
Remembering Hal Newman

Wednesday, January 18th, 2023

On the road again

As the sun rises in the east

Birds heard chirping against a changing sky.

Island community wakes

Lush, green and rainbow

Colors set against a

Northern cliff backdrop

That is east end Molokai.

A lone figure appears on 

The blacktop, navigating 

Toward the roadway, the 

Ocean and the secrets of 

Fishponds, old gas stations,

Coconut palms, towering

Mountains, lost horizons.

Greetings exchanged, vistas

Viewed and the heart and

Lungs renewed.

To the north, the church.

To the south, the ponds.

Acknowledgment and 

Thanks to another day

In the island way of

Luminous, living color.

Shirlee Newman, Hal’s loving wife

Hal was 94 when he passed away in October, 2022.…

HallowHim Mahalo

Wednesday, November 16th, 2022

Smiles on the faces of excited costumed children were plentiful Monday evening, Oct. 31 as hundreds poured onto the grounds of Kaunakakai Baptist Church for the HallowHim Festival.  It has been two years since a group of local Molokai churches have been able to sponsor the event that has been part of annual fall festivities on island for over a quarter of a century. Everyone in attendance appeared to be overjoyed with the festival’s return.

Like the HallowHim Festivals of past years, the 2.5-hour venue provided keiki big and small the opportunity to play a variety of games. With each opportunity to play, win or lose, kids were rewarded with a sweet treat or prize to fill their bags, buckets or pockets.…

Removal of Veteran Board

Thursday, November 10th, 2022

This is a public letter to Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans and our latest bogus appointed commander, directors and officers. 

After more than six years, four appointed Commanders with no transparency, no accountability, including our silly investigation by the Attorney General Office, we have gotten nowhere.

Nevertheless, accordingly this is a 30-day notice, Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans Annual Membership Meeting is to be held in the month of November. 

Please be advised, Hawaii Nonprofit Corporation Act Section 414 D-138 states that the Members of a nonprofit corporation may remove one or more directors elected by them without cause. Section (g) also indicates that an entire Board of Directors may be removed under this section of the law.…

Stop DHHL Construction

Thursday, November 10th, 2022

At the 2018 annual Molokai Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) meeting, a $4 million proposed Veterans Center development was on DHHL’s agenda. It was intended to be a fast-tracked political deal because the State of Hawaii had federal funds to spend it or lose it. Our Molokai homestead community testified with the typical pros and cons. DHHL wanted to build a veterans center on our only community open field/park in Ho’olehua. Homesteaders also addressed the safety issues of veterans’ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), as well as three schools located within 100 yards of the proposed location. Also, the recently built VA center in Kaunakakai has nominal membership.…

Ranked Choice Voting

Friday, November 4th, 2022

Governor Ige recently signed extremely limited Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) legislation which would allow voters an opportunity to “rank” candidates in a particular race.

How many times has one not voted for their preferred candidate for fear that someone they do not support would win? With RCV, one chooses the candidate they would most rather have for the specific position. If their preferred candidate does not receive the most votes, who would be a second choice for the voter?

The candidate with the fewest votes is removed and those voters who chose that individual then have their second choice receive their vote. This process continues until a candidate receives 50 percent plus one and they are then elected.…

Mayor and Priest Relax on Molokai

Thursday, October 27th, 2022

This is not a political statement, but I wanted to mahalo both Molokai’s own Father Lane Akiona for filling in at St. Damien of Molokai church as we wait for our new pastor, Father Patrick Fanning sscc, and also Mayor “Uncle Mike” and Aunty Joyce Victorino for joining us for mass, and Aloha Festival.  I got to see both of them at a pa’ina after a funeral earlier that day.  Father Lane looked happy to be home and with familiar company. He blended right in, especially at our Country Fair.  Home will always be home, as he shared at one his homilies. …

Biting the Hand that Feeds You

Thursday, October 27th, 2022

I noticed upon returning to my truck parked at the airport that one tire was low. No worries, I thought, I’ll just stop at Rawlins’ Texaco and air it up with their dependable and powerful air hose that is always available and used constantly by many people. Imagine my disappointment when the air hose was gone and in its place a sign explaining it was stolen. I am disappointed because every time I see a function, activity or event being held on Molokai I notice Rawlins Texaco is a sponsor. Also, many others suffer because of selfish, criminal behavior. My advice is: Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!…

New Ho’olehua Center Hewa

Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

In response to “Construction Begins on Veterans and Homestead Center,” in the Oct. 5 issue, it is sadly disappointing, after all these years, they still refuse to do the right thing.  

The Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans riff raff board of misfits have been in cahoots with our elected political okoles from day one, thus they shamelessly kahea for our Lanikeha scam, despite our third and last call for their removal, with a vote of 38 to 1, that was made on June 15, 2018. 

In early February 2018, an ad hoc committee was created to review all pertinent grants and documents supporting the proposed Veterans Homestead scam.…

Mahalo Mayor Victorino

Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

I would like to express my gratitude to Mayor Victorino on behalf of the residents and anyone else who has passed by the 40 foot trailer that was abandoned on Kahinani Place years ago. It contained thousands of gallons of waste oil parked in an unstable position on the county right of way.

Numerous complaints were made over the years about the clear and present danger to residents, visitors and the environment. True to his word, when it was brought to his attention, he lit a fire under the right okole and it is gone, gone, gone. The waste oil was transferred into new containers loaded up and shipped off the island. …

Mahalo Emergency Personnel

Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

My wife and I would like to acknowledge all those individuals who had a part in the emergency call that took place in the early morning hours of Oct 2. For all the professional, knowledgeable and compassionate care that was provided by all of the following staff of: 911 Dispatch, Molokai Fire Department, Molokai EMT staff, Molokai General Hospital emergency doctors, nurses and staff, Life Flight emergency crew, Queens emergency staff in Honolulu, and Dr. Pedro’s surgical team. 

For being the best you can be for all of us who rely on you, please be assured that you chose a most admirable profession “to help your fellow man.”…