
Mahalo for Thanksgiving Lunch Success

Wednesday, December 9th, 2020

Topside UCC Churches Community Thanksgiving Drive-Thru Lunch feeds nearly 400! We thank God and all the earthly angels that made this years’ lunch a success despite the restrictions put upon us by COVID-19. Aside of people driving thru to pick up lunches, we also delivered to homebound friends. We pray it was ‘ono and satisfying for all who came to get a lunch.

We thank all the following for monetary, food and service donations: Misaki’s, Mrs. K’s, Claire Iveson, Penny Martin, Louise Miguel, Janice and Rick Ogoshi, Pualani Akaka, Earline Iaea, Dara Lukonen, Dan and Hi’ilei Bernabe, Loke Ramarama, Helena Puaa, Crystal Egusa, Jaty Spencer, Lanakila Hussey, Otto, Lisa Willing & Family, Kai Hodorawis, Jim Stone, Cynthia and Jim Kiyabu, Zessica Apiki, Kauwela Kalawe, Panui Tollefsen, Judy Davidson, Norman Levi, Tina He, and forgive me if I forgot to name you.…

Overpopulated Deer Dropping Dead

Wednesday, December 9th, 2020

I am writing as a concerned absentee condo owner on the west end of Molokai. My concern is the proliferating deer herds on the island which are experiencing heavy die-off due to lack of water and vegetation. Shared photos and videos reveal herds are decimating yards, gardens and grounds in daylight hours, unafraid of people, and still they are not able to sustain themselves, as evidenced by their bony, skeleton-like bodies.

Consequently, deer are dropping dead everywhere. Roadsides are punctuated with carcasses which only indicates the number that must be lying in the fields and forests of the island. It is said that hunters are shooting them nightly for sport, leaving the bodies to rot because their freezers are already full.…

My Pledge

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

As a settler here in Hawaii,
I pledge my allegiance to this land, these waters, and this community.
I pledge to conduct myself with the utmost respect for the Hawaiian people whose land I am on, and for the land itself.
I pledge to not exploit the resources or people of Hawaii.
I pledge to not forget that I am a guest of the Hawaiian people.
I pledge to learn about the true history of Hawaii and it’s present from the Hawaiian people themselves and not from American books.
I pledge to use my privilege and the resources at my disposal because of that privilege to help uplift those around me.…

Chess League Seeking Molokai Members

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

My name is Louis Tomsic. I am a Tournament Director in Hawaii for the U.S. Chess Federation. I have a chess club on chess.com called the Molokai Chess Club. We will be competing in the Hawaii Chess Federations, Hawaii Chess League starting in mid December 2020.

The Molokai Chess Club on chess.com needs you as a member so we can compete with other teams from Hawaii on chess.com. It is free to join chess.com and play online chess. You can make friends from all over the world. Pick a user name and password and sign up for free.

Chess.com gives you one free chess lesson a week, three free chess puzzles a week to solve and unlimited free chess games to play.…

Census Followup

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

My name is Napua Burke and I served as minister to the Hawaiian Congregational churches (Topside Molokai UCC Churches) from 2013 to 2016. At the end of 2016, I returned to Hilo to care for my mother and I continue to be grateful for the kind words and messages I received at the time of her passing.

My husband and I have continued to maintain a home in Molokai because we love this island and its people. We have not visited Molokai since the beginning of the pandemic for obvious reasons. Recently though, I began working for the Census and I have volunteered to come over to Molokai in December to conduct what are called Post Enumeration Surveys, which is basically a method of verifying that accuracy of the information received during the census.…

Virtual Floating Lantern Ceremony

Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

Since 2013, Hospice Molokai (now known as Navian Hawaii), along with the Molokai Guzeiji Soto Mission, has hosted the Annual Floating Lantern Ceremony. The event provides our Molokai Community the opportunity to come together in a safe and familiar space reminding us that we are not alone and to honor our loved ones that have died.

Due to COVID-19 we were unable to hold the seventh annual live event on Nov. 14, so a Virtual Video Event was created for you — “Holding Space to Honor Our Loved Ones.” It can be viewed at any time on YouTube at youtube.com/watch?v=57asQuS4yQk “Molokai Floating Lantern.”…

La Ku’oko’a Celebration

Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

Uncle Rudy’s brother, Richard, welcomes residents to celebrate La Ku’oko’a (Hawaiian Independence Day) at Homelani Cemetery on Saturday, Nov. 28. Come hear your kupuna’s, the gardener (the ali’i, the one you can see walking around).

Richard Cabanting…

A Time to Share

Wednesday, November 18th, 2020

Molokai Topside Churches News Release

Molokai Topside Churches invite those who have no one to share a Thanksgiving meal with, to join us at our fourth annual Community Thanksgiving Luncheon. This year it will be held as a drive thru on Thursday, Nov. 26 at Kalaiakamanu Hou Church. Come between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., first come first served, until plates run out. Enter the church parking lot from the East (Kaunakakai side).…

Mahalo Humane Society

Wednesday, November 18th, 2020

I’ve brought multiple animals into the Molokai Humane Society in the last couple years, mostly all animals I’ve come across that were dumped. From cats, dogs, and even a box of puppies, animals needing to be spayed/neutered, animals that were sick and in pain, animals that were malnourished and covered in fleas… and each time we were treated with the upmost respect and support. My constant questions were always answered with kindness. And I always left feeling full of gratitude that there was a place I can go with staff that I could trust that would help me when I needed it.…

Honomuni Community Garden

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

Come clean up the Honomuni Community Garden on Saturday, Nov. 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Bring your own tools, equipment and mask. Help grow food for our Mana’e community.

Ahonui Homestead Association…