
Stories about Molokai’s rich cultural history.

The Importance of the ‘Aha Moku System

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

Community Contributed

Opinion by members of the Kawela Moku

This represents individual mana`o from members of the Kawela Moku, and is not intended to speak for the Aha Kiole as a whole.

Hawaii Mowat on historical perspective

In the past century, the health of Hawaii’s ecosystem has severely declined. With the change of powers, came the change of the way we did things in Hawaii. Agriculture, development, invasive species, etc. has wreaked havoc on Hawaii’s natural resources and it seems as if the western way of land management does not work for Hawaii so the ancient yet sophisticated system must be revived.…

Celebrating Kuhio

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

Celebrating Kuhio

The Lanikeha Community Center transformed into a hearty birthday celebration as local vendors, music and entertainment attracted homesteaders and non-homesteaders alike to celebrate the man who led the 1921 Hawaiian Homes Act and the island where his efforts were first put into practice.

“Without the land, who are we?” said Colette Machado, Molokai chairperson of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA). “We would be homeless if we didn’t have a land base or homestead. That’s how significant Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana`ole was.”

Next in line for the throne when the Kingdom of Hawaii was overthrown in 1894, Kuhio was elected as Hawaii’s congressional delegate, advocating for Hawaiian Homes and rehabilitating his people.…

MHS Headed to State History Competition

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Kainoa Pali

The Molokai High Social Studies Department hosted its fifth National History Day Fair. School-wide judging took place on February 26, along with the Molokai Middle School. The judging panel comprised of professors and experts within their respective fields who were chosen based on students’  topics . Students were interviewed for their understanding of historical content, project criteria, as well as relevance to this year’s theme, “Rights and Responsibility in History.” All students showcased their research analysis through various project formats such as paper, website, performance, documentary, and exhibit.

This is the first year where Molokai High will be represented in all five categories at the State National History Day competition on April 12 on Oahu.…

Hawaiian Airlines Welcomed Back

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

Hawaiian Airlines Welcomed Back

As Hawaiian Airlines officially launched its new service, `Ohana by Hawaiian, to Molokai last week, hundreds of residents and officials celebrated an occasion that for many, felt like a homecoming for the company.

“Molokai has been part of our ohana for the last 85 years,” said Mark Dunkerley, Hawaiian Airlines (HA) president and CEO. “For the last 10 years, we have not been able to operate here, but every single one of those days in between we’ve been working on plans to bring this wonderful day to fruition. It’s great to be back and have had such tremendous support from this community.”…

Lessons in a Whale’s Belly

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

Lessons in a Whale’s Belly

Keiki had a whale of a time learning about humpback whales and their place in the environment Friday. But while most have only seen the great creatures from a distance, students at Kilohana School got up close and personal, climbing into the belly of a 36-foot inflatable humpback, softly rocking to soothing whale sounds and taking an imaginative ride around island’s waters.

“My name is Captain Mark and I’ll be your tour guide today,” Storybook Theater Executive Director Mark Jeffers said as he saluted to Kilohana School’s second grade class. “Today we are going to learn how whales are like people.”…


Friday, March 14th, 2014


A Game Played, Value Won

“It’s your move!” said Hiwa Ritte, urging her opponent, Ko`i Davis, who was carefully peering over a finely-made koa konane board. “I’m thinking!”  Ko`i said, scratching her head, pondering which `ili `ele `ele, or black piece, to move in rows of alternating white and black stones.

Described as a test of strategy and intellect, the ancient Hawaiian game of konane, played by ali`i and commoners alike, was considered a favorite pastime to socialize and to even settle disputes, according to Kauai cultural practitioner Sean Chun. Resembling the rules of checkers, it was said a konane tournament could last days and was a regular feature in every household.…

A Legacy of Language

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

A Legacy of Language

As a child, Kilia Purdy-Avelino remembers often listening to her grandfather carrying on effortless conversation with uncles and friends in `Olelo Hawaii, or the Hawaiian language. He was a manaleo, or grew up with Hawaiian as his first language, she said, and although he never passed down the gift to his family, it was always part of her life.

“He was my inspiration to get into Hawaiian language at all,” said Purdy-Avelino. “I made it my goal in life to learn the language and to be able to converse with him.”

However, only two years into her `olelo studies, her grandfather passed away, and in the course of earning her Masters degree in indigenous and culture education at University of Hawaii-Hilo, her goals included a larger mission.…

Historic Preservation Basics Seminar

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

Historic Hawaii Foundation News Release

Historic Hawaii Foundation, in partnership with the Hawaii State Historic Preservation Division, will offer a community seminar on Historic Preservation Basics on Kauai, Lanai, Molokai and Maui between March and June of 2014.

The Molokai event is on Saturday, May 17 at the Kulana `Oiwi Halau from 9 a.m. to noon.

The seminar will provide an overview of preservation essentials in the context of each island community. The three-hour class will include topics such as what is historic preservation and why does it matter, standards and framework: how does this all work, and historic preservation and the local community.…

Black History Month 2014

Thursday, January 30th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Yoellah Yuhudah

Molokai Library presents a series of discussions, Wednesdays from noon to  1 p.m. celebrating Black History Month in February.

What: Be part of a cultural presentation uplifting African Americans who made an economic, social, political and spiritual impact on America. Covering the historical and contemporary interaction between the Caucasian race and the Afrian race from 1500 to present, highlighting the presence of African Americans in Hawaii since 1700 to present. There will be free trivia prizes.

Where: Molokai Library, 10 Ala Malama Street


Feb. 5 – Susan Macuse: Discussing the knowledge of African Americans from a Jewish perspective.…

Landfill Closed After Ordnance Discovery

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

Landfill Closed After Ordnance Discovery

The Molokai Landfill closed temporarily last week after workers discovered a potentially unexploded ordnance there on Monday.

“The ordinance was found during the sorting and separating of an older waste pile that consisted mostly of construction…waste with green waste mixed in it,” said Rod Antone, Maui County communications director.

The ordnance was from the 1940s, when military aircraft dropped practice bombs on some areas of Molokai for training, according to U.S. Army’s Staff Sergeant Corbin Heard with the 74th Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit at Schofield Barracks.

After the ordnance was found, the Molokai Police Department contacted Heard’s unit to investigate the bomb.…