
Maui County Gets Natural Disaster Designation

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

USDA News Release

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has designated Maui County and Kalawao County as a primary natural disaster area due to losses caused by a an ongoing drought that began January 1, 2012, and continues.

“Assistance at this point and time is critically important for producers in Hawaii, especially in helping them keep their farmland healthy for the remainder of the year,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “President Obama and I realize that during this time of disaster, federal assistance will be needed until conditions improve and farmers strive to recover from their losses.”

All qualified farm operators in the designated areas are eligible for low interest emergency (EM) loans from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA), provided eligibility requirements are met.…

Soybeans for Summer

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

Soybeans for Summer

Community Contributed

By Glenn I. Teves, County Extension Agent, UH CTAHR

In a month, summer will be upon us and with it, longer and hotter days. Although most vegetables don’t enjoy this kind of weather, a few will respond favorably to heat and stress, which can enhance their nutrient content. According to research by U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Vitamin E or alpha-tocopherols content of early maturing varieties of soybeans can increase three-fold when under water and heat stress. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant, and most Americans are deficient. Soybeans are one of the most important food crops due to their protein content, in addition to other health benefits, including phytonutrients like phytosterols that lower the “bad” cholesterol that can lead to heart disease and stroke.…

Molokai Mom on a Mission

Thursday, May 10th, 2012

Molokai Mom on a Mission

By Mercy Ritte

As beads of perspiration gathered across my forehead, I realized it was unusually hot for a 7:30 a.m. morning walk. I peeked through the top of my stroller, and thank goodness my little one remained unaffected by the heat. Instead, he babbled gleefully and pointed to nearly everything in sight.

Some mornings I’m faced with a relentless wind or an unexpected rain shower, but with a plastic weather guard over my child’s blue stroller, he remains protected from the elements. As for me, I can stand to be without warmth and feeling uncomfortable, as long as through it all, my child remains unaffected.…

GMO Labeling Campaign

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

Community Contributed

Opinion by Walter Ritte

Let me explain why an old guy from Molokai is flying to Oahu and helping to lead a charge for labeling. Molokai is paying the true cost for this “cheap” genetically modified organism – or GMO – food. Our best farm lands are being turned into dust bowls. Soil is not only blowing out into the sea but is being washed by rain down onto our reefs. In the dust are powerful chemicals which are blowing into our cars, schools, kupuna housing, daycare center, County Baseball Park, Molokai Community College, and hundreds of homes. If this is happening to our island, it must be happening on other islands, we all have na`au to aloha aina, and kuleana, to malama aina.…

Local Produce, Fresh Menus

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

Local Produce, Fresh Menus

Hotel Molokai upgrading food service

A farm to table approach is coming alive at Hotel Molokai’s Hula Shores restaurant under the leadership of Kitchen Manager and Oahu native Gene Pike. With Kumu Farms vegetables, Keawanui shrimp, Kaupu Farms fresh poi and many other Molokai-grown ingredients, patrons can now enjoy fresh, new favorites, while local farmers have an outlet to showcase their products.

“I want to integrate more Molokai products into our menu, and we can do that on an almost daily basis,” said Pike, who has lived in San Diego for the past 20 years and worked in the restaurant industry his whole life.…

Kudos for Kumu Farms

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

Kudos for Kumu Farms

Molokai farm commended for business and service.

As one of Molokai’s longest-standing and most successful farms, Kumu Farms knew they were headed in the right direction. Over the past 30 years, they have become the largest exporter of organic papaya to the U.S. mainland, according to owner Grant Schule. About four years ago, they expanded their market to serve the local community, offering residents and visitors of Molokai a variety of organic produce fresh from the fields of the 120 acre-farm in Ho`olehua.

Their efforts were confirmed last month, when Kumu Farm’s commitment to agriculture and the community won them two awards — Edible Hawaiian Islands Magazine’s Local Heroes farm category, and the County of Maui’s Exceptional Small Business Award.…

Molokai Swine Clinic

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

UH News Release

The Hawaiian Home Lands Agriculture Extension Program will host a Molokai Swine Production Clinic/Tour on Saturday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to noon. The workshop is open to producers who currently produce swine or who are interested in learning more about selection and management.

Special guest will be Dr. Halina Zaleski who serves as the UH CTAHR Swine Production/Management & Reproductive Physiology Specialist. Dr. Zaleski specializes in swine production management, including artificial insemination, livestock waste management, herd health and biosecurity, and swine welfare. Dr. Zaleski is a certified trainer for the National Pork Board’s Pork Quality Assurance Plus Program.…

Aeroponics at Kilohana School

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

Aeroponics at Kilohana School

Community Contributed

By Val Hart, Horticulture Instructor

Students at Kilohana School are learning some high-tech agriculture during a 21st Century grant horticulture class. Using a technique called aeroponics, students will grow fruits and vegetables without the use of soil.

Using an Aeroponics Grow Kit, students will have the opportunity to learn this aero hydroponic gardening technique. Increasing the aeration of your nutrient solution, by using sprayers, foggers, nebulizers or other devices, more oxygen is delivered to plant roots, stimulating growth and preventing algae formation. Plants form oxygen from carbon dioxide only on the green parts of themselves, so enhancing the dissolved oxygen at the root zone enhances the metabolism and growth of plants.…

Bills Supporting Irrigation System Move Forward

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

Bills Supporting Irrigation System Move Forward

Rep. Mele Carroll News Release 

The Molokai Irrigation System (MIS), currently facing drought conditions, has help on the way from Representative Mele Carroll. Last Friday at the Hawaii State Capitol, the House Committee on Agriculture held a hearing on two measures that would address the short-term and long-term concerns regarding the MIS.

Both House Concurrent Resolutions (HCR) 207 and 208, introduced by Rep. Carroll who currently represents the island of Molokai, were unanimously passed unamended in the House Committee of Agriculture.

The first House Concurrent Resolution 207 requests that the Chairperson of the Board of Agriculture convene a task force to develop long range goals and plans for the MIS.…

Food for Thought

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Food for Thought

If you love food, then you’ve probably already gathered it’s not just about knowing where to find good food –it’s also understanding where good food comes from. This year, the Maui County Agricultural Festival is paring together 12 chef-and-farmer teams to not only prepare mouthwatering dishes, but to also educate the community with a holistic understanding of local agriculture. Molokai homesteaders Lynn and Russell DeCoite of L&R Farm will represent the Friendly Isle at the upcoming festival’s Grand Taste Education this year.

The DeCoites were selected to participate in the event by Humuhumunukunukuapua`a restaurant Chef Isaac Bancaco of the Grand Wailea, who orders sweet potatoes for his menu directly from L & R Farm.…