
Molokai Customers to Get Electric Refund

Sunday, June 9th, 2013

An electric bill refund is on the way for Molokai customers of Maui Electric Company (MECO). A recent decision by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) on Maui County electric rates will result in an estimated $39 to $49 refund.

Last year, MECO applied for a rate increase with the PUC. An interim rate of 3.16 percent in annual revenues, or $13.1 million, was approved by the PUC and charged to customers in their bills since June 2012. In a final rate decision issued last week, however, the PUC approved a MECO revenue increase of about half that — 1.29 percent revenue increase, or $5.3 million.…

Campaign Against Tobacco

Friday, June 7th, 2013

Campaign Against Tobacco

Community Contributed

By Michelle Magdirila

Since I was a teenager, I have been involved in tobacco control. Currently I’m a young adult leader and Molokai organizer for a statewide youth movement called REAL: Hawaii Youth Movement Exposing the Tobacco Industry. During my six years with REAL, I’ve advocated for laws, trained hundreds of youth about what the tobacco companies are doing to recruit the youth generation as customers, and helped organize big tobacco control youth events. One of the most incredible things I’ve ever done was travel to New York City to demonstrate at the annual Philip Morris Shareholders Meeting two weeks ago.…

Free Health, Dental and Vision Care Today through June 10

Friday, June 7th, 2013

Maui County News Release

Free health, dental and vision care will be offered to residents of Molokai over the next four days. The program will be held on Molokai at Kaunakakai Elementary School from June 7-10. June 7, the clinic will be open from noon to 5 p.m., June 8-9 open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and June 10 from 8 a.m. to noon.

Performing the health care services will be approximately 400 uniformed personnel including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, ophthalmologists, dentists and others from active and reserved ranks of the armed forces around the U.S. The military personnel will be participating in a rapid deployment exercise named Tropic Care 2013.…

Beyond Big Wind: Molokai’s Energy Future

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

With the possibility of an industrial scale wind farm no longer hanging over the heads of many concerned Molokai residents, the community is now looking toward Molokai’s energy future. Many options are being discussed in a conversation that is including residents, land owners, state and county officials and other energy stakeholders.

Molokai residents pay among the highest electric rates in the nation, second only to Lanai. Those prices are due largely to the rising cost of fossil fuel used to produce electricity. The price of fuel so greatly impacts electric bills because more than 50 percent of each bill is made up of fuel costs, according to Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO).…

New Pavilion for Coconut Grove

Friday, May 17th, 2013

New Pavilion for Coconut Grove

Each weekend, community members and organizations host gatherings at the pavilion of Kiowea Park, causing a strain on the building built half a century ago. Kalama`ula homesteaders are trying to ease that strain by building a second, larger pavilion with updated facilities in the park, which is located in the Kapuaiwa Coconut Grove area.

County councilmember Stacy Crivello presented the plan for the new pavilion to the Molokai Planning Commission for comments May 8. As a Kalama`ula homesteader, she is acting as a project coordinator for the new facility.

“It’s been well used, and it’s continually overused at this state,” she said about the existing pavilion, which was built in the 1960s and renovated in the 1990s.…

Kalaupapa Residents Sign Kana`iolowalu Petition

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Kalaupapa Residents Sign Kana`iolowalu Petition

Kana`iolowalu News Release

The Native Hawaiian Roll Commission, chaired by former Governor John Waihe`e III, attended the 10th anniversary celebration of Ka `Ohana O Kalaupapa at Kalaupapa on April 27 where Kalaupapa residents were given the opportunity to sign the Kana`iolowalu petition along with the descendants of Kalaupapa and friends who came together for the event.

“We felt it was important for Chair Waihe`e and the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission to visit Kalaupapa for support of the Kana`iolowalu petition just like Ahahui Aloha `Aina came to Kalaupapa in 1897 to give our people the chance to sign the Ku`e petition against annexation,” said Clarence “Boogie” Kahilihiwa, a resident of Kalaupapa for more than 50 years and President of Ka `Ohana O Kalaupapa.…

Maximum Protection, Minimal Change at Papohaku

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

Maximum Protection, Minimal Change at Papohaku


Papohaku sand dunes protect the water from runoff and nearby homes from high tide swells. Now the system that guards so much could receive some protection from human threats. The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) proposed increased protection for the Papohaku dune system. While the changes will not likely bring enforcement of stricter development rules, officials said they hope the protection would raise awareness of the dunes’ value.

A 500-page document dedicated solely to the preservation of the dune system at Papohaku stresses the environmental and cultural value of the system. Molokai wildlife biologist Arleone Dibben-Young, who served as a consultant for the preservation plan, said these dunes shelter homes from high swells and shield the ocean from red dirt run-off that comes with rain from the mauka regions.…

County on Your Corner: Thursday on Molokai

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

County of Maui News Release

Mayor Alan Arakawa’s next “County on Your Corner” will be held on Thursday, May 9, from noon to 2 p.m. at the Mitchell Pauole Center in Kaunakakai, Molokai.

“It is important to connect with people face to face,” said Arakawa. “‘County on Your Corner,’ which is scheduled in a different location each month, is a good way for us to interact with the community on the issues that are of most interest to them.”

Joining Arakawa at this “County on Your Corner” event will be Councilmember Stacy Helm Crivello as well as members of Mayor Arakawa’s cabinet such as Housing & Human Concerns Director Jo-Ann Ridao, Mayor’s Executive Assistant Zeke Kalua, and Assistant Communications Director Ryan Piros.…

Increased Protection of Papohaku Dunes

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

DLNR News Release
The Papohaku Dune System in west Molokai has been identified as an important natural and cultural resource of the State of Hawaii. The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands (OCCL) will hold a public hearing on Molokai on May 10 regarding a proposed subzone amendment to increase the level of protection for the dune system.

The public hearing will be held at 6 p.m. Friday, May 10 at the Mitchell Pauole Community Center.

OCCL is proposing to change the state land use conservation district subzone of tax map key (TMK): (2) 5-1-006:156 at Papohaku Beach, Kaluakoi, from the general subzone to the protective subzone.…

Crivello Shares Council Experiences

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

Crivello Shares Council Experiences

Stacy Helm Crivello joined Maui County Council as the Molokai representative in January. A few months into her new role, Crivello answered questions from the Dispatch about serving as a county councilmember.

How are you setting into your new job?

I am humbled to serve my home island as Molokai’s councilmember.  The reality of serving on the Maui council is accepting the fact that I need to spend most of my work week on Maui.  Molokai is my home, and I adjusted to this reality by commuting to Maui on Monday and returning on Friday or Saturday.  The work is full time, and I appreciate the challenge and opportunity to make a difference for our island and Maui County.…