
Hawaii Sustainability Plan Update

Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

HI Office of Planning News Release

Molokai residents wanting to participate in the State of Hawaii Office of Planning (OP) Statewide Sustainability Program will be able to do so in a series of virtual statewide Information Sharing Sessions to inform everyone about the Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan (the Plan). The Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan is being updated and revised to serve as the State’s climate and sustainability strategic action plan.

“The people of the State of Hawaii have long understood the challenges of our finite resources and the importance of co-existing with our ʻaina,” said Gov. David Ige. “We are witnessing rising sea levels, temperature rise, and a decrease in precipitation; these climate change hazards require long-term sustainability planning to guide strategic implementation.”…

Keeping Up Appearances

Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

By Father Pat Killilea, St. Francis Church, Kalaupapa

The phone rings. There is a clattering of high heeled shoes on the tile floor. Then a rather high pitch voice is heard saying, “Good afternoon! This is Mrs. Bouquet, mistress of the housing, speaking.” After a slight pause, the voice resumes, “Oh, it’s you Sheridan dear. How nice of you to call your mother.” We are tuning in to the voice of Mrs. Bucket, a lower middle-class housewife who is intent on climbing the ladder of society and wishes to be addressed as Mrs. Bouquet. She is the star of the 1990s British sitcom, “Keeping Up Appearances” and she acts as though she belongs to the upper class of society.…

Join a County Board or Commission

Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

County of Maui News Release

Applicants are being sought for 46 vacancies on Maui County boards, commissions, councils and committees, including on the Molokai Planning Commission.

Vacancies include five on the Council of Aging, four on the Public Works Commission and three on the Maui County Arborist Committee.

Two vacancies each is open on the Board of Ethics, Board of Variances and Appeals, Board of Water Supply, Commission on Children and Youth, Fire and Public Safety Commission, Hana Advisory Committee, Liquor Control Adjudication Board, Liquor Control Commission, Maui County Commission on Persons with Disabilities, Maui Planning Commission, Molokai Planning Commission, Maui Police Commission, Salary Commission, and the Committee Status of Women.…

One New Molokai Case Last Week

Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

One New Molokai Case Last Week

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Molokai logged one new COVID-19 case last Wednesday, Sept. 23, bringing the island’s total case count to 17.

Despite requests to break down the island’s total and active cases, the Dept. of Health has not yet begun providing that information so it remains unclear how many of Molokai’s cases are active.

Last week, Gov. David Ige signed a proclamation extending the COVID-19 emergency period through Oct. 31, leaving in place the 14-day mandatory quarantine requirement for both out of state and interisland travelers. However, beginning Oct. 15, a pre-travel testing option will allow out of state travelers an alternative to the mandatory 14-day quarantine by providing a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to travel to Hawaii.…

Molokai Up 3 New Cases Last Week

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

After a surge of cases the previous week, Molokai had three new COVID-19 positives last week — two logged on Monday, Sept. 14 and one on Friday, bringing the island’s total to 16 since the pandemic began.

Requests have been made to the Dept. of Health to separate Molokai’s case count by total cases versus active cases but that breakdown is not yet available as of press deadline Sunday. Rep. Lynn DeCoite said the DOH told her “they are working on that” and should have it updated this week.

DeCoite said to her knowledge, none of the recent Molokai cases have required hospitalization.…

Drive Thru Event Tests 150 Residents

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020

Drive Thru Event Tests 150 Residents

By Catherine Cluett Pactol


A second recent drive thru testing event last week Tuesday held by Minit Medical Urgent Care tested about 150 Molokai residents at Mitchell Pauole Center. About 2,000 masks were also distributed to the public, according to the County of Maui.

The testing was open to those who were both symptomatic and asymptomatic who met certain criteria of exposure or need.

Minit Medical said it would call individuals with all results, within one to three days. If you were tested but did not receive results yet, call Minit Medical at (808) 667-6161.

“We thank Minit Medical for conducting the testing and sending its team to Molokai,” Mayor Michael Victorino said.…

Drive and Exercise Safely

Wednesday, September 16th, 2020

In April, my wife’s Tutu turned 90 years old. She is still very active in spite of her age, swimming and going on long walks every day. We have pleaded with her to stop walking along the side of the highway but she insists, agreeing only to wear a reflective vest on her early morning walks.

Last week she had a big wake-up call and our family had a big scare. As she was walking along the highway, on her return trip from town, an early morning motorist reversed out of their road to turn onto the highway and backed over her.…

Nearly 1000 Families Fed in Produce Distribution

Wednesday, September 16th, 2020

Nearly 1000 Families Fed in Produce Distribution

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

The largest food distribution effort of its kind brought 960 boxes of produce to Molokai families last week through a multi-agency effort coordinated by nonprofit Sust’aina ble Molokai. The organization has been coordinating regular food giveaways to communities around the island during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last Friday afternoon’s distribution at Lanikeha Community Center was federally funded by the USDA Farmers to Families (F2F) food box program, with the help of more than a dozen local agencies and many Molokai volunteers. Administered on Molokai through Sust’aina ble Molokai’s Hoʻokuʻikahi Aloha Molokai (“uniting together for the love of Molokai”) — an initiative that focuses on COVID relief through food banking and giveaways — the F2F program has funded the food and shipping of Molokai food giveaways twice a month during the pandemic.…

11 Active Cases on Molokai

Wednesday, September 16th, 2020

11 Active Cases on Molokai

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Last week brought a significant increase in positive COVID-19 cases on Molokai, culminating in four cases being confirmed last Friday that brings the island’s case total to 13, as of Sunday. Two of those 13 were Molokai’s initial two positive cases back in April, while the island currently has 11 active cases, according to Mayor Michael Victorino, logged in August and September.

Rep. Lynn DeCoite called the situation “alarming,” though she said none of Molokai’s cases had required hospitalization as of last Friday.

“Travel has to do with some of them, incubation time has played a role in some of this, family-related also and it is starting to sprawl across the island from East to West, which is what is really alarming now for us,” DeCoite told KITV Friday.…

New Online Travel Application Mandatory

Wednesday, September 9th, 2020

State of Hawaii News Release

A new online Safe Travels application will be mandatory for all travelers on Sept. 1, the State of Hawaii announced. This new digital application, which collects the required health and travel information, is critical to protecting the health of our residents and visitors alike. Safe Travels is one part of a multi-layered screening process which includes arrival temperature checks, and secondary screening for those with symptoms or temperatures of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. The application can be found at

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