
Letter: Woman Seeks Biological Father

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Letter: Woman Seeks Biological Father

I have been in search of someone that is a mystery to me. I carry a picture that has only half a story. I’m hoping before it’s too late to find what I’m looking for – my biological father.

My mom and my biological father met in Taiwan in 1969. He came from a small island in Hawaii. Apparently he was stationed in Japan and went to Taiwan when he was on military leave, and they began a long distance relationship. On my first birthday, he came back to Taiwan to visit and take a picture with my mom and myself.…

Molokai Mom on a Mission: Raising Awareness, Inspiring Change

Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

Molokai Mom on a Mission: Raising Awareness, Inspiring Change

Community Contributed

Opinion by Mercy Ritte

On Wednesday, Jan. 16, a unified group of charter school students and teachers, environmentalist, conservationalist, Hawaiian rights activists, people of all ethnic backgrounds, and families trekked a three mile march, from Buckman Hall on the University of Hawaii campus to the State Capital, in an effort to push for labeling GMO foods.

According to the Center for Food Safety, “it has been estimated that 70 percent of processed foods on supermarket shelves–from soda to soup, crackers to condiments–contain genetically engineered ingredients.” Studies have also revealed, over the past decade, that GMO foods can pose serious risks to humans, animal life and the environment.…

Letter: Walter Ritte, Candidate for OHA At Large Seat

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

Letter: Walter Ritte, Candidate for OHA At Large Seat

I am running for the At Large seat for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Everyone, Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians, can vote on Nov. 6, General Election Day.

I am not running against Colette Machado for the Molokai seat. If I get elected to the At Large Seat, Molokai will have two OHA trustees. This will be good for Molokai because Colette and I have worked well together in the past, even though we have been on opposite sides on several issues.

Please let your `ohana know that I will need statewide help and support, as there is only one At Large seat and there are six people running for that one seat.…

50th Wedding Anniversary on Molokai

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

50th Wedding Anniversary on Molokai

Last week, we celebrated our 50th anniversary and vow renewal at St. Damien Church. We chose Molokai for our celebration because of the island’s inspiration, people, culture and friendliness. This is our sixth’s trip to the island; we spend every Sept. and October here, and always celebrate our anniversary here on Sept. 15.

Mahalo nui loa, Molokai, for making our 50th anniversary a very special day and for helping us to experience and enjoy the true Hawaiian culture and aloha spirit.

Pictured left to right in the back row are our children Michael, Christi and Cindy; photo by Mae Alvarez.

Ron and Mary Neale and family
Evansville, Indiana…

Letter: SB2785 Passes the Senate

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

By Cheryl Corbiell

Mahalo to all those who testified in opposition to Senate Bill 2785, a bill which, according to legislators, provides a framework for Big Wind. Legislatures commented about all your calls, letters, visits and emails – we got their attention.

The bill passed at the very last minute, with acknowledgements of our concerns. The senate floor discussion on SB2785 centered on opposition from Lanai and Molokai. Senators Hee, Chun Oakland and Slom voted “no”, and we congratulate and thank them for having courage to say NO. Ten senators voted “with reservations,” which means that a majority of the Senate had problems with this bill.…

Letters: Taking a Stand for Halawa

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

In response to Halawa camping rules published by Pu’u O Hoku Ranch in the April 4, 2012 issue of The Molokai Dispatch, we, Naki ohana, strongly disagree to the camping stipulations set. As a Kanaka Maoli (Hawaiian) aboriginal of this archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands, we have inheritance rights and are descendants of this ahapua`a of Halawa. As a Hawaiian, you have a right of access to undeveloped Federal, State, and private lands throughout the State of Hawaii for traditional spiritual, cultural, and subsistence purposes.

Under the Constitution Article XII Section 7, Traditional & Customary Rights, the state shall protect all rights, customarily and traditionally exercised for subsistence, cultural and religious purposes and possessed by ahupua`a tenants who are descendants of the native Hawaiians living here prior to 1778.…

Letters: Jaywalking on Molokai

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Recently the Molokai Police cited warning tickets for jaywalking in Kaunakakai town. Why? The Police Department had a public meeting on Molokai recently and some locals (not malahini) complained about people walking across the roads in town–not using the crosswalk–and it might cause an accident. Police must act on public complaints. I’m sure they could be doing more important things on Molokai (family abuse and illegal drugs, etc.)

Molokai has a history of being patient while a person slowly walks across the road or stops in the middle of the road in town to talk story for a minute or two.…

Letters: Golf Tournament

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

On behalf of the “Heart of Aloha” Church Ohana, we would like to thank all 14 teams that participated in our First Annual Building Fund Golf Tournament on March 31 at the Ironwoods Golf Course. The day turned out to be a beautiful sunny day despite a few sprinkles the day before. A big mahalo also to the following that contributed towards prizes, service and support: Friendly Market, Molokai Drugs, Rawlins Chevron, Hotel Molokai, Take’s, Cocoa Cola Co, Pepsi Co, Mokulele Airlines, Maunaloa General Store, Darryl Rego, Capt. Clay Ching, Dr. Dana Takashima , Lynn and Russell Decoite, Chris Chang, Yvonne Friel , Pat Mostovich, Pro Am Golf Shop and many others that we may have forgotten (forgive us).…

Letters: Losing Big

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Letters: Losing Big

Congratulations to all the men and women who have worked so hard over the last three months in the weight loss challenge. If you’re willing to change, we are willing to help, building a better life for your ohana one day at a time. We would also like to thank all of you who have given us the chance to get to know you and your ohana. Without all of you, none of this would be possible.

1, Kehau Puaa 19.2 lbs = 11.085 % of body weight
2. Andrew Arce 23.4 lbs = 9.353 %
3. Kuulei Arce 11.4 lbs = 6.182 %


Letter: Good News on the Wind Front

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

Good news for Molokai Ranch may be good news for us all!

Many of you remember early last year when Molokai Ranch CEO Peter Nicholas held a series of informational meetings, where he explained that Governor Abercrombie’s threat of eminent domain — condemning private land for public use — had forced the Ranch to lease 11,000 acres to Pattern Energy for the construction of 90 giant wind turbines.

Two weeks ago, members of I Aloha Molokai (IAM) were invited to meet with former Castle & Cook Resorts Lanai land development director Mr. Clay Rumboa, who is now the new Ranch general manager.…