
Food Packages

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

On April 17 and May 1, the Molokai Youth Center/MCSC and Maui Food Bank provided food packages to the community. We’d like to send a mahalo to those who volunteered their time: Aunty Honey Girl English, Ekolu Ah Yee, Ui’lani Smith, Sybil Lopez, Ashlynn Kaulili, Shae Pualihau, Whitnelle Phifer, Gwendolyn Dudoit and MCSC staff, Karen Holt, Katie Juario, Shaye Lauifi, Lilinoe Bush, Kalola Kaulili, Ali Kaina and daughters, Rose Pettigrew, Ashleigh Dudoit-Polido, Darlynne Mollena. For the generous donations, Kualapu’u Ranch donated two cows that provided 5 pounds of hamburger packages, Molokai Livestock, Josh and Harmonee Pastrana, Mike and Nani Kahinu, and other generous supporters.…

Hunting or Killing?

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Definitions of hunting can include the activity of pursuing wild game for sport and food harvest. I grew up in a hunting family, and for me, hunting is filled with anticipation, excitement, and challenge, along with the possibility of eating the best, healthiest meat on Earth. Hunting isn’t just about the harvest for me; it’s also about observing wildlife in their natural habitat. Tools like a starlight scope have enhanced my experience and helped me score some of my best hunts. My son and I have often sat together for hours, watching deer, goats, or pigs enjoying life in their natural environment.…

To the Class of 2020

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

Molokai High School, and all graduations of 2020, congratulations to all of you with love, support, respect for your wonderful achievements. Congratulations on how all of you handled and dealt with your situation regarding what is happening with all of our lives at this moment. It’s not the end of the world of life for most of us, it’s the beginning of adventure and challenges for a new change of habits, lifestyle and vision. Be prepared for it. Also, always remember to make your life happy first. If you are happy with your life, what more could you want? Happiness includes parents, families, friends, community needs and wants as well.…

Rainbows of Hope and Faith

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

Beautiful colors of rainbows of hope and faith — believe there’s a rainbow and hope, at the end of the darkness, smiling at the human race of Mother Earth. Never, ever lose hope. Faith is always there for the human race to touch it, feel it, see it. Believe it – it’s real.

Molokai, we all can create good beautiful things for ourselves, community, generations to follow. It’s our mission, reason, purpose for life. Molokai no ka heke, Friendly Island. Let’s all remember those two beautiful words with positive belief, it’s a happy example of hope and faith.

Molokai, life is beautiful, important, special every day.…

Free Cloth Masks

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

I am very proud of the people of Molokai for the low number of coronavirus cases we have. Protection is the important part of prevention. Keep up the good work! Stay safe.

I am making cloth masks so if you need them, call me and put in your order. They are free. A donation of fabric would be helpful.

I’m so busy sewing these days that I am not answering the phone as much. Please leave me a message, how many you need and your phone number and I will get back to you.

Love and blessings,

Carolyn Havens

I Give My Thanks

Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

Fifteen years ago this April, I moved to Molokai. At this difficult time, I have a few comments.

To all who, to the best of their ability, stay at home, use face covering and maintain 6 foot separation, I give my thanks.

To those who stay open to provide take-out food and to those who make grocery shopping possible, I give my thanks.

To those who keep my car and bicycle operating and to those who patrol our streets, I give my thanks.

To those who make it possible to receive our mail and to do our banking, I give my thanks.…

In the Quiet of These Hours

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

It’s not too late to start a garden
it’s not too late to plant some trees
it’s not too late for solar power
or water catchment, or keeping bees.

It’s not too late to think of others
it’s not too late to learn to cook
it’s not too late to learn a language
or read, or even write a book.

It’s not too late unless we give up
it’s not too late to turn around
in the quiet of these hours
can be where tomorrow’s found.

Are you happy and contented
with this world that you can see
if you’re not then switch the power
walk outside and plant a tree.…

Virus and the Human Race

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

Coronavirus is a disease of nature and has no favorite culture, color of our skin, or material things we have. Hate and blaming are human virus diseases. We need to heal, cure these bad diseases by moving forward and doing our very best to improve life for all and the generations to follow.

There’s no such thing as a perfect life, but our mission, reason and purpose for life is to look to the future and make it better.

Look what happened with our daily life! None of us ever thought something like this coronavirus disease would happen, especially on Molokai.…

This Humanity

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

If the barge stops coming
and we have all you need
will we share with our neighbors
or give in to greed?

If the barge stops coming
and the shelves are stripped bare
will we hoard a year’s surplus
or be kind and share?

If the barge stops coming
and the markets all close
will we let people starve
or help ease their woes?

If the barge stops coming
will we wake up and see
that we are all part
of this humanity?

Jayson Mizula…

Veterans Center Closure

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

The Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans will close our center until further notice.
Burials in the Veterans Cemetery will only be from Monday to Friday, no holidays, between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m., according to the County of Maui.

Our veterans and community, Please take care and be safe.

Longie Dudoit, MVCV Commander…