
Understanding New Travel Requirements

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Now that many travel rules have recently changed, are you looking to finally leave Molokai and confused about where you can and can’t fly, if you need a test and whether you have to still quarantine? We’ll break down the new rules for you here.

Travel to Maui or Lanai: If you’re traveling within Maui County without a stopover in any other county, you don’t need to take a COVID-19 test or quarantine. You just need to fill out the state’s Safe Travels Health Screening to get a QR code for quicker airport screening. Similarly, for those planning a California getaway, hotels Laguna Beach offer a relaxing escape with easy access to local attractions and outdoor activities, perfect for a safe and enjoyable trip.…

Mokulele to Provide Wheelchair Access

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

When Makani Kai Air began flying into Kalaupapa in 2011, owner Richard Schuman identified the need for a simple, light and easy to operate wheelchair lift to assist patient passengers onto the airline’s small Cessna aircraft. It didn’t exist. So he designed and built one.

Now, with wheelchair accessible options dwindling for Molokai air passengers, the “Schuman lift” will be used by Mokulele Airlines on topside Molokai, Honolulu, Kahului and Lanai.

Mokulele’s policy previously stated it could not accommodate passengers needing wheelchairs due to logistical challenges with its small aircraft. But when ‘Ohana by Hawaiian made an announcement two weeks ago that the company will temporarily halt service starting Nov.…

‘Ohana by Hawaiian to Suspend Service

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

‘Ohana by Hawaiian to Suspend Service

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

‘Ohana by Hawaiian, one of the two passenger air carriers serving Molokai, announced last Friday it will temporarily stop service beginning Nov. 1 due to low travel demand from COVID-19. Flights between Honolulu, Molokai and Lanai will be affected.

‘Ohana’s 48-seat ATR-42 turboprop aircraft represent the only planes currently serving Molokai that accommodate passengers boarding in a wheelchair and those weighing more than 350 pounds. Along with concerns that its suspension of service will leave those who are wheelchair bound without travel options, ‘Ohana’s termination would also leave its Molokai employees, as well as local TSA agents, jobless.…

No New Cases Last Week

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Molokai logged no new COVID-19 cases last week, as statewide, the total cases as of last Friday reached 13,300 and COVID-19-related deaths in Hawaii totaled 166 since the beginning of the pandemic.

Starting this week on Oct. 15, the state will allow a pre-testing program for residents and visitors entering Hawaii that will allow travelers to bypass the 14-day quarantine if they show a negative COVID test within 72 hours of travel. Mayor Michael Victorino requested for an additional layer of safety for Maui County by also requiring a post-arrival test, but that request was denied by Gov.…

Exploring Youth Photography

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

By Kanoelani Davis, Honeygirl English, Shaye Lauifi — Ahupuaʻa O Molokai; Puni Ke Ola
Susana Helm, Jackie Ng-Osorio, Becka Adolpho — UH Manoa

Puni Ke Ola (PiKO) is a community-based youth program that explores how culture can promote health and prevent substance use among the youths in Native Hawaiian communities. In this afterschool program, the ʻopio will be able to connect to themselves, their ohana, and their community through the use of photography. Led by Kumu Kanoelani Davis, the photo strategy aligned with Hawaiian cultural values has sparked a fun and artistic way for the kids to express themselves. Their photos emphasize culture, health, and positive youth development.…

Free Grab-and-Go Meals for All Youth

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

HIDOE News Release

The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) Grab-and-Go school meals program will be returning for the fall semester at 203 public schools beginning on Monday, Oct. 12, through Friday, Dec. 18, to provide free meals to children ages 18 and younger. The meals are available to children regardless of whether or not they are enrolled at the distribution site, are public school students, or are eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program.

On Molokai, distribution sites are Kaunakakai, Kilohana and Maunaloa elementary schools, as well as Molokai Middle and Molokai High School.

Unlike during the summer, meal distribution will be at lunchtime only.…

$5M to Support Small Businesses

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

County of Maui News Release

If you’re the owner of a small business on Molokai, you may qualify to receive a portion of the $5 million that Mayor Michael Victorino announced for the Maui County Adaptability Fund to help local small businesses recover and survive the impacts from COVID-19.WHY DO I PAY HIGH-RISK FEES FOR MY MERCHANT ACCOUNT? search can answer all your questions related to e-commerce.

Maui Economic Development Board, Inc. (MEDB) is administering the Adaptability Fund, a program funded by the CARES Act.

The grant program started accepting online applications on Sept. 25.

“The purpose of the Adaptability Fund is to provide grants to help Maui County’s small businesses comply with health and safety guidelines, as well as adapt to the ‘new normal’ amid COVID-19,” Mayor Victorino said.…

Virtual Concert Brings Kalaupapa Music to Life

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

Virtual Concert Brings Kalaupapa Music to Life

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Music has a long history in Kalaupapa — a history of healing, bonding, and yes, quarantine. A virtual concert, “The Music of Kalaupapa,” sponsored by Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa, will bring that music into listeners’ homes on Oct. 17, offering tribute to the settlement’s often-forgotten musicians and composers of the past.

“I have long been amazed at how music has been such a constant thread throughout the history of Kalaupapa, from earliest days to now, and I believe it helped people to heal,” said Valerie Monson of Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa, a nonprofit of Kalaupapa residents, their family members and friends honoring the legacy of those who were exiled to the settlement.…

Molokai Case Increase Slows, Schools Prepare for 2nd Quarter

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Molokai had one new COVID-19 case last week on Sept. 29, logging a total of 19 cases during the pandemic to date.

Molokai schools are on fall break this week but as the second quarter of the school year begins, some schools will continue face-to-face learning while others will stick with a virtual model.

Kilohana and Maunaloa Elementary schools will continue face-to-face learning into the second quarter. Kualapu’u School will resume with a mix of full day, half day and virtual instruction on Oct. 12 after break. Kaunakakai Elementary, Molokai High and Molokai Middle schools will begin second quarter with fully virtual learning.…

Mahalo for School Cooperation

Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

Kaunakakai Elementary School would like to give a big mahalo to all of our parents, guardians, grandparents, aunties and uncles for all their support in this distance learning situation. It’s awesome to see so many adults helping their keiki with online learning; logging into virtual meetings, helping students follow daily schedules, contacting teachers for tech support, picking up meals at our grab-n-go, bringing students into school for assessments, picking up supplies and learning packets, and much, much more. Our families are doing a tremendous job at home and we are so grateful for the level of involvement, commitment, and patience from our families in this ordeal.…