteers.

The Support Molokai Initiative is a partnership between the Molokai Chamber of Commerce, Representative Lynn DeCoite, Molokai Community Federal Credit Union, Molokai Homestead Farmers Alliance, Molokai Farm Bureau, Bayer Hawaii and other volunteers to help our community through the COVID-19 pandemic with various relief efforts.…

Mokulele Grocery Delivery

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

Mokulele Airlines News Release

Last week, Mokulele Airlines announced it would that it would offer free grocery delivery to Molokai and Kalaupapa in response to a temporary closure of one of the island’s two main grocery stores. Some store employees there reportedly tested positive for COVID-19. The offer for free shipping is good for up to 50 pounds of groceries per customer and is valid for the rest of the April.
Later in the week, Mokulele expanded its Grocery Airlift to include flights to Lanai, Hana, and Waimea starting last Friday morning and lasting until the end of the month.

Friendly Market on Molokai has announced that it will be closed until April 20, with all employees currently in self-quarantine.…

In the Quiet of These Hours

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

It’s not too late to start a garden
it’s not too late to plant some trees
it’s not too late for solar power
or water catchment, or keeping bees.

It’s not too late to think of others
it’s not too late to learn to cook
it’s not too late to learn a language
or read, or even write a book.

It’s not too late unless we give up
it’s not too late to turn around
in the quiet of these hours
can be where tomorrow’s found.

Are you happy and contented
with this world that you can see
if you’re not then switch the power
walk outside and plant a tree.…

Virus and the Human Race

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

Coronavirus is a disease of nature and has no favorite culture, color of our skin, or material things we have. Hate and blaming are human virus diseases. We need to heal, cure these bad diseases by moving forward and doing our very best to improve life for all and the generations to follow.

There’s no such thing as a perfect life, but our mission, reason and purpose for life is to look to the future and make it better.

Look what happened with our daily life! None of us ever thought something like this coronavirus disease would happen, especially on Molokai.…

Online Hawaiian Cultural Lessons

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

Online Hawaiian Cultural Lessons

Ka Hale Hoaka News Release

Parents seeking to transform “shelter-in-place” into a cultural learning adventure will be happy to discover Ka Hale Hoaka, taught by Molokai’s Maile Naehu. This new learning environment offers lessons in Hawaiian language and culture designed for students aged 5 through 11. Learners of all ages, ethnic backgrounds and places of residence are warmly welcomed. Although the introductory course began on March 31, registration remains open for the remainder of the free Introductory Series, held online at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays through April 16. Register at or visit Ka Hale Hoaka on Facebook for details.…

How To Tell A Conference

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

By Father Pat Killilea, St. Francis Church, Kalaupapa

I played around the monitor screen with my mouse and fiddled and diddled until I heard a voice, a familiar voice, the voice of Bishop Larry. Then the video screen began to fill up with the priests of our Vicariate. I had reached the advertised Get To Meeting and there was Bishop Larry speaking to his priests by teleconference on the subject of COVID-19 and its consequences. I continued to fiddle and diddle like I was blind until I heard the bishop tell the group that Pat Killilea was on audio. I had unintentionally requested to speak and now I was on the spot.…

Focused on Food: Residents adapt to new grocery routines

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

Focused on Food: Residents adapt to new grocery routines

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

As Molokai residents struggle to settle into routines of a new normal amid stay at home orders, shopping for food has proven a challenging task for many on the island. With Friendly Market’s continued closure anticipated until April 20, and the other main stores limiting customers to placing orders for curbside pickup, lines for food have been hours long.

Many residents reported attempting to reach Misaki’s two phone order lines hundreds of times. Car lines for shopping at Kualapu’u Market often extended to Molokai High School. Both stores have limited the amount of items each customer can purchase.…