
Pa`ina in Paradise

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Molokai celebrates class of 2008 graduates.

By Brandon Roberts

Graduation is known as a commencement ceremony because it is a new beginning rather than an end. Melodious laughter echoed throughout the ceremonies, and graduates adorned gowns and grins.

Molokai High School (MHIS) and Ho`omana Hou held their graduations the last week of May in the company of friends and `ohana. Mother’s wept with joy and fathers, with pride in their eyes, were unable to contain their emotions.

It is a moment of emotional irony, with students entering adulthood – embracing their new freedom with a hint of anxiety. In the same moment, parents admire the growth of their children into young adults and hope they are prepared for work, college, or whatever the next step is.

Eco-Friendly Education

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

Eco-Friendly Education

Senator Mike Gabbard plays Oily Al  to teach keiki what not to do to the environment.

Kualapu`u students learn healthy habits.

By Brandon Roberts

Awesome Al was not always a pal. He used to be Oily Al until he met Water Girl, who showed him how to malama `aina.

Kualapu`u Elementary students gathered last Friday under the shade of a hala tree at Ali`i fishpond to enjoy a presentation by the Healthy Hawaii Coalition.

Senator Mike Gabbard founded the coalition with his daughter in 1996 to raise environmental awareness in Hawaiian keiki. Since 2001, the senator and his wife Carroll, have traveled to schools throughout Hawaii, teaching positive environmental habits.

The Kualapu`u keiki were entertained by a play where Oily Al’s bad habits, like throwing rubbish on the ground and dumping chemicals into the drain, were corrected when Water Girl educated him on how to respect the environment.

“Our presentation reinforces a positive message for schools and homes,” Sen. Gabbard said. He believes the interactive afternoon strengthens teachings from Kumu Piliana Naeole in the classroom, as well as reinforcing messages keiki receive at home, from like parent volunteer Sharon Likua.

Following the play, roughly 25 students broke into four groups that rotated around the fishpond – exploring their environment and learning to live “malama `aina.”

The Healthy Hawaii Coalition has presented to over 4,000 students in 45 schools with the help of a grant from the Department of Health.

Workshop Workout

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

Workshop Workout

The day of business workshops were a great success thanks to the Kuha`o Business Center, Maui County, and the volunteer facilitators: Tessie Juario, Kanani Koanui, Kuulei Arce, Brian Thomas, Donna Haytko-Paoa, Richard Kehoe, Deidre Tegarden (standing) and Stuart Funke-d’Egnuff, Helen Wai, Anna Ribucan and Annette Pauole-Ahakuelo. Mahalo for your dedication to self-empowerment.

Kuha`o Business Center hosts day of workshops.

By Brandon Roberts

“The Molokai island community is thirsty for education on sustainability,” said Annette Pauole-Ahakuelo, executive director of the Kuha`o Business Center , reflecting on the successful day of economically informative workshops.

The Kuha`o Business Center partnered with Mayor Charmaine Tavares and the Maui County Office of Economic Development to facilitate the sessions last Wednesday at the Maui Community College campus on Molokai.

Pauole-Ahakuelo said the workshops encourage Molokai sustainability through entrepreneurial empowerment and the ability to work and provide for one’s self.

There were five different workshops that 163 inquisitive islander’s participated in. “Some sessions overflowed with more people than chairs,” Pauole-Ahakuelo said. The only complaint attendees had was “craving more,” and requesting longer workshops, each session averaged 45 minutes.

The practical workshops were: Grant Opportunities and Writing, Basic Home and Business Strategies, How to Write a Business Plan, Starting a Business in Maui County, and Outside the Box Business Opportunities.

“The workshops were a hit, I went to several myself. They had thorough hand-outs that were easy to digest,” Pauole-Ahakuelo said. “All the facilitators are really compassionate about what they do.”

Pauole-Ahakuelo could not express enough appreciation for all the volunteers who helped facilitate the workshops and to Tessie Juario, an administrator at the Kuha`o Business Center. “Tessie really worked hard on this; she was instrumental in the organization and deserves much of the credit.”

