
Survival on Molokai

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

I share the vision and belief for survival of our life on Molokai. Farm, plant coconut, ulu, kalo, banana from our Polynesian heritage. King Kamehameha V’s vision and message to all of us was to farm, plant coconut trees, the tree of life and survival.

Look around – what is happening to life in the world?

Farm, plant our Polynesian heritage food. Create art: beautiful edible landscaping, happy fun financial hobbies. All lands are sacred, same time our survival depends on using them. That’s what the earth is all about for mankind. With care and respect, Molokai, recognize what you have.…

Stressed or Blessed, You Choose

Thursday, August 14th, 2014

Community Contributed

Opinion by Rick Baptiste

You and I have the power of choice to be blessed or stressed, at least in your own mind’s eye.   I have come to the conclusion, in my pursuit of happiness, that everything that has happened to me has one common denominator: me.  Every negative event and every failure in my life always had the same person left at the scene of the crime — me.  I have learned that the greatest foe in my life is not the devil, it’s the guy I look at in the mirror every morning.  The good news is that life, good or bad, is all relative.  …

‘Santa’ Looking for Someone

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014

‘Santa’ Looking for Someone

My wife and I vacationed on Molokai for the second year in a row in March and early April this year, truly paradise. When we were returning on April 3 to our home in Texas, we met a remarkable young man. He was on Ohana / Hawaiian Air flight 611 to Honolulu and on HawaiianAir 386 to Maui. I believe he was going there for medical treatment. He was teasing me about my resemblance to Santa, and some times he could be right. I would enjoy contacting him to fulfill his request, a special item he wanted Santa to bring him.…

Kalaupapa Celebrates the Fountain of Youth

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Community Contributed

By Father Pat Killilea, St. Francis Church, Kalaupapa

He walked through the doorway like the second coming of King Kamahameha with a young woman on his arm and I thought, “Oh my, he surely has discovered the fountain of youth!” Bugles blared and a host of voices sang out, “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear John!”

It was the eve of Palm Sunday and we had gathered at the home of Winnie Harada to celebrate the birthday of her neighbor and longtime friend, John Arruda. John was celebrating his ninety years of youth with great gusto. Power to the Portuguese!…

GMO- – a Powerful Technology??

Wednesday, January 8th, 2014

Dr. Karpiak, I was dismayed and disappointed  by the rhetoric you submitted to the Dispatch recently.

For you to allege that those on the island oppose GMOs for undisclosed reasons is ludicrous and seems disingenuous.  I believe there has been much specificity to the concerns and opposition raised. Have you actually listened and read the concerns? And to say that the concerns expressed are anti-science is both deceptive and absurd.  Rather, it seems to me these large chemical companies – for that is their foundation rather than agriculture — have manipulated the political and legal systems to circumvent serious scientific scrutiny and caution.…

Not Succumbed to Corporate Propaganda

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

Dennis M. Karpiak’s scathing opinion piece, “GMO, a Powerful Technology,” on activists in general and in particular Mr. Walter Ritte, deserves a response. In addition, his criticism of industrial agribusiness regulation shows disregard for the health and safety of adjacent property owners, consumers, and agribusiness workers. His assault on activism and its intimidation on politicians is trite and self-serving.

His description of activists as anti-science know-nothing nincompoops is inappropriate and egregious. However, I have bad news for our dear doctor. The Maui County Council, those pesky activist politicians, has an ordinance before it, introduced by Councilwoman Elle Cochran on Dec. 6.…

GMOs Banned in 28 Countries

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

In response to Dennis M. Karpiak’s opinion “GMO, a Powerful Technology” in the Dec. 4 issue, I believe having M.D. after one’s name fails to give one license to make comments such as “…having no scientific basis” against activists without first having done one’s due diligence in researching the “other” side.  Granted, what is stated is an editorial of one’s own personal belief; however, blatant public statements need to be validated by one before committing it to paper.

If GMOs were truly advocated worldwide, every country would embrace it rather than ban it.  GMOs are currently banned in 28 countries, most recently corn in Mexico and a total GMO ban on Hawaii Island.…

GMO, a Powerful Technology

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013

Community Contributed

Opinion by Dennis M Karpiak, MD

Walter Ritte represents a highly vocal activist movement staunchly opposed to GMO foods for various undisclosed reasons that have no scientific basis. The most relentless of these groups are at the forefront of anti-science advocacy using any means at their disposal to disrupt agribusiness and use third party funding to support their activities.

This activism prevents lifesaving foods from reaching market because activists continue to call for more tests, overly precautionary regulations and there are confirmed cases of crop study vandalism (Aug 8., Philippines). The activists impede this product demand by consumers and farmers by constantly demanding “more research” and intimidating politicians along the way.…

Les Misérables: A Reflection on Bullying

Sunday, March 17th, 2013

Community Contributed By Heather Williams

“Les Misérables,” the Hollywood musical, caused me to think, as all good art will do, about my own life and the human response. Written in 1862, a true classic suspends time to relate characters with modern concurrent issues. Each character is an archetype of how we choose to follow our own souls. The antagonist (Javert), obsessed with power and control over a man (Jean Valjean), containing power within which cannot be diminished or broken down. Sound familiar? “Les Misérables,” on screen now at this current time of American bullying culture rampant in our schools, institutions, families and personal lives.…

Letter – Is Pork and Beef Gone with the Wind?

Thursday, February 28th, 2013

Molokai Ranch wants to raise and market pork and beef. Supposedly the wind energy company Pattern Energy cut its ties to Molokai Ranch and is gone with the wind. Is that the real picture?  When will the Molokai Ranch pig farm start?  Can Molokai people partner and grow the feed?  Depends on world economics.  Does it make “cents” for Molokai residents, private business, the State and Maui County to be partners in rejuvenating west end in water, hotels, golf, etc?  A lot of little can make one big.  Raising pigs and beef on Molokai to feed the world is a good idea — just keep the waste smell from blowing down wind.…