
It’s Official

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

Father Damien To Become a Saint

By Catherine Cluett

Molokai residents gave special thanks on Saturday for the island’s own soon-to-be saint, Blessed Damien de Veuster. The Vatican announced his canonization is set for Oct. 11, 2009, with the ceremony taking place in Rome.

“Blessed Damien was sent by God to serve the people of Hawai‘i,” said Lt. Gov James “Duke” Aiona in a statement issued last Saturday.

Blessed Damien is among 10 to be canonized by Pope Benedict XVI this year, with five to be declared saints on April 26, and the other five, including Damien, on Oct. 11.

Maria Sullivan of the Molokai Catholic Church says she has already seen more inquiries about visiting Molokai through the church website. “I think we will see an increase in visitors to walk where Father Damien walked,” she says.

Born Joseph de Veuster in Belgium in1840, Blessed Damien began his ministry in Kalaupapa in 1873; where about 8,000 people had been banished starting with an epidemic of Hansen’s disease in the 1850’s.

It has now been 120 years since Damien died of the disease which he contracting while caring for the patients of Kalaupapa. Pope John Paul II beatified Father Damien in 1995, one step toward sainthood.

Thanksgiving Services in celebration of the announcement of the official date for the canonization of Blessed Damien were held last weekend in both Honolulu and Kalaupapa.


Boat Ramp Closed Next Week

Friday, February 20th, 2009

The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) will begin demolition and removal of the collapsed cement catwalk adjoining the boat ramp at Kaunakakai Harbor on Wednesday, February 24.

During the demolition the Kaunakakai boat ramp will be closed for public safety due to the heavy equipment and trucks that will be working in the area.

This closure will last until the work is completed, which is expected to take approximately 3 days, but may be extended as necessary to complete the work.  

Signs will be posted at the boat ramp to advise the public when the ramp is reopened.  

The contractor for the demolition work is TRI-L Construction.


Friday, February 20th, 2009

The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) is inviting the public to attend a series of statewide public information meetings this month to present its new “Recreational Renaissance” plan, especially projects planned for specific island or local areas and to seek community input on the various proposals.

When - Wednesday, March 4 from 2 to 4 p.m.

Where -Mitchell Pauole Community Center conference room.

The proposed “Recreational Renaissance” plan focuses on restoring and preserving Hawai‘i’s state parks, various popular trails and ocean recreation facilities, and represents a new and innovative approach to developing and maintaining outdoor recreational properties in the State.  

“We are encouraging state park users and boaters, hunters and fishers, campers and hikers and anyone who wants to see improvements to these important recreational areas, to come and listen to our plan and give their input. Timely public support is critical to being able to make these needed changes that will benefit our communities statewide,” said Laura H. Thielen, DLNR Chairperson.

Family Practice

Monday, February 16th, 2009

The Neuter Scooter roared into town last week. 

Molokai’s Humane Society brought the clinic here. The clinic is staffed by an Indiana family and they love coming to Hawaii.
Dr. Peavy is the veterinarian and mom. They attended to more than one hundred cats, all of which they spay and neutered as well as gave shots.
It was the first time they had worked on Molokai.  The scooter will be back on Molokai in three months and expect to stay two days.

Contact Molokai’s Humane Society at 558-0000.

Ceded Lands Community Meeting

Friday, February 6th, 2009

WHAT: Informative meeting about the upcoming supreme court case regarding ceded lands. Community Input is encouraged.

WHERE: Kulana 'Oiwi, Halau

WHEN:  Saturday, Feb. 7, 11am - 4 pm

WHO:  OHA and Rep. Mele Carroll will be in attendance.

Resurrecting Wharf Catwalk

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Short and long term solutions discussed by engineers
By The Molokai Dispatch Staff

As most know by now, the collapse of the catwalk at the Kaunakakai Wharf on January 19 left the boat ramp without a loading dock for passengers.  Last week representatives from the State visited the site and made recommendations about what the future catwalk could look like.

