
Post Office Closure is a Problem

Saturday, March 6th, 2021

We have a problem — you might have heard about the closing of our post office in Maunaloa. This is a terrible situation for all of us who live out where mail is not delivered. As you probably know, the building is old and should have been condemned long ago. It has limited hours and the working conditions are horrible for those who have to work there.

Now, we have to drive a long way to Ho’olehua to get what is being sorted. It is placed outside behind their office — who knows what will happen when it rains as this is in open air.…

Time to Live Again

Wednesday, February 24th, 2021

If life in this society is so frightening and so threatening that masses of teenagers worldwide are killing themselves, then it’s time to correct the social structure.

Teen suicides have occurred here also even though we here on Molokai have been minimally affected by the mask and isolation edicts. Lock-downs, social distancing, masking, paranoia, travel restrictions and all this government-mandated suppressive behavior is killing people and making folks unhealthy at a far greater rate than Sars Cov-2 ever could.

Look at the figures. According to CDC published figures the total death-rate is 1.7 percent. That means that, of those with recorded infections by COVID, 98.3 percent survive.…

Deer Culling Concerns

Thursday, February 18th, 2021

I live on the west end of Molokai and spend a lot of time walking the roads and through the thorny groves of the kiawe and lantana. I am concerned because of the increased demand for Axis deer culling in our area. The Axis deer population on the west end has been extensively culled by starvation already.

There are no longer the vast herds of mature animals, and in my humble opinion, the total population has been reduced by over 70 percent! Currently I only see small groups of skinny yearlings and the rare mature doe or even rarer buck. A year ago, I counted hundreds in a day.…

Donate Feminine Hygiene Products

Thursday, February 18th, 2021

The Power to the Period Project aims to donate feminine hygiene products to Molokai facilities in need. Economic disruptions like the pandemic can lead to people who menstruate losing access to feminine hygiene products like pads, tampons, etc. Menstruation supplies are essential items.

If you would like to donate money or menstruation products to the Molokai High School National Honor Society Chapter (NHS) Power To the Period Project, please contact Mallory Go at 2021mgo@molokai.k12.hi.us by Feb. 28.

Thank you in advance for your donation, it is truly appreciated.


The MHS NHS Chapter…

Bogus Veteran Board

Thursday, February 4th, 2021

For years we have dealt with a group of “us guys” who have confirmed our vote for removal, two years ago on June 15, 2019. Our incompetent board recently read our bylaws adopted by resolution of membership on May 25, 2013. They have found that there is no such section that allows “spouses and family members of deceased veterans” the privilege of voting in our organization.

Yet they found the time to revise our current bylaws, Sept. 10, 2020, where a gadoot “appointee” is now the commander.

For the last 15 months, we have patiently waited for the attorney general’s office to address our concerns.…

Veterans Center Strategic Plan

Thursday, February 4th, 2021

Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans Board of Directors is working on a strategic plan for the future of the center. We are asking for veterans’ input on what you would like the board to focus on for the next three years. What kind of short term goals would you like to see completed with-in the first year? What kind of long term goals would you like to see happen?

Any ideas or suggestions can be submitted to Lawrence K. Lasua at lawrencelas-ua0@gmail.com or in person at the MVCV Center Monday through Friday between 9a.m. and 12 p.m. Also, as a reminder, please stop by the center to check the board or call the office at 553-8387 if you have any questions or concerns regarding veterans programs.…

Mahalo Mokulele

Wednesday, January 27th, 2021

Kalaupapa Airport has been like a gathering place for many of us over the years. Then once this COVID struck our islands with such devastation, all this has changed and necessary restrictions by the Dept. of Health have prevented us from gathering there. That all changed on Saturday morning, Jan. 16, 2021, although only for a brief time, when we gathered in our masks at Terminal 1 to await the return of Boogie to our little township. After a brief delay, Mokulele’s flight touched down and taxied to a halt. A cheer went up as Boogie was taken from the plane and wheeled into the terminal in his wheelchair.…

Bringing Boogie Home

Wednesday, January 27th, 2021

It is with deep gratitude that we send this huge mahalo nui to Mokulele Air for going out of their way to help the patients in Kalaupapa. They have made special trips to deliver food, supplies and patients. Boogie was able to return to his home in Kalaupapa last week. Even in his weakened physical state, it was obvious that his spirits were high. Words cannot express the deep joy and fondness that filled us as his flight landed and he emerged. Boogie “rode around” in his wheelchair to familiar places in the settlement, enjoying the crashing of the ocean, the beauties of the aina and meeting of friends along the way.…

New Veterans’ Board

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

Happy New Year! Mahalo to those that showed interest in volunteering for the Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans Board. According to our current bylaws, adopted by resolution of membership on May 25, 2013, Revised 09-10-2020, Article II – Board of Directors, officers and Appointees, Under Section 2, it states, “…If an officer or director is unable to complete a full term, the Board of Directors may appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the term.” Also stated in the bylaws is that, “Each officer and director shall serve a term of two years.”

The departing board has only been in office since Oct.…

MPD Reflects on Blessings

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

As 2020 comes to a close, let us not reflect on the challenges we faced but on the blessings we received. Many organizations, businesses, and neighbors on Molokai stepped in to assist those in need, evident by the many food distributions, PPE donations, free inter-island cargo shipping, as well as the countless people who offered assistance to those afflicted by COVID-19. We were able to keep our COVID count low, due to everyone doing their part in helping to stop the spread of this disease.

We appreciated those that kept traditions alive, like PK Enterprise and Misaki Store, spreading holiday cheer from their annual floats.…