
Proposed Forest Reserve Rules

Thursday, April 5th, 2018

DLNR News Release

In light of evolving natural resource concerns and the needs of managers and people, the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) is proposing updates to rules regulating activities within Hawaii’s Forest Reserve System.  DOFAW is now inviting input and comments. 

The Forest Reserve System consists of 55 reserves across the state covering approximately 678,000 acres.  Regulations for the system were first established in 1943 and the last comprehensive update was in 1993. Proposed changes and updates will allow DLNR to streamline and clarify existing rules, improve enforceability, and update allowed uses and activities based on conditions currently facing the forests and their users.…

Temporary Relocation for DMV

Thursday, April 5th, 2018

County of Maui News Release

The Molokai Satellite Dept. of Motor Vehicle and Licensing (DMVL) office will be temporarily relocated to the Mitchell Pauole Center Conference Room while repairs are made to the roof. 

The Molokai Satellite DMVL office will be closed during the relocation from Tuesday, April 3 through Monday, April 9. The office will re-open at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, April 10. 

Customers with questions may call the DMVL Call Center at (808) 270-7363. …

Review the County Budget

Friday, March 30th, 2018

County of Maui News Release

The Maui County Council’s Budget and Finance Committee will hold evening meetings throughout the county, starting at the end of this month, to receive community input on the fiscal year 2019 budget, announced Councilmember Riki Hokama, who chairs the committee.

Molokai’s meeting is scheduled on Monday, April 16 at 6:30 p.m. at the Mitchel Pauole Center.

Site inspections are scheduled for April 16, at 1 p.m. on Molokai. Agendas detailing site inspection information and locations can be found at

The budget is the financial plan for the county for the upcoming fiscal year, from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.…

Mokulele Selected to Serve Kalaupapa

Thursday, March 29th, 2018

Mokulele Airlines has been selected to fly into Kalaupapa under the federal Essential Air Service program without subsidized funding, despite concerns from the community. The airline has not yet finalized its flight schedule or pricing for its service to the isolated settlement, which will begin June 1.

The federal Department of Transportation (DOT) announced their decision on March 16, and Mokulele representatives met with Kalaupapa residents the following week to discuss their needs.

“I would say there’s a guarded optimism that Mokulele will serve the community and meet our needs, but there’re still concerns,” said Department of Health Kalaupapa Adminstrator Kenneth Seamon.…

Library to Get More Space

Sunday, March 25th, 2018

Library to Get More Space

A growing collection of books and programs at the Molokai Public Library is causing its historic building to burst at the seams. If a proposed expansion is approved, the library would get some much-needed additional space. The proposal includes a new, stand-alone 1,875 square foot building behind the existing facility that would cost over $3 million, funded by the state Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS).

The new building will be connect to the back of the existing staff room by a breezeway. The facility will provide a meeting room, workroom for staff, and two restrooms additional space for books, as well as.…

Choosing Molokai’s Energy Future

Friday, March 16th, 2018

Choosing Molokai’s Energy Future

Maui Electric has identified a four-way fork in the road to Molokai’s energy future. Last week, the utility presented several options to reach the goal of 100 percent renewable energy for the island in a series of island-wide community meetings.

A large-scale solar project with battery storage, proposed by Molokai New Energy Partners, a division of Half Moon Ventures (HMV), figures largely into those options. The project includes 37 acres of solar panels to be located next to Maui Electric’s Pala`au Power Plant. An agreement between HMV and Maui Electric was recently reached, and Maui Electric submitted the proposal to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for review last week.…

How to Reach Renewable Energy Goals

Monday, March 5th, 2018

Maui Electric News Release

Maui Electric Company will host community meetings to share possible options based on feedback collected from the Molokai community on how to achieve 100 percent renewable energy for the island. The meetings will start at 5 p.m. with light refreshments, followed by updates from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on the following dates and locations:

Tuesday, March 6: Kilohana Community Center Wednesday, March 7: Maunaloa Community Center Thursday, March 8: Mitchell Pau`ole Center

“We’re working toward accelerating clean energy plans for Molokai, and this includes continuous dialogue with all of you – the island’s residents and businesses throughout this process,” said Sharon Suzuki, president of Maui Electric.…

County Offices to Relocate After Rain Damage

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018


Heavy rains on Feb. 5 brought a temporary closure of some county offices in the Mitchell Pauole Center, and this week they will be relocating while repairs are made. Water leaks in the roof necessitated staff to be sent home for the rest of the day on Feb. 5, but the offices reopened the next day, according to county officials, until the relocation is scheduled to begin.

The main Mitchell Pauole hall remains open and unaffected, as well as the Department of Motor Vehicles and Licensing, Council Services and Dept. of Parks and Recreation. However, the offices of Real Property Assessment/Collections, Planning, Water, and Development Services Administration will be closed from Feb.…

Standing for `Olelo Hawaii

Thursday, February 1st, 2018

Standing for `Olelo Hawaii


University of Hawaii professor Samuel Kaleikoa Ka`eo was issued a warrant for his arrest last week after he spoke only Hawaiian in court on Maui. Ka`eo appeared in connection to protesting construction of a Haleakala telescope, and when Judge Blaine Kobayashi asked Ka`eo to identify himself as present in the Wailuku District Court Wednesday,  Ka`eo did so in Hawaiian. The judge didn’t recognize his presence and asked three more times for Ka`eo to give his name, to which he responded each time in Hawaiian.

“The court is unable to get a definitive determination for the record that the defendant seated in court is Mr.…

Halawa Park Construction to Begin

Thursday, February 1st, 2018

County of Maui News Release

Construction is scheduled to begin at Halawa Park in East Molokai, on Monday, Feb. 5, for abandonment of existing cesspool and installation of new individual wastewater system. Work is anticipated to be completed in March. Initiatives from have been implemented to promote and normalize active travel across the country.

Park users are asked to please avoid the construction area and equipment to ensure public safety.  Tom’s Backhoe and Excavation Co., Inc., has been contracted to perform the work.  CDF Engineering LLC is the design consultant.

Due to the culturally sensitive location and history of the site, archaeological monitoring will be conducted for all ground disturbing activities. …