But the state was unable at this time to give specific details about the dimensions and composition of the new structure.  

“We understand the urgency of the repair work and are working hard to come up with a solution,” says Deborah Ward, Information Specialist for the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR).

A structural engineering consultant has been contracted to develop a design for replacement of the dock.  The DNLR boating engineer visited the site last week to assess the situation and will work to develop a short term plan and a permanent solution.  The state is still trying to find some funding so they can do the emergency repair.  

Bill for Condemnation of Molokai Ranch

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

Yesterday, Representative Mele Carroll introduced House Bill 1295, authorizing condemnation of Molokai Ranch. Below is the full text of the Bill.

Report Title:
Eminent Domain; Molokai Ranch

Directs governor to acquire Molokai Ranch from GuocoLeisure Ltd.

H.B. NO. 1295




SECTION 1. The legislature notes that on April 5, 2008, Molokai Properties Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore-based GuocoLeisure Limited, terminated all normal operations of its various holdings and businesses on the island of Molokai, including the Molokai Lodge, Kaupoa Beach Village, Kaluakoi Golf Course, Maunaloa Town Cinemas, Maunaloa gas station, and its cattle operations, resulting in the loss of one hundred twenty jobs on the island that already has the highest unemployment rate in the State. Further, Molokai Ranch indicated that it was also denying access to most of its landholdings, that comprise approximately one-third of the entire island of Molokai, to the public who used those lands for purposes of gathering, hunting, and fishing, thereby supporting the type of subsistence lifestyle that many residents of Molokai have, by necessity, come to rely on to survive.
The legislature further notes that the Molokai Properties Limited landholding contain numerous wahi pana, places of historical and cultural value, including heiau and ceremonial sites, ancient taro loi, and loko ia, ancient Hawaiian fishponds.
In the recent past, there have been a number of private entities that have expressed an interest in acquiring all or parts of Molokai Properties Limited landholdings, estimated to be worth $200,000,000. Alternate energy producer, UPC Wind Company, has pledged $50,000,000 to purchase land and rights to establish a wind farm capable of generating electrical energy from the winds at the west end of the island.
The legislature therefore declares that it is in the public interest to meet the needs of the entire Molokai community and to protect and preserve Hawaii's historic and cultural heritage, to acquire private lands currently owned by Molokai Properties Limited and GuocoLeisure Ltd., and their successors in interest, for preservation, by purchasing those lands, exercising the State's power of eminent domain to acquire those lands or, by negotiations, participating in a cooperative agreement with other interested parties to acquire those lands.
The purpose of this Act is to appropriate funds and to authorize the governor to acquire all of the landholdings of Molokai Properties Limited and GuocoLeisure Ltd. on the island of Molokai by exercising the State's power of eminent domain or, by negotiations, entering into a cooperative agreement with other interested parties to acquire the property.
SECTION 2. The governor shall immediately initiate negotiations with Molokai Properties Limited and GuocoLeisure Ltd., and their successors in interest, to acquire all properties held by Molokai Properties Limited and GuocoLeisure Ltd. on the island of Molokai. The financing of the acquisition may be by one or more of the following means:
(1) Appropriations made by the legislature from the general fund or any special funds;
(2) General obligation bonds authorized by the legislature;
(3) Exchange of public lands, to the extent authorized by law;
(4) Federal funds;
(5) Private funds, financing, or donations; or
(6) Any other means of financing the governor may negotiate.
SECTION 3. If the governor finds that it is not feasible for the State to acquire sole interest of the property identified in section 2 of this Act, the governor shall seek out and, if possible, enter into a cooperative agreement or agreements with private or other public entities interested in preserving the identified property for the purpose of cooperatively acquiring the property.
SECTION 4. The governor shall submit a report to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2010 regarding the governor's efforts to acquire the aforementioned lands and the governor's recommendations for financing the purchase of the property.
SECTION 5. If an agreement to acquire the property by negotiation is not reached within a reasonable time, as determined by the governor, the governor shall exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire the property. For purposes of this Act, condemnation of the property shall not be subject to legislative disapproval.
SECTION 6. There is appropriated out of the special land and development fund the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2009-2010 for the purchase of all the landholdings of Molokai Properties Limited and GuocoLeisure Ltd. on the island of Molokai, as identified in this Act or to commence the condemnation process of those lands.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of land and natural resources for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 7. The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary is appropriated for fiscal year 2009-2010 for the purchase of all the property owned by Molokai Properties Limited and GuocoLeisure Ltd. on the island of Molokai, as identified in this Act.
SECTION 8. The appropriation made for the land acquisition authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal biennium for which the appropriation is made; provided that all moneys from the appropriation unencumbered as of June 30, 2010, shall lapse as of that date.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of land and natural resources for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 9. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.

