
“’A’ohe pau ka ‘ike i ka halau ho’okahi”

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

Not all knowledge is learned in one house. What does that mean? Well, for me, that means that my house is different from someone else’s house, and that’s okay.

I always like to reflect on my hula life, since I am a hula person. As a haumana (student) I was given certain basic foundations and I have been fortunate to have learned hula from several kumu from different halau. Each halau, or house as I’d like to call them, have different styles.

Neither of these kumu hula have a style more correct than the other, just different, distinct, and personal to their respective hula genealogy. It’s fascinating to know that one halau can kaholo (a side step) differently from another. I’ve come to a point where I can look at a dancer’s feet and know what halau, what island, or which kumu their hula originates.

But this saying goes beyond the scope of hula; it can be used in many situations. Fishing for instance. Molokai may fish a little different from Hawai’i Island. Conditions are different but it is how we function and how we see pono in situations that really sets us apart. I believe that everyone’s pono can be different and that’s okay.

My kupuna used to always tell me, “eh, never mind how they’re doing it, do what I ask - it works just as well.”

I used to get nuha and in my mind I would think, “okay, okay, but how come it’s so different?” As I got older and gained better understanding, I finally understood that he was telling me to relax, and not to worry about the differences. He taught me to do things from my na’au (insides) because our na`au knows what’s best. Sometimes I forget to listen to my na’au, but I do my best to see, feel, and hear what it is telling me.

Every year Ka Hula Piko is celebrated here on Moloka’i, the birthplace of hula. It is intriguing to see the many hula styles portrayed, shared and celebrated. People from all of Hawai’i Nei and abroad come to share their hula and to honor Laka, the goddess of Hula.

In the spirit of ’a’ohe pau ka ‘ike i ka halau ho’okahi, let us celebrate and learn from our differences and thus perpetuate our beloved Hawaiian heritage.

Kanoe Davis is keiki o ka `aina Molokai and the proud parent of three beautiful girls. Though she is not a kumu hula, she shares her hula knowledge with a halau young energetic like-minded people. Davis is also a proactive member of an `opio group who is trying to start a culturally based learning center on Molokai.

Upcoming Events

Monday, May 12th, 2008

May 12-17 TWIC registration all day in front of Kuha`o Business Center.

May 14, Members Only. Chamber of Commerce Membership Meeting 11:30 am at Hotel Molokai.

May 14, OHA meeting open to public at Kulana `Oiwi Halau at 6 pm

Currently the Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Transportation Workers Identification Credentials (TWIC) registration in front of the Kuha`o Business Center on Kamoi St. (across from the Molokai Drive in). Along with a Lockheed-Martin representative, they will be registering individuals and businesses all week, May 12-17. You can call the Chamber at 553-4482 to schedule an appointment, or try for a walk-up. Must have proper identification and payment at time of registration. This is only for registration, the card will be activated at a date to be determined. The TWIC program will be instituted no later than April 15, 2009.

Crowning Our Kupuna

Monday, May 12th, 2008

Crowning Our Kupuna

Lei Day gives first time honors to deserving seniors.

By Brandon Roberts

Spring is a time of rebirth, of newness, and the perfect atmosphere for Kupuna Lei Day which was filled with youthful spirit. This year’s Queen Dorothy Nihoa and King Kenneth Nip reigned over the first kupuna May Day festival held at Home Pumehana retirement center.

Queen Nihoa will be 94 in August. She has seen every Lei Day celebration since the event first began in 1928, however this year was her first to be crowned as queen.

Aunty Nihoa is originally from Mana`e and now lives in Ho`olehua. She has worked in the terraced taro patches and the pineapple fields, and has farming in her veins. At the age of 90 she retired as a Senior Companion, where she would drive and assist many seniors much younger than herself. The Queen continues to volunteer and remains active in the community.

King Nip was also first-time royalty. With his crown and cape, he took his seat next to the Queen for Kupuna Lei Day at the Pumehana Senior Center on May 6. King Nip humbly accepted the honor, saying his peers “just picked me up; I didn’t want to, but they insisted.”

Mr. Nip is a retired school teacher and volunteers his time, reading with keiki at the public library, helping with MEO food distribution and Kaunoa Senior services. He also shares his wonderful voice with patients at Molokai General Hospital.

“Everyone should be king or queen once in their life,” Aunty Gladys Brown said, her face lit-up from the festivities.

This year’s royal court was symbolized by the eight major Hawaiian Islands. Each couple proudly displayed the colors and flowers that symbolize each island.

Paul Lu`uloa and Maka Joao represented Big Island and were the first to take seat in the court. Kulani Purdy and Aunty Didi followed for Maui, Joe Barno and Tiny Domingo as Kaho`olawe, with Ron and Lani Kula signifying Lanai.

