
The Art Show Goes On

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

MAC News Release

The ninth annual Molokai Arts Center (MAC) Member Show will be exhibited online at the Molokai Arts Center website beginning Nov. 9. The online gallery will be up for two months. Some of the works are offered for sale (NFS=Not for Sale).

This year’s juror was Maya Lea Portner. Maya is an artist and educator in Honolulu, Hawaii. She earned a BFA (Sculpture) from Washington University School of Art in St. Louis and an MFA in Art (Fibers) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Maya has exhibited nationally in New York City, San Francisco and St. Louis, MO.…

Petition for Open Veteran Records

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

To Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans Board of Directors and officers:

After four years struggling for transparency, Attorney General investigator Boyd Sakai has finished his work.

Please be advised, Hawaii Nonprofit Corporation Act Section 414 D- 138 states that the Members of a Nonprofit Corporation may remove one or more Directors elected by them without cause. Section (g) states that an entire Board of Directors may be removed under this section of the law . On June 15, 2019, the entire Board and Officers were voted out of office.

Accordingly, this is a 30-day notice of reminder, Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans Annual Membership meeting is to be held in the month of November.…

Veterans Day

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

Mahalo to our veterans for all their services and sacrifices. To the men and women who were recruited or drafted to sign on that dotted line and trained to defend our country, our home, from enemies, foreign and domestic, while being away from their families, we honor and thank you with this poem:

Veterans Day
By Cheryl Dyson

On Veterans Day we honor all,
Who answered to a service call,
Soldiers young, and soldiers old,
Fought for freedom, brave and bold,
Some have lived, while others died,
And all of them deserve our pride,
We’re proud of all the soldiers who,
Kept thinking of red, white and blue,
They fought for us and all our rights,
They fought through many days and nights,
And though we may not know each name,
We thank ALL veterans just the same.…

Travel Rules Cause Frustration, Masks Remain Mandatory

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Confusion over current travel rules continues, as residents try to navigate the ever-changing regulations of COVID-19 and a slew of forms, exemptions, protocols and quarantine regulations.

Returning part-time Molokai resident was reduced to tears after a frustrating travel experience arriving at the Molokai airport recently. Kim Potter of Kauai, who said she travels frequently for work as a first responder with FEMA, had a “nightmare experience” after a glitch in the Maui County system that travel verification workers use to check people’s addresses as they arrive at the airport left her scrambling to make calls to those her could vouch for her condo ownership and address.…

Animal Control Services for Molokai

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

Opinion by Laura Peterson

There is an unfilled position on Molokai, that of the Animal Control Officer, and this petition is sent to Maui County Mayor Mike Victorino and the County Council. Not only is this a solid job for a resident of Molokai, but it is key for the humane treatment of our lost, hurt, and abandoned pets on-island. Would no animal control be tolerated on Maui? No. Then why is it accepted on Molokai?

Ideally, the Animal Control Officer works in partnership with the medical services provided by the Molokai Humane Society (MoHS), temporarily houses and cares for dogs in the county shelter, and arranges safe transport to Maui to adoption facilities.…

Free Molokai Community Testing Event

Thursday, November 5th, 2020

County of Maui News Release

Mayor Michael Victorino announced that free, COVID-19 community testing for Molokai will be offered on Thursday, Nov. 5, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Mitchell Pauole Community Center.

Residents do not need to have insurance or meet any criteria to get tested for free. Minit Medical is administering the program sponsored by the County of Maui.

All participants must pre-register by visiting

If you have any problem pre-registering, please call (808) 667-6161 ext: 7, for help and more information.

“With the recent outbreak on Lanai, it’s critically important that we continue to provide testing for our residents – especially in our rural communities that have limited healthcare resources,” Mayor Victorino said.…

‘Ohana to Continue Service, Mokulele in Financial Hardship

Thursday, November 5th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

After announcing they would temporarily stop service on Nov. 1, ‘Ohana by Hawaiian will now continue flying “through at least January 2021,” the airline said in a statement last week.

A “dormant” Essential Air Service (EAS) provision covers flights to Molokai and Lanai, requiring a 90-day notice for disruption of service, according to the Dept. of Transportation. Ross Higashi, deputy director of the airports division, said in a state Senate Transportation Committee virtual meeting last week that the EAS designation wasn’t being evoked for years because multiple airlines were providing commercial air service to Molokai and Lanai.…

Halloween Still a Hit

Thursday, November 5th, 2020

Halloween Still a Hit

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

This year, Molokai families still found fun ways to celebrate Halloween with social distancing measures. Businesses opened for drive-by trick or treating, small groups of friends gathered for trunk-or-treating out of their car trucks, a virtual costume contest drew nearly 100 entrants and many other creative alternatives.

Molokai’s first ever virtual Halloween costume contest was hosted by the Adolpho ohana and Rep. Lynn DeCoite, garnering 95 participants in a variety of categories. Special guest judges including Molokai’s High Watah, Keala Alcon and Raiatea Helm chose their favorites, along with celebrities from farther afield like Ronda Rousey and Travis Browne, Kamaka Pili and Jake Shimabukuro.…

Nursing Assistant Course Offered

Wednesday, October 28th, 2020

UHMCM News Release

Nursing Assistant course offering this Spring 2021! The course prepares nurse assistants to care for acute, semi-acute or convalescent clients in the hospital, long-term care or home setting. It prepares nurse assistant to work under the supervision of a registered or practical nurse.

The program serves as a beginning level health care course for those interested in the health care field. Prepares nurse assistants for national certification. Distance class through Cable (6 credit course). Apply at For more details and further information, contact Liliana Napoleon at and phone at 553-4490 opt.6…

Become a Medical Assistant

Wednesday, October 28th, 2020

UHMCM News Release

Are you interested in becoming a Medical Assistant? An information session through UH Maui College Molokai (UHMCM) is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 4 at 12:15 p.m. via Zoom, Meeting ID: 519 743 9552. For more details or assistance with logging into Zoom, contact Liliana Napoleon at or phone at (808) 553-4490 opt. 6

So what exactly does a Medical Assistant do? They perform routine clinical and administrative duties under the direct supervision of a physician or other health care professionals. Medical assistants perform many administrative duties, including answering telephones, greeting patients, updating and filing patients’ medical records, filling out insurance forms, handling correspondence, scheduling appointments, arranging for hospital admission and laboratory services, and handling billing and bookkeeping.…