
Mo’omomi CBSFA Public Hearing

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

DLNR News Release

Stakeholders are strongly encouraged to participate online for a statewide, online public hearing on the proposed adoption of new rules to establish the Moʻomomi Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area (CBSFA) on Molokai’s northwestern coast. The goal of the CBSFA is to establish a marine managed area to maintain sustainable long-term harvest of key subsistence fish stocks and to reaffirm traditional and customary native Hawaiian subsistence fishing practices.

Brian Neilson, Administrator of the DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) said, “This innovative option of an online hearing, especially with the spike in coronavirus infections, provides a safe and appropriate physical distancing for DLNR/DAR to hear from everyone regarding these important nearshore marine resources.…

Can a CBSFA Bring Us Together?

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

Opinion By Eric Co

To support a Community-based Subsistence Fishing Area (CBSFA) at Mo’omomi for me is not an effort to disrespect those who oppose it. Despite the issues, we are still neighbors, friends, and family who all want to do right by this island, even if we disagree on the right way to do it.

Especially now, in this heightened time of vulnerability and uncertainty, we recognize how reliant we are on our resources. Our fisheries in particular are Hawaii’s greatest source of protein. This is an important moment to consider how we will ensure their sustainability now and for future generations.…

Help with Utility Payments

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

DHS News Release

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides heating and/or cooling assistance to needy Hawaii households by assisting with a one-time payment towards their utility bill (electric or gas) in two ways.

Energy Crisis Intervention (ECI) program assists needy households in crisis, the electric or gas service has been disconnected or will be terminated as the household has been notified via a disconnect notice from utility company. Applications for ECI are accepted year-round, but the amount of approvals each month are limited and fill quickly.

Energy Credit (EC) program assists needy households who are not in crisis but need assistance with bill payment for the heating and cooling of their residence.…

Young Brothers Seeks State Help for Barge ‘Crisis’

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Interisland shipper Young Brothers has declared an “impending cash crisis” and is now seeking help from the state to continue operations, the company announced last week.

YB officials said the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a 30 percent drop in cargo volumes and the company reported losing nearly $8 million through April and projects mounting losses totaling approximately $25 million by the end of the year. In a letter to the state Public Utilities Commission (PUC), YB called its financial situation “extremely dire.”

The company claimed it will no longer receive cash infusions from its parent company as of June 1.…

Malama Meals Shut Down, Interisland Travel Considered

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Hundreds of families on Molokai benefitted from Malama Meals, a program that delivered more than 1000 precooked home-style dinners to Molokai residents three times a week, free of charge. The Oahu-based program was shut down last week by the state Dept. of Health (DOH) for violations, however.

“The operation had multiple food safety issues as it prepared and packaged hot meals on Oahu and shipped them to the neighbor islands without proper temperature controls,” said Peter Oshiro, chief of the DOH Food Safety Branch. “Without proper controls, the risk of an outbreak of food illness is high and could have a devastating impact especially on those who are elderly and have underlying conditions.”…

Food Packages

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

On April 17 and May 1, the Molokai Youth Center/MCSC and Maui Food Bank provided food packages to the community. We’d like to send a mahalo to those who volunteered their time: Aunty Honey Girl English, Ekolu Ah Yee, Ui’lani Smith, Sybil Lopez, Ashlynn Kaulili, Shae Pualihau, Whitnelle Phifer, Gwendolyn Dudoit and MCSC staff, Karen Holt, Katie Juario, Shaye Lauifi, Lilinoe Bush, Kalola Kaulili, Ali Kaina and daughters, Rose Pettigrew, Ashleigh Dudoit-Polido, Darlynne Mollena. For the generous donations, Kualapu’u Ranch donated two cows that provided 5 pounds of hamburger packages, Molokai Livestock, Josh and Harmonee Pastrana, Mike and Nani Kahinu, and other generous supporters.…

Hunting or Killing?

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Definitions of hunting can include the activity of pursuing wild game for sport and food harvest. I grew up in a hunting family, and for me, hunting is filled with anticipation, excitement, and challenge, along with the possibility of eating the best, healthiest meat on Earth. Hunting isn’t just about the harvest for me; it’s also about observing wildlife in their natural habitat. Tools like a starlight scope have enhanced my experience and helped me score some of my best hunts. My son and I have often sat together for hours, watching deer, goats, or pigs enjoying life in their natural environment.…

Funding for Residents’ Essential Needs

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

County of Maui News Release

Mayor Michael Victorino announced today that Maui Economic Opportunity Inc. is still accepting applications for the Hawaii Emergency Laulima Partnership (H.E.L.P.) program.

MEO has processed 1,677 applications for financial assistance through the program, for a total of $707,000 in assistance. The County of Maui allocated $2 million in general funds to the program.

“This program is providing vital financial support by helping with essentials such as rent and food during the COVID-19 emergency,” Mayor Victorino said. “This support for our families is important until they can safely return to work.”

MEO Chief Executive Officer Debbie Cabebe said, “It has been a humbling and rewarding experience to see MEO and County of Maui staff and volunteers come together to help those who have been impacted by the coronavirus.…

Once-a-Week Barge Approved for 30 Days

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Last week, the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission approved Young Brothers’ request to reduce Molokai’s barge from twice to once weekly for 30 days, until May 31.

In its April 24 filing with the PUC, the interisland freight company claimed financial hardship from “a drastic drop in cargo volumes and revenues” due to COVID-19 in requesting a reduced sailing schedule for Maui and Hawaii counties. The same amount of goods is arriving, but instead of two sailings to Kaunakakai per week, departing from Honolulu on Sundays and Tuesdays, YB has discontinued the Sunday sailing and moved the Tuesday sailing to Saturday.…

Local Food for Local Needs

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

As the effects of COVID-19 continue and many families face financial hardship, the Molokai community is coming together to make sure everyone stays fed. Last week, an effort spear-headed by nonprofit Sust’aina ble Molokai, through the Maui Food Bank’s Molokai food pantry organizations and many volunteers, brought 400 pounds of Molokai-grown kalo, 340 pounds of locally caught fish, 400 pounds of Molokai-raised shrimp, and 50 pounds of Molokai-grown egg-plant, beans and papayas to those in need.

“On the one hand, it’s sad to see people out of work and more people in need, but it’s exciting to see the community coming together, to see all the resources we have on island being put to use,” said Harmonee Williams, Sust’aina ble Molokai executive director.…