Symbolizing Molokai’s spirit of `ohana were Eddie Gorospe, escorting his mother Mary Lou. Next came Oahu with Alex and Anna Bishaw, Thomas Awai and Ululani Rodriguez followed as Kauai, and the royal court concluded with Drake Wells and Denona Chu as the island of Ni`ihau.

Kupuna celebrated their Lei Day with the light-hearted spirit of their youth; glowing with smiles, singing and hula - all while draped with leis that filled the senior center with sweet Hawaiian flora.

Jet Skis on the High Seas

Monday, May 12th, 2008

Molokai reopens debate on the legality of thrill craft.

What are currently coined thrill-craft, jet skis on Molokai are used for gathering rights, access to remote areas, recreation, and safety while surfing said jet ski owners at a town meeting last Thursday.

As the pro-legalization group spoke, a theme emerged; jet skis are being used and will continue to be, regardless of their illegality on Molokai. Supporters say the law needs to change to regulate use instead of keeping the craft illegal. However, opponents argue a lack of enforcement and the potential for thrill-craft based businesses could outweigh any benefits of legalizing the craft.

The 1992 state law refers to any vessel under 13 feet with the ability to carry up to three people as a “thrill-craft” said Nicolas Giaconi, district manager of the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreations (DOBOR), adding that jet skis are illegal around Molokai and Lanai because these islands are not mentioned in the law.

Kilohana Bazaar

Sunday, May 11th, 2008

Kilohana Bazaar

Molokai Enterprise Community Plans to Cancel Public Elections

Friday, May 9th, 2008

(UPDATED 5/10/2008) KAUNAKAKAI, HAWAI'I:  On the eve of its tenth and final year of federal funding, the Moloka'i Enterprise Community (EC), Ke Aupuni Lōkahi, Inc., is taking final steps to exclude the community from its board by planning to cancel regularly held elections.

On April 17, in a meeting that was closed to the public, the board split 5-4 on the question of voting electronically to cancel the already over-due election, according to EC board member Bridget Mowat.


The organization's bylaws require annual elections.  This year's election was slated to be held in January or February of 2008, when the terms of office for four of the board members expired.  The EC board is required by federal law to have 55% of its members elected to their seats by the general public.  Six residents had announced their candidacies for the each of the vacant seats.

Lei Day!

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

Lei Day!

Kupuna Lei Day

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

Kupuna Lei Day

Read Aloud Correction

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

An urgent correction; the Read Aloud series on our calender that was listed at Kaunakakai on May 7, should instead be at its usual location at Kualapu`u at 5:45 p.m. on May 7.

Jet Ski Public Meeting

Thursday, May 8th, 2008


HONOLULU – The Department of Land and Natural Resources will hold an informal public meeting on Molokai on Thursday, May 8 from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Mitchell Pauole Community Center conference room to hear from community members regarding the use of jet skis (also known as personal watercraft or PWCs) around Molokai.

“We understand a petition is being circulated on Molokai to demonstrate public support for legalizing jet ski riding,” said Thielen. “The purpose of this public meeting is to hear directly from residents regarding concerns or questions they might have about the use of jet skis in Molokai waters.”

Residents can also provide comments in writing to the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation, or at subsequent meetings.

Commercial or recreational use of controlled ocean sports equipment, such as jet skis, is currently prohibited around the islands of Molokai and Lana‘i.

“In recent months we have received complaints from island residents about noise and disturbance to reef animals from an increase in illegal jet ski riding in nearshore waters of Molokai,” said Laura H. Thielen, DLNR chairperson. “After our enforcement division officers followed up on these reported cases, we saw a decrease in jet ski use.”

A similar public meeting will be planned for Lana‘i in the near future.

Legalizing jet ski riding would require a change to the administrative rules of the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation. The process would involve public hearings on a draft rule change, approval by the Board of Land and Natural Resources, review by the Small Business Regulatory Review Board and Department of the Attorney General, and final signature by the Governor, before the new rules can take effect.

In addition, Hawai‘i Administrative Rule Chapter 13-256-16 requires all personal watercraft operators to be certified in the safe use of their watercraft, by completing a class offered through the University of Hawai‘i Community College System.

Under its administrative rules, thrill craft operations may be curtailed in certain designated areas as necessary, to avoid possible adverse impacts on humpback whales or other protected marine life; provide for increased public access; reduce user conflicts; and promote overall public safety.

Any person requiring accommodations for special needs (i.e. sign language interpreter, large print documents, etc.) may contact harbormaster Bernard Strehler at Kaunakakai Harbor (808) 553-1742 to make arrangements for assistance.