
MHS Class of 2021: A Year of Challenges and Firsts

Wednesday, May 26th, 2021

MHS Class of 2021: A Year of Challenges and Firsts

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

It was the first time a Molokai High School commencement ceremony was held on the football field. The first class to graduate after a full year under pandemic conditions. And graduation represented the first time the class had officially been together all year.

Last Saturday’s graduation ceremony for the school’s 66 seniors was like no other. Though Farmer pride shone through, it was somewhat muted by the strict protocols of a COVID-19 ceremony. Graduates waited for the ceremony to begin in their cars in the parking lot, accompanied by only two attending family members. In a carefully orchestrated and secured process, they entered the football field one by one, sanitizing hands as they walked through the gate, and sat down to face their family members on chairs spaced six feet apart.…

Molokai Clusters Identified, Expanded

Wednesday, May 26th, 2021

Molokai Clusters Identified, Expanded

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

As of last Friday, 24 COVID-19 cases on Molokai in the last two weeks have been identified as part of two separate clusters. The total number of cases since the pandemic have risen to 76 as of Sunday, according to the Dept. of Health. Nineteen cases are related to a Molokai General Hospital construction cluster that began when a Maui contractor working at the site tested positive on May 11. Five cases have been identified by DOH contact tracers as a separate restaurant cluster.

Maui District Health Officer Dr. Lorrin Pang said last Friday he believes the clusters to be “contained,” meaning contact tracers had found no “surprises” or outliers from known clusters, or new clusters, for several days.…

Internet Assistance and Device Discounts

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

Sen. Schatz News Release

A new federal program is available to help Molokai residents pay for internet service and provide discounts on devices. The Federal Communications Commission announced that applications are now being accepted for the Emergency Broadband Benefit, a program which provides up to $50 a month on internet service and discounts on computers and tablets which may utilized the best device for drawing, for eligible participants. The new $3.2 billion federal program, established by the COVID-19 relief package passed by Congress and signed into law in December, provides support for broadband services and certain devices to help low-income households stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic.…

Molokai COVID Cluster Continues to Grow

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

A cluster of more than a dozen COVID-19 cases on Molokai surfaced last week. The series of positive cases originated from Maui construction contractors who were working in a non-clinical, closed area of Molokai General Hospital and tested positive after their arrival, while working alongside Molokai workers.

“On Tuesday afternoon, MGH was notified that one of the contractors who had been on Molokai the previous week tested positive for COVID-19 on Maui,” said MGH President Janice Kalanihuia in a statement last Friday. “We immediately shut down the job and tested the12 people who were on-site at that time.…

12 Positive Cases in Molokai Cluster So Far

Friday, May 14th, 2021

This story is developing and will be updated as more information becomes available

There are 12 confirmed active COVID-19 cases on island as of May 14. The cluster originated from Maui construction contractors who were working in a non-clinical, closed area of Molokai General Hospital and tested positive after their arrival, while working alongside Molokai workers. Here’s what we know so far.

“On Tuesday afternoon, MGH was notified that one of the contractors who had been on Molokai the previous week tested positive for COVID-19 on Maui,” said MGH President Janice Kalanihuia. “We immediately shut down the job and tested the12 people who were on-site at that time.…

Free At Last

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

Opinion by Father Pat Killilea, St. Francis Church, Kalaupapa

The COVID-related meeting had been slated to happen in Pasqual Hall, the seat of Kalaupapa’s movie theater, originally dedicated in 1916 and rededicated in 2012. However, when morning dawned, we realized that the venue had been switched overnight to the shade of the great banyan tree just off Staff Row. We were not entirely surprised at this change, since this banyan tree has provided the shelter for all of our community meetings since COVID-19 hit our islands. It has been the safe gathering place.

On schedule, our Dept. of Health Administrator, Ken Seamon, appeared before us like Jesus Christ appeared to the apostles in the upper room after his resurrection.…

Sen. English Retires, Molokai Candidates to Vie for Seat

Thursday, May 6th, 2021

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Longtime Senator Kalani English announced his retirement from the State Senate last week, effective May 1. Meanwhile, Molokai’s Representative Lynn DeCoite has said she will be seeking his seat, along with Walter Ritte, who narrowly lost to DeCoite in the last election.

English served as senator of District 7, Hana, East and Upcountry Maui, Molokai and Lanai, since 2000, having previously served on the Maui County Council since 1997. He cited longterm medical issues resulting from contracting COVID-19 last year as his main reason for retirement.

“In late November 2020, I contracted COVID-19 while with family out of Hawaii,” English said in a statement last week.…

New Incentives to Get Vaccinated

Thursday, May 6th, 2021

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

No new Molokai cases were logged last week, while vaccination efforts are ramping up, with Molokai General Hospital offering incentives for those who get vaccinated at the hospital.

MGH announced last week it has resumed vaccinations by appointment after hours at the Outpatient Clinic, this time with extra enticement. The hospital is offering free $10 gas cards for all those who get vaccinated at MGH between April 22 and July 31. Additionally, two drawings will be held to win a trip for two to Las Vegas. The first drawing was held on May 3 for the first 1000 individuals that received their vaccine at MGH between Jan.…

Molokai Music Students Release CD

Thursday, May 6th, 2021

Molokai Music Students Release CD

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

A group of Molokai musicians of the first ever cohort of students in the University of Hawaii Maui College Institute of Hawaiian Music have released a CD and celebrated with a live streamed concert at Hiro’s ‘Ohana Grill last week.

Over the last two years, the group remained intact through the pandemic and their compilation CD, called Awaiaulu ‘Ia E Ke Aloha No Molokai (Bound Together By Love For Molokai), features nine recordings, seven of which are original compositions by the students.

Natalie Sambajon, Kelly Kaawa Richardson, Lehiwahiwa Ritte, Valerie Temahaga, Po’okela Napoleon, Keakaokalani Kaiama, Daniel Pelekai, Jr.,…

More than 3K Molokai Residents Vaccinated

Wednesday, April 28th, 2021

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Molokai logged two new COVID cases last week for a total of 37 since the pandemic began, according to the Dept. of Health. Meantime, the island’s vaccination numbers are on the rise.

DOH spokesperson Brooks Baehr said last Friday 3,125 Molokai residents have received their first vaccine dose, while 2,460 have gotten their second dose. That means a majority of the approximately 5,000 residents eligible by age on Molokai have been vaccinated.

Mayor Michael Victorino said last week that Molokai is close to nearing what’s considered herd immunity, which occurs when a large portion of a community becomes immune to COVID-19, making the virus’ spread unlikely.…