
MHS Wins Kaimana Award

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022

HMSA News Release 

For the first time in three years, the Hawaii Medical Service Association celebrated winners of the 17th annual HMSA Kaimana Awards and Scholarship Program in person at the Hawaii Convention Center. Nine local high schools and 15 exemplary college-bound students were recognized for their achievements and excellence in academics, athletics, community service, healthy activities, and sportsmanship. Molokai High School won a Kaimana Award for the first time.

“Every year, I’m amazed by the wonderful talent we have in our high school communities and, to me, this is one of the most meaningful awards out there because it celebrates the best and most well-rounded kids,” said HMSA President and Chief Executive Officer Mark M.…

Free Agribusiness Workshop Series

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022

UH CTAHR Molokai Extension News Release

Are you a beginning to intermediate market gardener or food producing farmer who has less than five years’ experience farming/market gardening? Have you completed at least one ag related production course through either UH CTAHR Cooperative Extension, Sustainable Molokai, UH Maui College, or an equivalent? Are you growing food with the intent to generate income?  If yes, then this free Ag Business Summer Series is for you!

The first workshop will be held online on Thursday, June 30 from 4 to 6 p.m. This workshop will focus on Record Keeping with instruction provided by GoFARM. …

Residents Get Renewable Energy Certification

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

Residents Get Renewable Energy Certification

By Catherine Cluett Pactol | Editor

Locally-run Ho’ahu Energy Cooperative Molokai held an inaugural Clean Energy Technician Training this spring, with 14 Molokai residents graduating with certification. The five-week course covered an introduction to photovoltaic energy, with a 40 hours of hands on build time during which students received on-site experience and skills building nanogrids, or small scale solar systems. 

“The state has a goal to transition to 100 percent renewables by 2045 and Molokai still has almost the entire way to go,” said Todd Yamashita, board president of Ho’ahu Energy Coop and instructor for the course. “What we’re doing here is helping ourselves and getting ready for this transition so that it will be our Molokai people who will benefit from these jobs.…

PALS Program Gives Free Keiki Meals

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

Maui County News Release

The County of Maui’s Summer PALS program is providing free meals at sites on Maui and Molokai to make sure that no children in the County of Maui go hungry while school is closed for summer break.
The Summer Food Service Program is a federal program made available to eligible areas to ensure that children receive nutritious meals. All youth 18 years old or younger are eligible to receive a free meal any weekday.

Many children in the County of Maui receive free or reduced-price meals during the school year, but many of these children do not get enough to eat when school is out.…

MHS Principal’s Honors List

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

Principal’s Honors List

The Principal’s Honors List are students who have earned Mark Point Averages of 4.000* or above while enrolled in four or more courses, two or more of which are solid courses. For the fourth quarter or the 2021-22 school year, they are:

Grade: 12 Hanaoka-Soares Shaianahlynn 4.50Grade: 11 Akutagawa Tenley 4.50Grade: 12 Grik-Lani Malia Regina 4.33Grade: 11 Kanealii Mele 4.33Grade: 11 Bright Wilhelm Mahealani 4.25Grade: 11 Duvauchelle Olapaholunape 4.25Grade: 11 Kikukawa-Teriong Solomon 4.25Grade: 11 Pereira Kailani 4.25Grade: 11 Yamashita Sage-Marie 4.25Grade: 11 Yamazaki-Gray Kira Kai 4.25Grade: 12 Macalalad Xavier Bayani 4.00Grade: 12 Movick Alyssa 4.00Grade: 12 Ross Namakaokaainaokeauhou 4.00Grade: 12 Solatorio-Kamai Sean-Khol 4.00Grade: 11 Burrows Daisci 4.00Grade: 11 Duvauchelle Emmalee 4.00Grade: 11 Go Meredith 4.00Grade: 11 Poepoe Kahakuhailoa 4.00Grade: 11 Puaa Makaniku’uleopono 4.00Grade: 10 Agcaoili Sheniah Halle 4.00Grade: 10 Alavazo-Quiniones Tiffany 4.00Grade: 10 Busby Li’ula 4.00Grade: 10 Davis Miliopuna 4.00Grade: 10 Duvauchelle Kauahekiliohu 4.00Grade: 10 Han Sonni 4.00Grade: 10 Kanemitsu Aiko 4.00Grade: 10 Ramos Ivan Nestor 4.00Grade: 10 Rogers Jayden 4.00Grade: 10 Satele-Tangonan Zaylynn 4.00Grade: 09 Cockett Rose Marie 4.00Grade: 09 Dizon Yolanda-Ann 4.00Grade: 09 Dunaevskaya Elizaveta 4.00Grade: 09 Hoffman Crystal 4.00Grade: 09 Manaba Chloe 4.00Grade: 09 Pua’a Ara Meiliah 4.00Grade: 09 Raguindin Reyn 4.00

