
General news which affects the Molokai community in one way or another.

Food Forest Program

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

Community Contributed

By Kyle Franks – DHHL Extension Agent

What are food forests and why do they matter?
Food forests are a designed mimic of natural systems succession. The appeal of these systems includes easier long term maintenance, long term food production, soil building via increasing organic matter content, improved microclimates, reduction of water use, and other resources than food – fiber, fuels, and medicine. Many of our community members find this intriguing and have desired to learn more. Based on this need, our team at CTAHR began to develop a program to deliver knowledge and experience.
November 2023, we held an introductory session describing the program in detail.…

Hospice Molokai Yard Sale

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

Hospice Molokai News Release

Now accepting donations. Your gently used items are another person’s treasures. If you have gently used or new items of value and want to donate them, please call Dan Reed, 808-658-1015 or Maile Silva at 808-658-6030. Molokai Quilt Guild donated a beautiful crib and toddler size Aloha Sue and Surfer Sam quilt. Lucky number tickets will be available — call Barbara Helm, 808-250-4001. Need not be present to win. Suggested donation is $2 minimum per ticket. The yard sale will be held Saturday, July 6, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Location to be announced.…

New Church Service Missionaries for Molokai

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

New Church Service Missionaries for Molokai

Kahului West LDS Stake

The Kahului Hawaii West Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is pleased to announce the calling of James and Vicki Boswell of Ho’olehua as church service missionaries for the island of Molokai. Their mission will center on helping others, regardless of religious affiliation, learning more about their family history and sharing the resources the church has for genealogy research with the community.
The Boswells are also looking forward to fostering hands-on learning opportunities for young children, youth from 12 to 18, and young single adults, 18 to 30, in the Ho’olehua and Kaunakakai congregations that focus on temple and family history work for their ancestors.…

Satisfy Your Malasada Craving

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

Satisfy Your Malasada Craving

St. Damien Parish News Release

Malasadas — more than just a donut. When Portuguese laborers from the Azores and Madeira arrived in Hawaii in 1878, they brought their traditional foods, including the malassada — now commonly spelled as malasada. A staple for anyone who has grown up in Hawaii, the malasada is a yeasted donut that is deep fried, and coated with sugar and sometimes cinnamon, offering a slightly chewier and fluffier texture than an everyday donut.
In high demand, malasadas are known to sell out quickly when offered for sale. However, here on Molokai, there is a scarce supply of this beloved delicacy.…

UHMC Molokai Celebrates Commencement

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

UHMC Molokai Celebrates Commencement

For the first time since 2016, the University of Hawaii Maui College, Molokai Education Center celebrated an in-person commencement ceremony. With more than 40 graduates walking, the quadrennial ceremony was one to remember.

Kelly Dudoit, College Coordinator for the Molokai Education Center, explained that a graduation is more than just a celebration of a degree.

“It’s so important,” said Dudoit. “As I’m going through the lists of graduates and thinking about their stories, their backgrounds, their struggles, their triumphs, who they were when they walked in the door…it’s so amazing to witness the transformation that education can have in people’s lives.”…

HHA Scholarship Supports High School Seniors

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

HHA Scholarship Supports High School Seniors

Two Molokai high school seniors are $1,000 closer to their future educational goals.

The Ho’olehua Homesteaders Associations (HHA) scholarship fundraiser celebrated scholarship recipients Ohi’aku Makaila’olu Ritte Camara Tangonan and Kamalua Arce at their fundraiser last Friday.

Established back in the 1980s by Evangeline Bush and the late Winona Kaawa, the HHA’s scholarships are intended for any high school senior who lives in the Ho’olehua area code for post-high school studies.

The scholarship fundraiser likewise recognized Bush, Kaawa and current DHHL Commissioner Zachary Helm “for all the hana done for our homesteaders,” explained HHA Treasurer Lu Ann Faborito.

Homesteading can be financially difficult, explained Faborito.…

May Day 2024

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

May Day 2024

For Molokai schools, the month of May means May Day. Students from across the island practiced for weeks, learning hula, mele, oli and more in honor of the aloha spirit. While celebrations vary from school to school, all include the Royal Court procession with students donning specific colors, clothes and lei representing each Hawaiian island. Typically, each grade will have a performance, along with special ceremonies by the King and Queen and their courts.
Photos from Molokai High School, Kualapu’u and Kilohana are included above, with more from Kaunakakai and Mauanloa Schools to follow later in the month.…

Once in a Century

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Community Contributed
By Fr Pat Killilea, St. Francis Church, Kalaupapa

The chatter of excited voices was momentarily hushed, then broke into loud cheers and applause as he entered McVeigh Hall, weighed down by numerous leis and topped by a colorful hat. The setting compared with the aftermath of the super bowl when Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs was showered with accolades. It was like those die-hard fans greeting the second coming of King Elvis. It was reminiscent of the president entering the Hall of Congress prepared to give the State of the Union Address. He took his seat at the head table.…

Molokai Pesticide Disposal Event

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Hawaii Dept. of Agriculture News Release

The Pesticides Branch of the Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) will hold a free pesticide disposal program on Molokai in June. Molokai farmers and other commercial users of pesticides may safely dispose of canceled, suspended, unwanted or unlabeled pesticides, but pre-registration is required.

This statewide Pesticides Disposal Program (PDP) is only for commercial operations such as farms, licensed pest control operators and certified applicators as well as state and county agencies. There are some restrictions. Household pesticides will not be accepted under this program. Hire a trusted exterminators in the area to properly dispose of any household pesticides you may have.…

Annual Board of Trustees Community Meeting

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

OHA News Release

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) is pleased to announce its annual Board of Trustees Island Community Meeting, scheduled to take place on Molokai. The meeting will be held at the Lanikeha Community Center in Ho`olehua on Wednesday, May 15, at 6:30 p.m. The event will commence with a light dinner for all attendees at 5 p.m. followed by the meeting starting promptly at 6:30 p.m. In a historic first, MEO will provide transportation to and from the meeting for registered attendees, with bus pickup points at the Kilohana Recreation Center in Mana`e and the Mitchell Pauole Center in Kaunakakai.…