CFL Bulb Recycling Protocol

Blue Planet & Sust `aina ble Molokai News Release
Over the past two years, Molokai residents who have participated in the “Go Green and Carbon Clean” program organized by Blue Planet Foundation and Sust `aina ble Molokai have been benefiting from the energy savings of highly efficient compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulbs, which use 75 percent less electricity than incandescent bulbs.
The nearly 40,000 bulbs installed in Molokai homes today represent an important first step in moving the island toward energy self-sufficiency. The project’s success was made possible by the collaborative efforts of students, teachers, businesses, and community leaders.
Blue Planet Foundation and Sust `aina ble Molokai want to ensure that the community is aware of the proper usage and disposal recommendations for CFLs.…