
Blessed to Have Humane Society

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

We’re blessed to have such a dedicated and compassionate team at the Molokai Humane Society helping control this island’s animal population. In spite of limited enforcement and negligible help from the county, they’ve remained steadfast in their commitment to providing affordable spay/neuter for the people of Molokai at a fraction of what it costs nearly anywhere else. MoHS is a nonprofit. Their responsibility is spay/neuter, and beyond that, the veterinary services they provide are a privilege for this island and there have been many years where there’s been no veterinarian at all.

You might have grown accustomed to 24 hour emergency veterinary services wherever you lived previously.…

Petition for Open Veteran Records

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

To Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans Board of Directors and officers:

After four years struggling for transparency, Attorney General investigator Boyd Sakai has finished his work.

Please be advised, Hawaii Nonprofit Corporation Act Section 414 D- 138 states that the Members of a Nonprofit Corporation may remove one or more Directors elected by them without cause. Section (g) states that an entire Board of Directors may be removed under this section of the law . On June 15, 2019, the entire Board and Officers were voted out of office.

Accordingly, this is a 30-day notice of reminder, Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans Annual Membership meeting is to be held in the month of November.…

Veterans Day

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

Mahalo to our veterans for all their services and sacrifices. To the men and women who were recruited or drafted to sign on that dotted line and trained to defend our country, our home, from enemies, foreign and domestic, while being away from their families, we honor and thank you with this poem:

Veterans Day
By Cheryl Dyson

On Veterans Day we honor all,
Who answered to a service call,
Soldiers young, and soldiers old,
Fought for freedom, brave and bold,
Some have lived, while others died,
And all of them deserve our pride,
We’re proud of all the soldiers who,
Kept thinking of red, white and blue,
They fought for us and all our rights,
They fought through many days and nights,
And though we may not know each name,
We thank ALL veterans just the same.…

‘Done Deal’ Being Investigated

Thursday, November 5th, 2020

Four years ago, many Molokai veterans were not aware of a public meeting that was being held in the name of our organization. And instead of this public meeting being held at Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans Center, at our invitation, it was held at Kulana ‘Oiwi, and hosted by our DHHL caretakers, Group 70 International, Inc. and our elected State Representative Hawaiian homesteader, as our “done deal” everything is in place. Board of Directors proudly sat in the front row, wearing the colors “KOA KAHIKO.”

We have been patiently waiting, since June 15, 2019, knowing their self-created blunder and shameful arrogance, in their denial with the vote of 38 yes, and the only “no vote” to show up was the “Commander” himself.…

Virtual Vet Services

Thursday, November 5th, 2020

I would like to share some exciting news that would benefit our island pets. Ali’i Animal Hospital on Oahu provides telemedicine services for pets with a licensed veterinarian seven days a week. Their hours are Monday to Saturday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.Their caring staff will arrange an appointment time and the doctor will Spacetime to help with your needs. The fee for this appointment is $31.00 plus $1.80 tax. For information, phone Ali’i Animal Hospital 808-234-3441.

Elliott the cat on Molokai had his first virtual telemedicine appointment this week for a centipede bite that caused swelling and infection.…

OHA Scam Continues

Wednesday, October 28th, 2020

Because we are where we are, Na Kupuna ‘O Hawaii Nei are wailing in their graves. Hawaii’s State Constitutional Convention of 1978 was the lavatory of deceit in the undermining of “native Hawaiian as amended” self-determination, while at the same time our kupuna were used and are still being used in justifying our political okoles self created OHA scam.

After more than 42 years, including numerous lawsuits by the recognized beneficiaries, our created hewa, parades “Native Hawaiians.” The OHA scam is now open for all the people of this crooked state, with the granted privilege of participation, “self-determination” in “native Hawaiian” affairs.…

What Happened to the MHS Farm?

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

Many Molokai High graduates who loved FFA, The Molokai Farm, and the Ag curriculum at MHS have been and are still surprised, if not exasperated, that the High School administration, the Hawaii Department of Education, and the citizens of Molokai would let the program just die, go away and literally be plowed and grassed over, seemingly with no remorse or need.

Those of us who are grads, who were in this great program in the 50s and 60s, and who have since moved or passed away do not know what really brought about the end of Molokai High Ag Program. So we do not really know who, how or what budgets got cut, but the abandonment of the Ag Program was short sighted and a great loss for the Island.…

True Conservative Values

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

To me, voting only because stimulus, stimulus checks, unemployment, etc. are the wrong reasons to vote. $1200 checks and unemployments helps a lot but it can never make us happy. It’s just like giving candy to a bunch of kids, only temporary. Money is not everything. The things we value the most are our families, our neighbors, our communities especially in small islands like Molokai and Lanai.

One little disruption to our essential services like the suspension of ‘Ohana flights affects our residents. People will soon be without work and people especially our kupuna or those are wheel chair bound will have difficulty getting to their medical appointments.…

Keani is the Effective Candidate

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

For the past two years, Keani Rawlins-Fernandez has served as Molokai’s member on the Maui County Council and what she has accomplished in that short time is quite remarkable. When the Navy proposed military training in the nearshore waters of south Molokai, Keani immediately drafted, championed and passed a resolution opposing the proposal to protect the area for subsistence gathering. When short-term vacation rental homes threatened to consume rural neighborhoods, Keani managed to pass a zero cap for Molokai, protecting our lifestyle and our housing inventory and affordability for residents.

As the Budget Chair, Keani led the council through two successful sessions resulting in the delivery of balanced, equitable, and diversified budgets reflective of community needs and innovative ideas such as: $2.5million in microgrants to small farmers, a smokeless incinerator for the Molokai Landfill, and $500K for a climate change and sea level rise master plan for Molokai.…

Mahalo Mikami Family

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

Congratulations to the Mikami family for providing 85 years of pharmaceutical services and for always being there for the people of Molokai.

This past week, Molokai Drugs took care of the staff in Kalaupapa by providing the flu vaccine, the supplies, and support. With the help of Glauco Puig-Santana and Dr. Brady, we were able to administer the flu vaccine to 20 of the Dept. of Health and National Park Service staff who were not able to leave Kalaupapa at this time.

Mahalo to the Mikami family.

Sister Alicia Damien Lau, osf…