
Homesteaders Camping Retreat

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

Homesteaders Camping Retreat

Community Contributed

Na `Opio O Molokai Hawaiian Homesteaders ame Na Auamo A Hina O Ke Au Hou want to mahalo Ahupua`a o Molokai, All Hawaiian Homestead Association, Ankala Phillipo, Friendly Isle United Funds, and all participants who participated in our Local Camping Retreat in Halawa on Feb. 25-27, 2011 which brought inspiration and motivation.

Our purpose is to create leaders for the future, understand the structure of DHHL, Sovereign Councils of the Hawaiian Homelands Assembly (SCHHA), Homestead Associations, our responsibility and roles, how important we are, build our own foundations and create our identity in culture, family and society. These topics will also be focused on during our July 28-31, 2011 Statewide Camping Retreat at Papohaku Beach Park.

We invite all Hawaiian Homesteaders 18-35 years old to join our State Opio Camping Retreat on July 28-31, 2011 at Papohaku Beach Park, starting at 12 noon. If you are interested in signing up please contact Suliana Aki (suliana@hawaii.edu), Sybil Lopez (lopezs808@gmail.com) or Kristi Dudoit (iamthekristi@gmail.com)

Na `Opio O Molokai Hawaiian Homesteaders

Dear Governor

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

Community Contributed

I just attended a Department of Health meeting on June 7 on Molokai. This meeting was originally intended for community agencies only; however, I, a community member, was asked to sit in. I was appalled by the comments and statements made regarding our adult mental health services on Molokai.

Hawaii’s One-sided Love Affair with GMOs

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

Community Contributed

Hospice Hawaii Molokai is a Way of Caring

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

Community Contributed

Quality hospice care can make the difference between unbearable pain symptoms, overwhelming stress and living peacefully and as pain free as possible to the very end of life.  Hospice Hawaii Molokai is a way of caring; not a place. We are home-centered and have a team approach in our focus on the patient and their family.  We promote living with dignity and caring for one another.

Annual Events On the Line

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

Community Contributed

Veterans Corner

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Hello veterans, old Jesse here with all the veterans’ news and upcoming events. I have some news for all our Marines out there. The current sergeant major of the Marine Corps, Carlton Kent, is retiring during a ceremony at the Marine Barracks in Washington D.C. on June 9. General Jim Amos, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, announced on April 11, 2011 in Washington D.C. that Sgt. Maj. Mike Barrett will become the 17th Sergeant Major, stepping in after Kent’s retirement. Sgt. Maj. Barrett is a 30-year veteran of the Corps, having enlisted at age 17 in 1981. I know that all Marines present and past will join me in wishing Sgt. Maj. Barrett well in his new position.

Simply Mahalo

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

The family of the late Alfredo Rin Sr. acknowledges with sincere appreciation, the comforting messages and expressions of aloha during our time of bereavement.

Mahalo nui loa,
The Rin `ohana

To Valued Customers and Community

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

The Store House greatly appreciated your business and regrets our sudden closure. Numerous inquiries as to, “Why?” business closed prompted a need for an informational letter.

Honoring the Ultimate Sacrifice

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

On May 30 at the Ho`olehua Veteran Cemetery, many Molokai families, visitors and a swarm of Molokai vets dressed in “mellow yellows” honored and remembered their fallen comrades from Molokai in all wars that gave the ultimate sacrifice, those who served and died to protect America’s interests and freedom.  Millions of white crosses and grave markers from Normandy to Arlington to Molokai tell the story.  It is this day every year we remember and celebrate with reverence and dignity the spirit and soul of the soldiers.  What an extravaganza in their honor. 

Mahalo for Comfort

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

Mahalo for Comfort

We would like to express our gratitude of thanks for the love and kindness for all the support you have given to our families on behalf of our loved one Charles “Chucky” Reyes, which had gone home with our heavenly father. He will be greatly missed and let his love linger in our hearts forever. Special mahalos go out to the following people:

Brent, Cheryl and Jeremie Davis; Cliff and Raina Dudoit; Sherrie Galam; Kawehi Horner; Kaleo and Sonya Domingo; Gordon, Kalae, Francis and Michelle Naeole; Bishop Akaka; Molokai Mortuary; Roy and Faith Horner; Pikake McKee; Opuulani Albino and ohana; Sherron Naehu; Billy Domingo; Class of 1986; Leila Elia; Edwin and Non Kaawa; Loke and Arlan Kaiama; Donna Kapu; Doreen Galam; Moana Keohuloa; Daniel and Lilinoe Puailihau; Danielle Sharpe; Ho`olehua LDS Relief Society; Ochie Bush; Lyndon Delacruz; Tanya Wills; Curtis Crabbe; Lawae Napoleon and ohana; Pete and Lani Domingo; Carolyn Bush; Julie Adolpho; Shirley Rawlins; Roger apuna; Dennis and Lorraine Borden; Gwen Arce; Steven and Mokihana Arce and ohana; Moana and Raquel Dudoit; Kauai Memoiral; L&M Nishida Weatherproofing; Marvel Seguritan; Charna Rae and Jean Naeole; and Francis Livingston.

If we have missed anyone please forgive us. let his love and aloha linger within our hearts and remember that familes can be together forever.

Me Kealoha pumehana,
The Quintua and Reyes ohana