Community Development

What is community development? How should community development be governed?

Grant for Local Food Distribution

Friday, February 25th, 2022

Sust’ainable Molokai News Release

Sustʻainable Molokai recently received a $34,375 grant from the First Nations Development Institute of Longmont, Colorado. This award will support the efforts of Project Hoʻokuʻikahi Aloha Molokai, which distributes locally produced food to Molokai residents through our island’s 22 food pantries.

This project began as a hui of community organizations that rallied together to provide food for our Molokai residents during the outbreak of the pandemic. The name Hoʻokuʻikahi Aloha Molokai means “uniting in love for our people of Molokai.” These and other efforts are covered in this short video, Island in the Pandemic, created by Quazifilms’ Matt Yamashita, which premiered on Oct 16, 2020.…

Discuss Molokai Water Use and Demand

Thursday, February 24th, 2022

Townscape News Release

Learn about Preliminary Water Use and Demand for Molokai’s water systems. At two meetings open to Molokai residents, we will be presenting water use information for public and private water systems on the island, our methodology for projecting future water demand, and sharing our preliminary water demand projections. The Molokai Water Use and Development Plan is being updated by a collaboration between Townscape, Inc., an environmental and community planning company, and the County of Maui Department of Water Supply, Water Resources and Planning Division.

We will offer this presentation at two different meeting times. Our presentation will be the same at each meeting, and open discussion time will follow the presentation.…

Energy Coop Gets Support for $7.5M Loan

Thursday, November 11th, 2021

Ho’ahu Energy Coop News Release

Ho’ahu Energy Cooperative Molokai, a local group formed to build community-owned energy projects for community benefits, received initial support for a state loan of $7.5 million to fund a 2.75 megawatt solar and battery storage project the Coop is proposing on Molokai. 

The board of the Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority (HGIA) met virtually on Oct. 27 to hear the proposal from Hoʻahu President Todd Yamashita and co-development partner, Ali Andrews of Shake Energy Collaborative. At that meeting, the board voted to set aside $7.5 million from their Green Energy Market Securitization (GEMS) Program for Hoʻahu’s Community-based Renewable Energy (CBRE) solar and battery storage project.…

Nonprofit Works to Restore ‘Aina

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

‘Aina Momona News Release

Aloha Molokai, we are ʻAina Momona, a Native Hawaiian nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of achieving environmental health and sustainability through restoring social justice and Hawaiian sovereignty. Our team of kiaʻi are committed to restoring Molokai ʻAina Momona. 

We are advised by a board of exceptional Native Hawaiians who work in concert with our staff on the ground. Our board members include Dr. Jon Osorio, Dr. Trisha Kehaulani Watson, and Molokai’s own, Dr. Keoni Kauwe, among others. Dr. Kauwe is a graduate of Molokai High and Intermediate (ʻ96) and recently became the eleventh president of Brigham Young University — Hawaii and the first of Native Hawaiian descent.…

Families to Get Housing Needs Through Grant

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021

Families to Get Housing Needs Through Grant

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Three Ho’olehua families will have improved living conditions thanks to a grant given to The Molokai Baptist Church’s Aloha in Action program, which has been helping community members with building needs for the past 12 years. The $75,000 grant was awarded to the program last week by the Nareit Foundation. 

The funding will provide a new roof and residential gutter system repair for a disabled, single mother with her three kids who currently live under a badly leaking roof; a bathroom and septic system installation for a single mother with two children and a grandchild without a bathroom in their home; and a small house for a couple on their homestead property.…

Let’s Redefine Tourism

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021

HTA News Release

The Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) and Maui Visitors and Convention Bureau (MVCB) are encouraging the public to participate in the upcoming Maui Nui Destination Management Action Plan community meetings to share their views on tourism’s future direction for Maui, Lanai and Molokai.

John De Fries, HTA president and CEO, said continued input from Maui Nui residents is crucial to ensuring that tourism is meeting their needs and expectations. 

“The people of Lanai, Molokai and Maui have been instrumental in shaping the Destination Management Action Plans for their respective island with candid perspectives and thoughtful discussions on how to malama the places and traditions they cherish most,” said De Fries.…

Molokai Water Use and Development Plan Meetings

Thursday, September 30th, 2021

Molokai Water Use and Development Plan Meetings

Townscape News Release

Please join us for regional meetings to share your manaʻo about the water resources in your region: Central, East and West Molokai. We would like to hear about wahi pana, water needs, critical issues, sensitive areas, and more. 

The meeting for central Molokai will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 5 from 6 to 7 p.m. The meeting for east Molokai will be on Tuesday, Oct. 12 from 6 to 7 p.m. and west Molokai will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 13 from 6 to 7 p.m. All meetings will be held virtually on Zoom. …

Improvements for Kualapu`u Rec Center

Wednesday, September 8th, 2021

County of Maui News Release 

The Department of Parks and Recreation announced last week that, with ongoing repairs and renovations at the Kualapuʻu Recreation Center, the facility’s basketball/volleyball court will be closed from Monday, Sept. 20, through Friday, Dec. 10, 2021, for the construction of the Kualapuʻu Recreation Center Court Improvements project.

The court renovation project will include the removal and replacement of existing court equipment, resurfacing and restriping of the court, and an accessible route along the court to the existing walkway. The construction contract was awarded to Site Engineering Inc.

As part of the ongoing improvements to the Kualapuʻu Recreation Center, the renovation will also focus on upgrading the facility’s entrance and interior areas to enhance accessibility and security.…

$950K for Na’iwa Subdivision

Wednesday, September 8th, 2021

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Improvements to the Na’iwa Subdivision on Molokai Hawaiian Home Lands are moving forward with the release of an additional $950,000 in capital improvement funds, Sen. Lynn DeCoite announced last week. The funds are allocated for design and engineering services for roadway access, water and electrical service for the subdivision area. 

After years of waiting, the Na’iwa agricultural subdivision in Ho’olehua near the airport, which encompasses 341 acres and 58 lots, is getting infrastructure improvements including access roads, driveways, electrical connections and potable and irrigation water lines. Site inspections and field work for the improvements began in February and March.…

College Solar Installation a Learning Opportunity for Students

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

College Solar Installation a Learning Opportunity for Students

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

One hundred eighty-two solar panels recently installed on the UH Molokai college campus’ roof will not only reduce the college’s electric bill but offered five Molokai resident interns the rare chance to get a hands-on learning opportunity. Alongside industry professionals, the interns helped install the panels after completing classroom work that gained them a certificate in renewable energy. Municipalities seeking to promote sustainability initiatives can hire Lone Star Solar to develop comprehensive solar energy plans.

“These internships are very hard to come by to place students in the solar area,” said Keisha Nakamura, program coordinator for Hana Lima, a Native Hawaiian career and technical education program through UH Maui College, which helped coordinate the Molokai opportunity.…