
First-Ever Online Robotics Class on Molokai

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

First-Ever Online Robotics Class on Molokai

By Edwin Mendija

During this challenging time of distance/online learning, a group of 10 Molokai students completed the first-ever online robotics class hosted on Molokai. The pilot program took place over the course of six weeks, where students attended class via Zoom and did assignments emailed to them. In the class, students learned about STEM, robotics, how those two subjects are related, and basic coding/programming of a virtual robot. The class directly ties into and prepares students for VEX IQ Robotics Competition — which every elementary and middle school on-island participates in.

The next offering of this course is set to take place in the months of June and July.…


Thursday, June 4th, 2020

Contrary to the date printed in an ad in the May 27 issue of the Dispatch, Kamehameha Schools drive thru graduation celebration on Molokai will be held on Saturday, June 6 at 12 noon.…

Help with Utility Payments

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

DHS News Release

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides heating and/or cooling assistance to needy Hawaii households by assisting with a one-time payment towards their utility bill (electric or gas) in two ways.

Energy Crisis Intervention (ECI) program assists needy households in crisis, the electric or gas service has been disconnected or will be terminated as the household has been notified via a disconnect notice from utility company. Applications for ECI are accepted year-round, but the amount of approvals each month are limited and fill quickly.

Energy Credit (EC) program assists needy households who are not in crisis but need assistance with bill payment for the heating and cooling of their residence.…

Faithful and Safe Reopening Catholic Churches

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

St. Damien Catholic Church News Release

Masses at the St. Damien church will resume on Tuesday, June 2 at 7 a.m. with the daily mass. The regular mass schedule will be followed with the daily mass on weekdays at 7 a.m. at the St. Damien church in Kaunakakai. Weekend masses are as follows; Saturdays at 6 p.m. at the St. Damien church in Kaunakakai (confessions from 5 to 5:30 p.m.), Sunday mass will be at 7 a.m. at Our Lady of Seven Sorrows in Kaluaaha, 9 a.m. at St. Damien and 11 a.m. at St. Vincent Ferrer in Maunaloa.

The Bishop has extended the dispensation to attend Sunday Mass, through June 30.…

Young Brothers Seeks State Help for Barge ‘Crisis’

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Interisland shipper Young Brothers has declared an “impending cash crisis” and is now seeking help from the state to continue operations, the company announced last week.

YB officials said the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a 30 percent drop in cargo volumes and the company reported losing nearly $8 million through April and projects mounting losses totaling approximately $25 million by the end of the year. In a letter to the state Public Utilities Commission (PUC), YB called its financial situation “extremely dire.”

The company claimed it will no longer receive cash infusions from its parent company as of June 1.…

Honoring the Fallen

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

Honoring the Fallen

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Molokai’s Staff Sgt Kimoha’e Puailihau and fellow National Guardsmen currently deployed on Molokai placed flags at the Ho’olehua Veterans Cemetery on Memorial Day May 25.

The service of the seven members of the Hawaii National Guard has been extended on Molokai, potentially until the end of June, dependent on instructions from Mayor Victorino, said Puailihau.…

Most Businesses and Services Can Reopen

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Most businesses and services on Molokai and around the county are now allowed to reopen. Mayor Michael Victorino announced last week that as of June 1, dine-in restaurants, fitness and recreational facilities, massage therapists and other personal services can accept customers. Officials say social distancing, wearing of masks and sanitation practices must continue, along with health and safety modifications in some cases.

“We are reopening Maui County cautiously and safely,” Victorino said. “While new COVID-19 cases continue to remain low, everyone needs to do their part to follow social distancing and sanitization practices, so we can maintain the good position we’re in today.”…

Molokai Library Bookdrop Open

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

HSPLS News Release

The Hawaii State Public Library System is pleased to announce that all library bookdrops, including Molokai Public Library, are now open to return library materials. The reopening represents the beginning of a phased-in approach to providing library services to support the health and safety of our communities. No book donations will be accepted at this time.

To ensure the health and safety of our staff, all returned items will be placed into quarantine for a minimum of four days before checking those items in. Depending on the date of return, and the location’s hours of operation, it may take a few days for your library account to reflect the return.…

Molokai Canoe Festivals Kulaia 2020 Cancelled

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

By Lori-Lei Rawlins-Crivello, Event Coordinator

It is with great aloha that we share this news. Due to safety and health concerns pertaining to COVID-19 and after serious consideration, the organizers and sponsors of the 2020 Molokai Canoe Festivals Kulaia Event, planned for Friday, Sept. 25, announces that the event will not be held this year. Let this be a period of rest and healing for us all. We feel it’s the right thing to do to ensure the safety of our residents, community and our island home of Molokai. We look forward to a special reunion in 2021. Mahalo nui and Malama pono!…

Green Side of the Grass

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

By Father Pat Killilea

“You can’t be in a hurry, your pace is like a snail.
The highlight of your morning is when you check your mail.
But at least you’re on the green side of the grass.”
Hello out there, ladies and gentlemen of the brewery! If your knees are beginning to creak, and you are beginning to feel your age, and this lockdown has taken the joy out of life, perhaps you might want to listen to this song, “Green side of the grass” by Libby Allen. It seeks to bring a light side to growing old and aging.…