
Senior Reflection

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

By Ayla-Rose Naehu-Ramos

Closure is a luxury we, as seniors in the class of 2020, couldn’t indulge in. We spent 13 years, some of us more than that, waiting for the day we graduate, dreaming of the magical wonders of senior year: when you’re the top dog and nothing can touch you and you are infinitely young and free. A golden year.

We never got to finish it.

Many of us underestimated the sheer weight that COVID-19 would incur as it developed. I, myself, hadn’t foreseen the amount of changes our lives would undergo in such a short amount of time.…

Fall Canoe Races Cancelled

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

OHCRA News Release

The spirit of aloha continues to permeate our Hawaii communities as we champion making difficult decisions to support one another and care for the safety and health of our people and visitors. Many have had their lives change overnight and businesses, as well as individuals, continue to feel these effects as we transition into the next phase of our statewide COVID-19 response efforts.

As our state has been tremendously impacted by the global reach of this pandemic, the Board of the Oahu Hawaiian Canoe Racing Association (OHCRA) together with the organizing committee of Na Wahine O Ke Kai, regretfully announce the decision to cancel this year’s championship canoe races — Hawaiian Airlines Na Wahine O Ke Kai, scheduled for Sept.…

Class of 2020 Celebrates Unconventional Graduation

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

Class of 2020 Celebrates Unconventional Graduation

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

When this year’s Molokai High School senior class left for spring break, they had no idea they’d never have a class on the Molokai High campus again, get to have a traditional graduation ceremony in the Barn, or even hug each other after receiving their diplomas. But after the COVID-19 pandemic changed everything, they became the first class to ever be handed their diplomas at arm’s length in front of the school steps as their families looked on from their vehicles.

“As a class we won’t be able to experience what it would be like to have a traditional graduation in the Barn,” said class president and salutatorian Kayla DeRouin in her speech.…

Malama Meals Shut Down, Interisland Travel Considered

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Hundreds of families on Molokai benefitted from Malama Meals, a program that delivered more than 1000 precooked home-style dinners to Molokai residents three times a week, free of charge. The Oahu-based program was shut down last week by the state Dept. of Health (DOH) for violations, however.

“The operation had multiple food safety issues as it prepared and packaged hot meals on Oahu and shipped them to the neighbor islands without proper temperature controls,” said Peter Oshiro, chief of the DOH Food Safety Branch. “Without proper controls, the risk of an outbreak of food illness is high and could have a devastating impact especially on those who are elderly and have underlying conditions.”…

Second Phase of Reopening Parks

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

County of Maui News Release

Additional County parks and beach parks reopened on Saturday, May 16, Mayor Michael Victorino announced. The reopening of parks facilities includes select tennis and pickleball courts. Players of both tennis and pickleball may invest in essentials and equipment such as rackets, paddles, tennis and pickleball scoreboards, etc., to improve their plays. County parks and beach parks will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

“Many of these parks are neighborhood parks, which give our families more options for exercise near home,” Mayor Victorino said. “Although we encourage everyone to stay active and use these facilities, we want to stress the importance of social distancing and good hygiene.…

The Historical Trauma of Infection

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

By Dr. Landon Opunui, ND

The island of Molokai has a long-standing history with infectious diseases. Molokai is known around the world for Kalaupapa’s history and the enduring spirit of all those affected by Hansen’s disease. Although our current pandemic is caused by a virus as opposed to a bacterial microorganism, there are parallels that bridge this infectious disease’s past with the present.

The first wave of imported diseases came to Hawaii with Capt. James Cook in 1778 when his sailors introduced tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases. About a quarter century later, the first recorded epidemic occurred in 1804 when the cholera outbreak known as maʻi okuʻu killed more than 15,000.…

Food Packages

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

On April 17 and May 1, the Molokai Youth Center/MCSC and Maui Food Bank provided food packages to the community. We’d like to send a mahalo to those who volunteered their time: Aunty Honey Girl English, Ekolu Ah Yee, Ui’lani Smith, Sybil Lopez, Ashlynn Kaulili, Shae Pualihau, Whitnelle Phifer, Gwendolyn Dudoit and MCSC staff, Karen Holt, Katie Juario, Shaye Lauifi, Lilinoe Bush, Kalola Kaulili, Ali Kaina and daughters, Rose Pettigrew, Ashleigh Dudoit-Polido, Darlynne Mollena. For the generous donations, Kualapu’u Ranch donated two cows that provided 5 pounds of hamburger packages, Molokai Livestock, Josh and Harmonee Pastrana, Mike and Nani Kahinu, and other generous supporters.…

More Molokai Farmers Awarded Grants

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

HDOA News Release

The Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) will be issuing a second round of grants totaling an additional $200,000 under the COVID-19 Emergency Farmer Relief Program to assist farmers, ranchers and growers who have experienced financial damage. In this second round, 96 grants were issued ranging between $2,000 and $4,000 each and will provide stop-gap financial relief to help agribusinesses during the COVID-19 crisis, including seven grants on Molokai. The funds may be used to help utilize an oversupply of agricultural products resulting from decreased demand due to closures of restaurants, schools and other businesses.

Last month, HDOA issued 106 grants totaling $270,000, of which $250,000 came from the State’s barrel tax fund (Agriculture Development and Food Security Special Fund) and made available through Gov.…

First phase of DMV Reopening

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

County of Maui News Release

The first phase of reopening of its Division of Motor Vehicle and Licensing offices for limited walk-in services beginning Monday, May 18. All DMVL locations will be open for limited services from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“This is a step forward in offering in-person customer services to residents,” Mayor Michael Victorino said. “However, operations will be modified to ensure the safety of both customers and employees.”

Social distancing rules must be followed, including wearing face coverings.

From Monday, May 18, to Friday, May 22, DMVL will be open for the following renewals:

• Driver license and permit renewals – ONLY if it expired prior to March 16, 2020.…

County Budget First Reading Now May 26

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Maui County Council News Release

To allow for the inclusion of additional funding from the state and federal government, first reading of Maui County’s fiscal year 2021 budget has been moved to May 26, Council Chair Alice L. Lee announced.

The budget was initially set to be heard on May 22, Lee said. The delay will allow the council to consider appropriating more than $66 million from Coronavirus Relief Fund, approved by Congress in the CARES Act, and additional money in transient accommodations tax revenue, she said.

“With the help of our partners at the state Legislature, we will be able to receive and appropriate tens of millions of dollars in additional revenue,” Lee said.…