Bill for Condemnation of Molokai Ranch

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

Yesterday, Representative Mele Carroll introduced House Bill 1295, authorizing condemnation of Molokai Ranch. Below is the full text of the Bill.

Report Title:
Eminent Domain; Molokai Ranch
Directs governor to acquire Molokai Ranch from GuocoLeisure Ltd.
H.B. NO.    1295


SECTION 1.  The legislature notes that on April 5, 2008, Molokai Properties Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore-based GuocoLeisure Limited, terminated all normal operations of its various holdings and businesses on the island of Molokai, including the Molokai Lodge, Kaupoa Beach Village, Kaluakoi Golf Course, Maunaloa Town Cinemas, Maunaloa gas station, and its cattle operations, resulting in the loss of one hundred twenty jobs on the island that already has the highest unemployment rate in the State.  Further, Molokai Ranch indicated that it was also denying access to most of its landholdings, that comprise approximately one-third of the entire island of Molokai, to the public who used those lands for purposes of gathering, hunting, and fishing, thereby supporting the type of subsistence lifestyle that many residents of Molokai have, by necessity, come to rely on to survive.

Bill for Condemnation of Molokai Ranch

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

Yesterday, Representative Mele Carroll introduced House Bill 1295, authorizing condemnation of Molokai Ranch. Below is the full text of the Bill.

Report Title:
Eminent Domain; Molokai Ranch

Directs governor to acquire Molokai Ranch from GuocoLeisure Ltd.

H.B. NO. 1295




SECTION 1. The legislature notes that on April 5, 2008, Molokai Properties Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore-based GuocoLeisure Limited, terminated all normal operations of its various holdings and businesses on the island of Molokai, including the Molokai Lodge, Kaupoa Beach Village, Kaluakoi Golf Course, Maunaloa Town Cinemas, Maunaloa gas station, and its cattle operations, resulting in the loss of one hundred twenty jobs on the island that already has the highest unemployment rate in the State. Further, Molokai Ranch indicated that it was also denying access to most of its landholdings, that comprise approximately one-third of the entire island of Molokai, to the public who used those lands for purposes of gathering, hunting, and fishing, thereby supporting the type of subsistence lifestyle that many residents of Molokai have, by necessity, come to rely on to survive.

Catwalk Calamity

Monday, January 26th, 2009

Catwalk Calamity

On January 19, the catwalk at Kaunakakai harbor collapsed. The structure, an extension of the wharf, is used to help passengers on and off boats as well as a place for boats to tie up. The catwalk collapsed while several people were standing on it, according to eyewitnesses, but thankfully no one was hurt. The collapse has complicated matters for those who routinely take passengers out to sea. Captain Clay Ching says he will have to pick up his passengers near the icehouse until the repair is made. Police tape was placed around the cement structure to discourage people from climbing on it. The Harbor division of the Hawaii Department of Transportation will be in charge of repairing the catwalk. There is no date yet for the completion of the repair, according to state officials