Ka’ahele a Lono

By Catherine Cluett Pactol
Lonoikamakahiki! Lonoikamakahiki! The chant rang out through every ahupua’a on Molokai last week as a Ka’ahele crew walked more than 50 miles from Halawa to Hale O Lono carrying Lonomakua in the 40th annual Ka Molokai Makahiki. Bearing the lei-draped white banner fluttering in the wind, the group of marchers stopped at every school and community on the island, accepting more than 100 ho’okupu over the course of the week-long journey.
“The Ka’ahele was traditionally a time for the island to assess the status of the ‘aina and kai,” said Miki’ala Pescaia, cultural practitioner and one of the event’s organizers.…