
Catch Lonomusic Online

Wednesday, September 9th, 2020

Lonomusic News Release

We miss you all and hope you are doing well this season. Just putting out a heads up on some of the things that are happening with Lonomusic.

We are doing a live interview with local comedian Andy Bumatai on Thursday, Sept. 10 on YouTube. The show goes from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Hawaii time. We will be on at 4pm. So here is your invite to get caught up with Lonomusic and the things that have been going on with us. So if you are able to, please join us and enter the chatroom with your questions or thoughts.…

Two More COVID Cases Last Week

Wednesday, September 9th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Two more Molokai residents tested positive for COVID-19 last week, bringing the island’s case total to six since the pandemic began. One of the cases was a county Dept. of Public Works employee, prompting testing of about 20 coworkers at the Molokai baseyard, all of which came back negative as of last Wednesday, according to Maui County. Retesting was done for about 10 employees as a precaution, with news of the results not released as of Sunday.

The Department of Public Works was notified of the employee’s positive test last Monday afternoon. That individual went into self-isolation at home and department ordered deep cleaning of the baseyard and vehicles last Tuesday morning, according to a county release.…

$3M More for Small Businesses

Wednesday, September 9th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

If you’re a small business on Molokai hit hard by COVID-19, more funding is now available to support you. A second round of federal funding is allocated to Maui County businesses, totaling $3 million. The first round of funding, also $3 million, brought nearly $96,000 to 19 Molokai businesses, according to Maui County.

The federal CARES Act funds are administered through the Kokua Maui County Small Business Recovery and Relief Fund to help small businesses impacted by COVID-19. Mayor Michael Victorino announced last week the additional $3 million available. The first round of funding awarded 557 grants to businesses in the county.…

MAC Show Approaching

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

MAC News Release

Many of you have experienced lots of “free time” in these past few months due to the stay at home orders. We hope that you have been working on your art entries to submit for the 2020 Molokai Arts Center (MAC) Members Show! Due to the ever-changing government restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, the MAC has had to make several adjustments this year. Following are key dates, however please understand that, should the Mayor or Governor require a lockdown or other changes in restrictions, MAC will have to adjust accordingly. Please bear with us!


Moratorium on Electric Disconnections Extended

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

Hawaiian Electric News Release

Hawaiian Electric service disconnections for nonpayment have been suspended through Dec. 31 for Molokai residents and customers statewide. The company urges customers challenged by the financial impact of COVID-19 to seek utility bill assistance from government and nonprofits, and to set up a payment arrangement plan.

The Public Utilities Commission yesterday ordered utilities to extend through Dec. 31 the moratorium on service disconnections for nonpayment. The company voluntarily suspended its collection efforts in March to ensure customers’ electric service would not be disrupted while many were staying home. The PUC subsequently ordered all utilities to suspend disconnections and Hawaiian Electric has since been following with the commission’s orders and timing for the disconnection moratorium.…

Another Positive Case, Kualapu’u School Closed

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

A second recent COVID-19 case was confirmed last Saturday, bringing the island’s total to four since the pandemic began. Kualapu’u School is closed for five days as a result of a student being exposed.

It was unclear as of Sunday whether the new case was connected to last week’s positive case.

Lydia Trinidad, principal of Kualapu’u School, wrote in a letter to the school community Saturday that at that time, that no students or staff at the school had tested positive.

“In light of the specific information available to us and out of caution, Kualapu’u School campus will be closed for at least five days, beginning Sunday, Aug.…

Virtual Veteran Benefits Counselors

Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

MVCV News Release

Aloha veterans and families, according to the US Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Benefits Counselors have not traveled to Molokai and are now doing virtual interviews. This is due to the COVID -19 cases in the state. To make an appointment, please do the following:
1. Email the Honolulu Public Contact (PC) mailbox at:
2. Call the Honolulu PC office and leave message at (808) 433-0505
3. Include the following info:
a. Your email and phone number
b, First and Last name
c. Reason for contact
For security reasons, do not include social security number in email/phone call.…

Reading Program Makes a Difference in Mana’e

Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

Reading Program Makes a Difference in Mana’e

By Marina Lafaele

During this pandemic, we can all agree that COVID-19 has taken a toll on our state, our community and mainly our keiki who are still adjusting to numerous changes. Some of those changes are hard to adjust to, but with help from a dedicated teacher and inspiring advocate, Cynthia Luafalemana, the best is yet to come.

Mrs. Luafalemana’s efforts align with the collaboration of Gary O. Galiher Foundation and Kilohana Elementary School to preserve the Kilohana Surf Reader Program. This innovative program has been dedicated to the Kilohana Elementary School pre-K to sixth grade students for over 20 years.…

Improving Kupuna Health Through ʻAi Pono

Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

By Dr. Landon Opunui, ND and Miki Wong, RD, Na Pu’uwai

There are multiple social and health disparities Native Hawaiian kupuna face such as high rates of life-threatening diseases, financial hardship, disability, shorter life expectancies and underutilization of services. As a result, it should be no surprise that data suggests the health care needs of Native Hawaiian kupuna far exceed that of their non-Hawaiian counterparts. This leads to health equity problems.

Hawaiian culture emphasizes care for kupuna. However, many adult caregivers are less available to care for their aging loved ones because of competing work and ʻohana responsibilities.

Several studies have reported on the health benefits associated with a return to a precontact Hawaiian diet.…

Our Lives Are Special

Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

Humble, careful conversation. Let’s all support, love, care and use the word aloha to help get rid of this deadly coronavirus disease. Say to yourself, “My life, family, community. All our lives are very valuable and special. I’m going to follow and do the right thing to save all of our lives.”

The beach, the park, is not going to disappear. Alcohol will always be here, but more lives will disappear if we all don’t follow and care. If we go to the beach or the park, be aware what we all supposed to do. Put on your mask, keep your distance.…