For business resources and entrepreneurial ideas, contact Kuha`o at (808) 553-8100, stop in at 2 Kamoi St. Suite 6 across from the Molokai Drive-In, or send an email to

Lightening the Energy Load

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

MEO offers assistance with energy bills.

Maui Economic Opportunity Inc.’s (MEO) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) will be qualifying eligible persons and providing credits towards gas and electrical bills for those eligible starting June 1 through June 30.  

The one time credits are available for low-income households with incomes and assets below 150 percent of the federal poverty level. This Program is a Federally-funded program to help eligible low income homeowners and renters meet their electrical or gas bill obligations and for energy crisis intervention.

Please stop by the MEO Office to pickup a Criteria Sheet. Please not the MEO Office will be closed on June 11. For more information call 553-3216.

You must have documents listed on the criteria sheet and all adults must be present when applying.

Discounts for School

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Fund assists recently dislocated workers.

Dislocated workers may now apply for tuition to resume their college education, or obtain new job skills through non-credit instruction.

The University of Hawaii Community College System, in cooperation with the State of Hawaii Workforce Investment Board, announces the creation of a special education and training fund targeted for the recently dislocated workers. This fund will provide a one-time only 50% discount to the cost of tuition, up to a maximum of $500 per eligible laid-off employees.

The University of Hawaii Community Colleges will pledge $70,000 from its Rapid Response Fund, a fund created last year by the Legislature to meet workforce related high-demand training needs. It is expected that these discounted educational opportunities will provide incentive for these dislocated workers to return to an education program that will lead them to new careers and employment. These funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis until exhausted. This discount will expire on June 30, 2009.

`Aha Kiole Community Meeting

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

Molokai Represents

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

Molokai Represents




District 13 Democratic delegates Lynn DeCoite, Danny Mateo, Beverly Pauole-Moore and Lawrence Joao

An insider’s look at the Hawaii Democratic Convention.

An editorial by Brandon Roberts

As we stepped into the Hilton Convention Center, a wave of Democratic excitementwashed over us. We felt official, important – knowing that our weekend was one of change. We were to shape the blue team, mold the future of the party platform, and vote our conscience.

I had the honor, by default mind you, of attending the Hawaii Democratic Convention as a Molokai Delegate over Memorial weekend. Aunty Beverly Pauole-Moore and Aunty Annette Pauole-Ahakuelo made me their hanai for the weekend. We were there for Molokai, we were there for Barack Obama.

We were not the only ones there to support Obama. By the convention’s close the presidential hopeful would collect three more superdelegate votes and carry 21 of Hawaii’s 29 pledged delegates to the national convention.

“Maui County will have great representation at the Democratic National Convention,” Pauole-Moore said with a beaming smile.

District 13, which consists of Molokai, Lanai, and East Maui, had some of the highest Obama support in the nation with 85 percent. The unprecedented turn out broke records, leading many to believe the democratic philosophy is best for the Hawaiian Islands.

Senator Kalani English had nothing but pride for the Friendly Isle delegates, “they always represent, and Molokai never ceases to amaze me.”

And Molokai definitely represented – bringing 10 spirited delegates, the only island with 100 percent delegate representation, as well as one of the youngest delegates in attendance, 19-year-old Caroline Kahue.

The lack of `opio surprised me though. Obama has a connection with the country’s youth, registering 30,000 new voters in Hawaii alone. I do not mean any disrespect; however, the youth need to get involved, and the party leadership needs to reach out and nominate more `opio. They need to prepare us because it will soon be our turn to lead.

Nearly 1,000 Hawaii Democratic delegates took a step in this direction by electing 35-year-old Brian Shatz as the new party chair. Pauole-Ahakuelo said the election of Shatz was one of her convention highlights. Reflecting on her experience, she said she has not seen enthusiasm like this for a long time. “Everyone was just so hyped, pumped up, and we all came together to get a Democrat in the office.”

Molokai Veteran and delegate Larry Helm, has always been an independent, but believed in Obama’s message and potential early on. He has dropped the “I” and adorned a “D,” this election year. “The recipe the country is following is wrong, we need to consider a way that is equal, we need change.”

