Friday, September 2nd, 2011
Hello Veterans, old Jesse here with all the veterans’ news and upcoming events. There was an article in Army Times titled “Shorter Tours Coming Soon.” For soldiers, shorter deployments with revamped units are just around the corner. Chief of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey set a September deadline for a plan to reduce deployments from 12 to nine months, with 18 months at home. The Army’s stated goal is to bring the dwell-time ratio to 27 months at home for every nine months deployed by 2014.
The Air Force Times recently ran a story titled “Jet Takes Trans-Arctic Route to Afghanistan.” An Air Force jet, the C-5M Super Galaxy, flew nonstop for 15 hours from Dover Air Force Base, Del. to Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan via the Arctic. The route, which is the first of its kind in Air Force history, could give deploying airmen a few extra days with their families, the service announced in a news release. The C-5M traveled over United States, Canada, Russia and Kazakhstan and was refueled over northern Canada. The mission was a proof of concept flight that helps Air Force leaders examine new ways to deliver crucial supplies to Afghanistan.
Marines and sailors have used the term “brig” for more than a century to refer to a jail or prison, but have you ever wondered why? Well, the term originates from the days of sail, when prisoners were held on a type of ship called a brig, according to Naval Heritage and History Command. The small prison ships had two masts and evolved from a class of ship called a brigantine. Today the term “brig” remains synonymous with prison to Marines and sailors on or off land.
It saddens me to report that Lance Cpl. Christopher L. Camero, 19, of Kailua-Kona died July 15 in Helmand province Afghanistan of wounds suffered while conducting combat operations. He was assigned to 3rd Bn., 4th Marine Div., Twenty-nine Palms, Calif. On another somber note, Senior Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician Kraig M. Vickers, 36, of Kokomo died Aug. 6 in Wardak province, Afghanistan, when the CH-47 Chinook helicopter in which he was riding was shot down. He was assigned to an East Coast-based Seal team.
I’d like to send a big mahalo to Tony Wickes, who donated his time on Sunday, Aug. 7, and steam-cleaned the carpet in the Vets Center. Tony is a Marine veteran and a member of the Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans. Thank you Tony.
I’d like to remind everyone that VFW Post 3870 will have a meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 12:30 p.m. at Commander George Harada’s home. If you have questions call the commander at 553-5730. Also, remember that John Candello will be on Molokai the first two Thursdays, Sept. 4 and Sept. 11 from 7:30 am. to 1 p.m. by appointment; call 553-3611.
I hope everyone has a nice holiday, Labor Day, Sept. 5, and invites a vet for a barbecue. Please let’s remember our troops around the world, and especially those in harm’s way. I’d like to send a big mahalo to them, and tell our veterans – and the people of Molokai – you are the very best, and I love you all. Give old Jesse a call at 553-3323 and say hello.