
Why I’m Voting For Keani

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

I remember well the 2018 campaign of Keani Rawlins-Fernandez for the Molokai seat on the Maui County Council. It was uplifting to see a progressive candidate introduce ideas that reflected her kuleana to better the island on which she was born and raised. She addressed issues such as climate resiliency, affordable housing, food insecurity, environmental justice, Native Hawaiian rights, and access to a responsive and accountable government.

Keani won that election, and now that she is seeking reelection, it is incumbent upon the voter to review her performance during her first term. What we find is a council member who followed through on her promises.…

Drive and Exercise Safely

Wednesday, September 16th, 2020

In April, my wife’s Tutu turned 90 years old. She is still very active in spite of her age, swimming and going on long walks every day. We have pleaded with her to stop walking along the side of the highway but she insists, agreeing only to wear a reflective vest on her early morning walks.

Last week she had a big wake-up call and our family had a big scare. As she was walking along the highway, on her return trip from town, an early morning motorist reversed out of their road to turn onto the highway and backed over her.…

Our Lives Are Special

Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

Humble, careful conversation. Let’s all support, love, care and use the word aloha to help get rid of this deadly coronavirus disease. Say to yourself, “My life, family, community. All our lives are very valuable and special. I’m going to follow and do the right thing to save all of our lives.”

The beach, the park, is not going to disappear. Alcohol will always be here, but more lives will disappear if we all don’t follow and care. If we go to the beach or the park, be aware what we all supposed to do. Put on your mask, keep your distance.…

Why Hunt in Residential Areas?

Wednesday, August 19th, 2020

Why? They say if you have to ask the question, you don’t know the answer. And so I ask this question because I am looking for enlightenment, education and answers. I don’t want excuses. Excuses are tiresome. I simply want to know why.

Why do some feel the need to hunt in residential areas, so close to houses, close to where children are playing, close to where people are enjoying the outdoors? Why do some feel the need to hunt so close to houses that they risk harming others?

Why did someone feel the need to shoot a majestic buck, behead him, and leave his en-tire body to rot in someones yard?…

Mahalo to Kalua Koi Outfitters

Wednesday, August 19th, 2020

I would like to take this opportunity to shout out a heartfelt mahalo nui loa to the Kalua Koi Outfitters. This family run business is doing a big service for our island people who depend on the local food bank during these hard times.

They are blessing us through Kaunakakai Baptist Church with deer meat whenever they get some! Our freezer is only being stocked through their generosity. This is such a blessing to those who cannot provide for themselves. They have found a way to support their family and give back by donating much needed meat to our island families.…

CBSFA a Step Toward Hawaiian Self-Governance

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

Aloha kakou. I am Davianna McGregor, professor of Ethnic Studies and director of the Center for Oral History at UH-Manoa. I live in Hoʻolehua with my life partner, Dr. Aluli.

Recently, some of our neighbors put up signs saying that I should be shame for supporting the Moʻomomi Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area (CBSFA).

Actually, Dr. Aluli and I are proud that for the past 25-plus years, we’ve been part of the Hui Mālama O Moʻomomi team to establish a CBSFA from ʻIliʻo Point to Nihoa.

Why do we support? Well, it was our Hoʻolehua Hawaiian Homestead community, not DLNR, that created the CBSFA designation.…


Thursday, August 13th, 2020

We’re six months into a global pandemic. The U.S. death toll just surpassed 160,000 people. That’s 53.4 times more people than were killed on 9/11/01 and 66.5 times more than were killed at Pearl Harbor.

With new COVID-19 cases already rising, the last thing Hawaii needs is a large number of people arriving from all over the world all at once. In 2018, 25 nations, with 46 warships, five submarines, 17 land forces, more than 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel were part of the Rim of the Pacific Exercise. RIMPAC has been held in Hawaii every other year since 1971. A scaled back version is set to begin Aug.…

Bayer ‘Health Care’

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

Regarding some of the statements in the Bayer News Release in last week’s issue (July 22), the facts need clarifying. The company, which used to be called Monsanto, claims to be a “global enterprise with core competencies in the life science fields of health care and nutrition.”

Currently Bayer faces a court order to pay $20.5 million in damages to Dewayne Johnson, the groundskeeper who was sickened by Bayer products and technology. The jury found that Monsanto (Bayer) “ ‘acted with malice and oppression’ by failing to acknowledge glyphosate as a cancer-causing agent.” That jury awarded $289 million — was reduced at appeal.…

Vote, Vote, Vote

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

Congratulations to all of you. Good luck to all of you. That’s aloha. Whatever happens, water under the bridge. We move forward and support each other for the good, better of our District 13.
Always remember Molokai is our home, families, community, generations. Action, action, action. Lynn DeCoite always lead by example to take care her District 13 community, she serves with honor, respect and honesty for six years, another six more years of honesty, care. It’s your generations. Also Lynn DeCoite has many others valuable talents and gifts. She has lots of love, care, respect for the land, survival of our life.…

Teacher Kudos

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

Being a wife, mother, parent and teacher, ‘Iolani Kuoha goes beyond the call of duty during educating her students and their parents during this crisis. Amazingly, she has enriched and empowered her learners with meaningful virtual lessons and experiences in preparation for the future. Much appreciation for your continual service to our community and Middle School.

Me Ke Aloha,
Ms. FK Makahanaloa…