One of the most exuberant Molokai delegates was Lawrence Joao. He has attended four other democratic conventions and could not hide his Obama support. Jaoa, along with the Molokai Democrats, participated in an Obama parade, holding his sign high and chanting “Yes we can!”

Pauole-Moore is the president of the Kaunakakai Democrats, and organized the Molokai delegates. She shared the privilege with Councilman Danny Mateo of presenting convention attendees with a memorial on the life of dedicated Democratic Party member, Wilma Grambusch, who passed away in April.

“She was my mentor, and welcomed me into the Democratic Party,” Pauole-Moore said. “On Molokai, Grambusch and party politics are synonymous. She was a mover and shaker.”

“Grambusch was the Democratic Party of Hawaii,” Mateo said. “It is such an honor to have the state acknowledging one of our own.”

Mateo believes the Democrats are rebuilding, but he said “the interest is there, and this convention will catapult us into the future.”

Molokai’s 2008 Democratic delegate team was Pauole-Moore, Pauole-Ahakuelo, Joao, Helm, Lynn DeCoite, Rosie Davis, Walter Ritte, Kulia Peters, Kahue, and I.

The next step is the August Democratic national convention in Denver, and Molokai – look forward to more Democratic events here on Molokai as the campaign season continues to heat up.

Homesteaders Confront MIS

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

Water scarcity and increasing demands raise concerns.

By Brandon Roberts

Delinquent homesteader accounts remain a top priority for the Molokai Irrigation System (MIS). Board members said they are following the 2007 audit recommendation to take a more active role in obtaining overdue payments. However, homesteaders question the legality of being charged for water, and are asking the MIS board to put equal energy into all audit recommendations, not just homesteader accounts.

Homesteader Glenn Teves said the Department of Agriculture (DOA) has a fiduciary responsibility to the homesteaders with the system profits. He said if homesteaders were to get kicked off their lands, or be forced to quit farming, there is the “potential for the situation to get volatile.”

Lions Present 2008 Service Award

Sunday, May 25th, 2008

Lion Sharon Mahaffey presents seniors Whitney Apo and Tierra Madani with the 2008 Service Award.




The Molokai Lions Club presented their 2008 Service Award to two graduating seniors at the Awards program held on May 21, 2008 at Molokai High School. Presenting the awards were Lions Jackie Cushman and Sharon Mahaffey. Whitney Apo and Tierra Madani were the recipients of this year’s award of $500.00 each. This award is based on a sustained commitment of community service throughout ones high school career and acceptance to a college or vocational school upon graduation from MHS.


Local Keiki Win Statewide Competition

Sunday, May 25th, 2008

Hawaii Lions Foundation awards Molokai students.  

On Monday, May 19th, two Molokai students received cash awards from the Hawaii Lions Foundation.

Immediately following that presentation, Trustee Jackie went to Kualapu`u school. Kindergarten student Jasmine Quintua-Salavea was awarded a check for $200.00 from the foundation for placing first in her age category. This presentation was made in Jasmine's class room with principle Lydia Trinidad, teacher Kimberly Johnston, Jasmine's mom Johnessa, her brother, her Aunty Patti and her grandparents John and Dorothy Quintua all in attendance! Photos were taken by Lion Bill Cushman.
This is the first time that a Molokai student has won first place in this statewide contest. There are only 16 prizes awarded each year from HLF.

Hawaii Lions Foundation is the non-profit tax-exempt subsidiary of the District 50 Hawaii Lions. The purpose of HLF is to support the Lions Clubs of District 50 Hawaii in serving local communities as they carry out essential sight, hearing and other humanitarian projects. One of it's missions is to promote programs for the prevention and treatment of sight and hearing loss....... Sight Is Beautiful poster contest is such a program.

This contest is presented yearly to every elementary school and private school on Molokai. It's up to the principle/teachers whether or not they choose to let their students participate. Kualapu`u principle Lydia Trinidad has long time been a great supporter of this program. Year after year her students win most of the prize money on a local level.......  Many thanks to Lydia and Janice for promoting this program this past school year.