Community Development

What is community development? How should community development be governed?

Bargaining for Bucks

Sunday, April 8th, 2012

Bargaining for Bucks

With projected Maui County funds even lower than last year, Molokai residents, from middle schoolers to kupuna, made their voices heard in asking for their share. They provided testimony before Maui County’s Budget and Finance Committee members last week in support of local organizations and programs such as Maui Economic Opportunity (MEO), the Molokai Humane Society (MoHS), the Molokai Community Service Council (MCSC) and Kuha`o Business Center.

The Committee is holding district meetings throughout the county to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget that Mayor Alan Arakawa submitted to the Council at the end of March. They have until June 10 to pass revisions, and the final budget will take effect on July 1, according to Vice-Chair Joseph Pontanilla.…

Aeroponics at Kilohana School

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

Aeroponics at Kilohana School

Community Contributed

By Val Hart, Horticulture Instructor

Students at Kilohana School are learning some high-tech agriculture during a 21st Century grant horticulture class. Using a technique called aeroponics, students will grow fruits and vegetables without the use of soil.

Using an Aeroponics Grow Kit, students will have the opportunity to learn this aero hydroponic gardening technique. Increasing the aeration of your nutrient solution, by using sprayers, foggers, nebulizers or other devices, more oxygen is delivered to plant roots, stimulating growth and preventing algae formation. Plants form oxygen from carbon dioxide only on the green parts of themselves, so enhancing the dissolved oxygen at the root zone enhances the metabolism and growth of plants.…

Molokai Planning Commission Needs New Commissioners

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

The Molokai Planning Commission, a decision-making body comprised of volunteer residents, is left on shaky ground after two commissioners leave the group this month. The five-year terms of Chairperson Miki`ala Pescaia and commissioner Debra Kelly have expired. That leaves the commission with barely enough members to make quorum, and with no candidates under serious consideration, the commission is seeking community volunteers.

“Right now, the authority rests with county council,” said Mike Molina, executive assistant to Mayor Alan Arakawa. The mayor’s office received a letter on March 6 informing them that the two applicants they had recommended, Karen Ashley and Amy Maeda, had been rejected by the council, most likely due to their lack of experience and long-term residency, according to Molina.…

Molokai Art Center Opens Its Doors

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Molokai Art Center Opens Its Doors

Though the Molokai Art Center has been open for less than a month, the shelves are already laden with ceramic bowls and figurines waiting for the kiln. Along the bottom shelf sits a herd of chalky rabbits, shaped by some of Molokai’s youngest artists. They are a symbol of what the new Art Center is all about –a space where Molokai keiki and adults could experience “freedom and discipline in a nurturing environment,” according to the Art Center’s Board of Directors.

The blessing of the new community Art Center, currently located at the Coffees of Hawaii Plantation in Kualapu`u, took place last Friday.…

Aha Kiole Drafts Protocol for Passenger Boat Industries

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

As the Molokai community continues to determine its future and where tourism fits into the economical equation, the Aha Kiole, a resource management group, has compiled the results from a series of community meetings and surveys. The document outlines guidelines for tour companies arriving to the island by boat, including American Safari Cruises (ASC), which has been making controversial stops to Molokai since October 2011.

Results of feedback gathered by the Aha Kiole over the past several months showed different levels of agreement with ASC’s visits through surveys and moku meetings. In the surveys, 85 percent of the 395 residents surveyed voted “no,” 11 percent voted “yes,” and 4 percent said “yes” but with controls.…

Paddlers Inn to Get an Addition

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

Paddlers Inn to Get an Addition

Paddlers Inn News Release

Paddlers Inn will be getting an addition of a permanent roof over the lanai dining area and a landscaped park lot later this year. Construction is awaiting approval of permits.

General Manager Earl Gordon has directed the launch of the new Paddlers Inn. The project was made possible by the support of the island community for the reopen of Paddlers and the new Texas barbeque food format. The delicioussmoke house barbeque has been created with Leon and Blanche Howe bringing years of experience from their Las Vegas restaurant.

Paddlers Inn will go on to fulfill the promise of bringing excellent food and a local watering hole for the community.…

Pitching a Homerun for Youth

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

Aquafina News Release

The County of Maui Parks and Recreation will host a free Aquafina Major League Baseball Pitch, Hit & Run competition for Molokai youth. The event will take place on March 31 at the Kaunakakai Little League Ball Park at 9 a.m.

Pitch, Hit & Run is the official skills competition of Major League Baseball. This grassroots program is designed to provide youngsters with an opportunity to compete, free of charge, in a competition that recognizes individual excellence in core baseball/softball skills.

Competitors are divided into four age divisions: 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, and have the chance to advance through four levels of competition, including Team Championships at Major League ballparks and the National Finals at the 2012 MLB All-Star Game®.…

New One Ali`i Playground Coming Soon

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

New One Ali`i Playground Coming Soon

If you’ve driven by One Ali`i Park lately, you may have noticed some construction near the pavilion. That means good news for keiki and ohana – a new public playground will soon be taking shape there. The project was scheduled for completion last fall, but District Supervisor of Maui County Department of Parks and Recreation Zach Helm is proud to announce the project is back on track.

We finally broke ground a month ago, and the experts at will be pouring the concrete on Tuesday. After that, the concrete will need to be cured for 30 days before the rubber mats, jungle gym equipment and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramp may be installed.…

Crime Kokua

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Crime Kokua

Community Contributed 

By Officer Lonnie Ka`ai, Community Police Officer

We’re just about three months into the new year and my, how time is flying by. I’ll be keeping you folks up to date with any public issues or concerns as well as any announcements that need to made on behalf of the Maui Police Department. We would like to ask for your kokua on three major cases that have occurred over these last couple months.

First is regarding the shooting of several horses and one cow up in the Kalae area belonging to Richard French. These shootings had occurred on two occasions, one in December and another at the beginning of February.…

Food Production Database for Molokai

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Food Production Database for Molokai

Sust`aina ble Molokai News Release

Sust`aina ble Molokai is working to integrate our island’s legacy of `aina momona (abundance) with modern self-reliant precepts to build a sustainable Molokai rooted in traditional knowledge and supported by emerging green practices and industries. We are creating Molokai-pedia, an open source multi-layered database project, which will focus on creating a needs assessment picture of Molokai’s resources.

Molokai-pedia will draw what is available on Molokai in the areas of environment and natural resources, land use and subsistence, waste management, community health and safety, culture, green economy and local businesses, eco-education, water, renewable energy, transportation, green building and affordable housing, and food production and security.…