*Note:  Students with a 4.0 enrolled in less than four or more courses, and less than two solid courses are not eligible for principal’s honor roll.…

Maunaloa School Garden Blooms

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

Maunaloa School Garden Blooms

By Catherine Cluett Pactol | Editor

Since dreaming of a Maunaloa School garden for years and digging their shovels in the ground for the first time in a blessing of the space just over a year ago, the Maunaloa Mala – the school’s garden — is now flourishing. Each class spends time in the garden twice a week, incorporating lessons into hands on learning under the outdoor hale. At a fourth quarter Ho’ike to celebrate their progress in the garden last week, the school community enjoyed lu’au stew made with kalo grown by students, while keiki presented their recent work to ‘ohana and friends. …

Memorial Scholarships Awarded

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

FMHMSF News Release

Two Molokai High School graduates have been awarded $2,000 each and a Da Kine backpack by the Kukui Malamalama Scholarship program in memory of Kekuhaupio Likua.  The scholarship award is administered by the Friends of Molokai High and Middle Schools Foundation (FMHMSF).  The Kukui Malamalama Scholarships are funded by local residents that are interested in seeing more of our students continue their education after high school.

This year’s recipients are Steven Arce and Dianthe Kaili.

 Steven plans to attend Hawaii Community College and major in national resource management of our forests ecosystems and agroforestry.

Dianthe Kaili will be attending college to pursue a degree in art.…

Free Summer Meals for Youth

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

HIDOE News Release 

The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) announced that 83 public schools will serve meals free of charge over the summer to children ages 18 years and younger, regardless of public school enrollment status, through its summer food service program. Three schools on Molokai are participating in the program.

Beginning in early June, the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) program will serve meals at select schools Monday through Friday, with the exception of June 10 (King Kamehameha Day) and July 4 (Independence Day). SSO is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and was established to ensure that children continue to receive nutritious meals during the summer. …

Exchange Students Seeking Host Family

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

Exchange Students Seeking Host Family

Community Contributed

By Vicki Boswell

Molokai has the opportunity to make the world more united in love and accepting of cultural diversity.  The International Hospitality Center (IHC) in Honolulu that places foreign exchange students are looking for host families who will consider sharing their home and welcome two new students to Molokai for the 2022-2023 school year. A host family can be a single adult, couples, or a family with children/teenagers.

Host families are volunteers and are not financially compensated.  The host family’s lives are enriched as they malama these young students who have a great desire to learn and grow.…

‘Cherish This Place’ – Molokai High Class of 2022 Celebrates Their Island and Accomplishments

Wednesday, May 25th, 2022

‘Cherish This Place’ – Molokai High Class of 2022 Celebrates Their Island and Accomplishments

By Catherine Cluett Pactol | Editor

With their May 21 ceremony held for a second year outdoors on the football field, the Molokai High School Class of 2022 celebrated overcoming the challenges the past few years have brought and looked toward a bright and diverse future. 

Nearly half of the 77 members of the class have already taken college courses. Two students — Shia Bush and Summer Stone-Sardinha  — not only received a high school diploma but also already graduated with their associate degrees from the University of Hawaii Maui College. Six students received the Seal of Biliteracy, showing proficiency in both English and Hawaiian languages. …