
Health Center Vaccinates 300 During Public Clinic

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

In the first round of COVID-19 vaccines available on Molokai to all residents over the age of 18, Molokai Community Health Center held a vaccine clinic last Thursday and Friday with about 1100 Moderna vaccines available. Approximately 300 of those doses were administered during the two-day event, with about 100 in the first hour on Thursday.

“With Maui positivity cases on the rise last week combined with the emergence of the more virulent variants in the state, this was a feel good event for our team to be able to offer the vaccine to our whole community at a time that we are seeing yet another uptick in the County,” said MCHC CEO Helen Kekalia Wescoatt after the clinic.…

Diane Mokuau Wins National Librarian Award

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

Diane Mokuau Wins National Librarian Award

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

“Never in my wildest dreams” did Molokai High School librarian Diane Mokuau believe she’d be the winner of the prestigious national School Librarian of the Year award.

“Just the fact that you say I qualify for this is enough — there’s no way I’m going to win this,” Mokuau said she told Molokai Public Library Branch Manager Cynthia Delanty, who nominated her.

But win it she did, along with a middle school librarian teacher from Louisiana.

“I am deeply humbled and greatly honored to receive this prestigious award,” said Mokuau. “This highlights the wonderful things that are happening in our schools and our communities and especially spotlights our tight-knit community on Molokai.…

COVID Cases Increase on Molokai, in State

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Molokai COVID-19 cases continued to increase early last week, with three new cases between March 19 and March 26, and six active cases in the previous 14 days as of last Sunday. The island has 34 total cases since the pandemic began.

Statewide, Hawaii hit a week-long string of triple digit daily cases, ranging from 102 to 119 cases each day since last Tuesday. It was the first time since early February daily counts reached more than 100.

The County of Maui continues to enforce face mask regulations requiring everyone, whether fully vaccinated or not, to wear masks in public areas.…

Nominate a Volunteer Hero

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

County of Maui News Release

Do you know a volunteer hero on Molokai? Now is the time to recognize them! Nominations are being accepted for recognition of outstanding community volunteers, the County of Maui Department of Housing and Human Concerns’ Volunteer Center announced. The center will hold its annual Volunteer Heroes Celebration of Service in April.

The application deadline is at noon Thursday, April 1. To submit a nomination online, visit The direct link to submit a nomination is

Individuals volunteering with a nonprofit, private or government volunteer program on Molokai, Maui and Lanai are eligible to be nominated; one application per organization will be accepted.…

Vaccine Clinic for All Residents

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

MCHC News Release

Vaccines are coming this week for all Molokai residents. This free COVID-19 vaccination opportunity for all Molokai residents, aged 18 years or older, will be held at the Molokai Community Health Center (MCHC) campus, 30 Oki Place, on Thursday, March 25 from 1 to 5 p.m. and Friday, March 26 from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 5 p.m.

Proof of residency (name with a valid driver’s license, State of Hawaii ID card, utility bill, rental lease, property tax statement, etc.) must be presented at the clinic.

The clinics will be held on a walk-in basis with no appointment required.…

Two New Cases, Vaccine Clinic This Week

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

There were four active COVID-19 cases on Molokai as of Sunday, with the addition of two new cases logged by the Dept. of Health on March 16 and one on March 19, bringing the island’s total cases to 31.

Last week also brought a spike of cases on Maui, which raised concern among officials.

Mayor Michael Victorino expressed frustration on March 18 after receiving the DOH report of 41 new COVID cases in Maui County.

“After reviewing today’s cluster report, it appears the majority of cases are attributed to a new cluster of 24 in a place of worship, eight new cases in an educational setting, additional infections in a cleaning company cluster and two new clusters from bars and nightclubs,” said Victorino.…

Athletics Dept. Plans for Resumed Sports

Wednesday, March 17th, 2021

By Rick Schonely, Sports Reporter

Molokai High School athletics leadership is excited to be able to resume athletic workouts and practices with COVID-19 safety guidelines and protocols set forth by the Department of Education and Department of Health. Six sports can begin by the end of this month, with exact start dates to be announced.

“We highly encourage our spring sport student-athletes to update their current physical form and consent form during this time to be eligible to practice,” said Athletic Director Lee DeRouin. “Student athletes can pick up these forms at school during the day from [myself] or Athletic Trainer and at…

Molokai Nears General Public Vaccine Phase

Wednesday, March 17th, 2021

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Molokai is poised to potentially have its entire eligible population vaccinated, but healthcare providers say they’re waiting for the green light from the Dept. of Health to move forward with vaccinating.

“We’re waiting for confirmation from DOH that we can begin to inoculate everyone on Molokai,” said Janice Kalanihuia, president of Molokai General Hospital (MGH). “There will probably be ad-equate doses here in the next couple of weeks to do that.”

In a March 10 press conference, Josiah Nishita Maui County Deputy Managing Director said vaccine eligibility on Lanai and Molokai will open to residents as young as 16 later this month.…

New Molokai Case, New Variant in HI

Wednesday, March 17th, 2021

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Molokai logged a new COVID-19 case last week, bring the island’s total to 28 cases since the pandemic began. The Dept. of Health reported the new case last Friday. No further details were publicly available.

A highly transmissible variant was detected in Hawaii last week, causing concern among health officials. The new strain is called B.1.351 and is sometimes referred to as the South African variant. It was found in an Oahu resident with no travel history, according to the DOH.

“This is concerning because B.1.351 has a mutation that makes it more transmissible from one person to another, and a separate mutation that might make it less responsive to the antibodies we form when we have COVID or get vaccinated,” said DOH State Laboratories Division Director Dr.…

Spring Sports Given OK to Practice

Wednesday, March 10th, 2021

By Rick Schonely, Sports Reporter

Athletic workouts for high school spring sports can begin on Monday, March 8, Maui Interscholastic League executive board president Jamie Yap confirmed last Thursday. The status of when and if competition can commence will be determined by the MIL athletic directors soon. Yap said he expects MIL executive director Joe Balangitao to convene a meeting of athletic directors soon.

Yap is very encouraged by the news. He said he feels it is crucial to get the spring sports onto the field in some sense because that season was the first to be canceled by the COVID-19 pandemic last March.…