
Who turned the lights out!?

Saturday, April 25th, 2009 is Back

As many of you may have noticed, the Molokai Dispatch website has been down for the past several days. It seems that our host provider decided our website caused a bit too much “action” on their shared server. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, consider yourself lucky.

Experiencing this kind of “technical difficulty” is certainly not something we hope to repeat and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience the outage may have caused you. For those who had wondered about the health of the newspaper industry on Molokai, fear not, we’re doing quite alright and have no plans of doing anything else but bringing you weekly news from the Friendly Isle.

Kalaupapa Quiet Hours

Friday, April 24th, 2009

In respect for patients, staff, and other Kalaupapa residents, quiet hours will be enforced throughout the peninsula daily from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., effective immediately, according to Tim Richmond, acting Administrator of Kalaupapa.

“Everyone should be aware of their neighbors,” said Richmond, highlighting the importance of being considerate to others.   

Some exceptions will apply, including New Year’s Eve and the block party. If people do not comply with quiet hours, residents should direct complaints about noise to the National Park Service rangers.      

Oh Deer

Friday, April 24th, 2009

National Park Service drafts Kalaupapa feral animal control plan.     

By Melissa Kelsey

In a place as remote as Kalaupapa, the feral animal population can easily get out of hand. Recently, the peninsula has seen an increase in animals due to fencing failures, including areas surrounding Kalaupapa Airport.

The animals are getting through the barriers by passing through cattle guards, going under fences, and squeezing around fences by salt flats, according to Guy Hughes, Natural Resources Division Chief at Kalaupapa National Historical Park.

“Feral deer at the airport are a security concern,” commented Molokai resident Desiree Puhi at the Kalaupapa town meeting last Tuesday. “The last thing we want is for the 2:15 flight to run into some deer.”     

To improve the situation, the National Park Service (NPS) is planning a series of fencing projects, scheduled for this summer.

Voices for Kalaupapa

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

Ka ‘Ohana takes a stand on the General Management Plan

Press Release

The Board of Directors of Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa has prepared a preliminary Position Paper that includes recommendations for Kalaupapa National Historical Park for the General Management Plan process that’s getting underway. Park Service officials will hold public scoping meetings beginning this week.

The paper can be viewed and downloaded on the ‘Ohana website – -- by clicking on “Position Paper” in the main menu.

From 1866 to 1969, Hawaii residents affected by leprosy were forced to their homes to be isolated, most often at the place known as the Kalaupapa peninsula on the north shore of Molokai. In the mid-1970s, fearing developers would force them to be relocated again, residents asked the National Park Service to preserve their lifestyle and their history. The Park Service has been at Kalaupapa since 1980. 

Unforeseen Circumstances

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

Unforeseen Circumstances

Mango Mart closes its doors for good.

By Melissa Kelsey

People are quick to blame the economy these days, but that’s not always the answer. On Friday, April 3, Mango Mart’s sudden departure from Ala Malama Street created another vacant storefront in Kaunakakai -- and not because of slow business.

The convenience store, which sold affordable food and household goods in bulk, closed as a result of one of the owners, who lives in Oregon, being ill, according to the shop’s former General Manager Karen Buhr.

Buhr said employees found out about the closing on March 31st, and spent the next three days selling leftover merchandise and cleaning the store.

Mango Mart, which also provided a DVD rental service, employed five full-time workers and five part-time workers at the time of its closing. Buhr said that all of the full-time employees and two of the part-time employees have filed for unemployment benefits.

The shop donated $473.00 worth of unsold groceries to the Molokai Women’s Shelter, according to Buhr. In addition, unsold DVDs were donated to the Molokai Women’s Shelter, the Molokai Youth Center, and Molokai General Hospital.

“The closing was so sudden, but we had no choice due to the owner’s illness,” said Buhr. “We would like to thank everyone in the community for their support.”

Sust-`ĀINA-ble Molokai

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Future of a Hawaiian Island Initiative Kicks Off

Want to know what the future holds for Molokai? One thing is certain – Molokai’s first sustainability conference in July. If you’re interested, check out the booth at this year’s Earth Day on April 17.

Press Release

Organized by a grassroots hui of Molokai residents, a new Sust-`?INA-ble Molokai initiative focused on achieving “the collective dream of a sustainable Molokai” will kick off at Earth Day on April 17 with pre-registration for a two-day Sust-`?INA-ble Molokai: Future of a Hawaiian Island conference scheduled for July 17 and 18.

The conference will provide an opportunity for Molokai residents to learn, talk story and participate in the initial steps of sustainable community building.  Organizer Malia Akutagawa says the event is designed to “educate people and build momentum for the community to create its own future and be part of its own solution”. By integrating the concept of “Molokai '?ina Momona” with the word “sustainability”, the ultimate goal for Molokai is “Sust-'?ina-bility”, a model of abundant island living rooted in traditional knowledge and supported by modern technologies. The Sust-`?INA-ble Molokai initiative will build upon the vision outlined in the living document Molokai: Future of a Hawaiian Island, with the objective of creating and implementing a long-range sustainability plan for the island.
The conference will showcase Molokai residents living sustainably in addition to featured off-island speakers including keynote speaker and master navigator Nainoa Thompson, Aimee Allison with Green For All, Gary & Kukui Maunakea-Forth of MA‘O Farms, and representatives from Waipa Foundation on Kauai, among others.  Conference attendees will have the opportunity to learn about practical ways to live sustainably, through expert presentations, panel discussions, Q & A sessions, interactive breakout sessions and demonstrations.  Topics will include food security, alternative energy, waste management, traditional resource/ahupua‘a management, green economies, green building, indigenous knowledge, education, and permaculture. Pre-conference and post-conference ho‘olaule‘a are scheduled for June and August, and a “My Sustainable Molokai” art/essay/poetry contest for grades 7-12 begins this month.

Local non profit Ka Honua Momona International is serving as a fiscal sponsor of the conference, and conference organizers are currently seeking volunteers and monetary donations to help fund the two-day event.  Please make checks payable to Ka Honua Momona, Intl. with “Sustainable Molokai” in the memo line.  Donations may be sent to PO Box 482188 Kaunakakai HI 96748.

Space is limited at the conference; pre-registration at Earth Day is encouraged. Registration fee is $10 for adults until June 19th, and $25 after June 19th. Children under 18 are free.

For more information, or if you’d like to volunteer, please email

Governor’s Molokai Community Advisory Council to Discuss Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

The Governor’s Moloka‘i Community Advisory Council will meet on Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 3 p.m. at the Kulana O‘iwi, DHHL / OHA Conference Room, 600 Maunaloa Highway, Kaunakakai.  The public is invited.

Joshua Strickler, facilitator of renewable energy projects, from the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, will discuss the Lingle-Aiona Administration’s work to achieve energy independence through the Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI).  Strickler will address the recent agreement between Castle & Cooke, First Wind Hawai‘i, and Hawaiian Electric that could lead to large wind farms on Moloka‘i and Lāna‘i which will provide clean energy to O‘ahu.  Noelani Kalipi, director of government and community relations for First Wind, will brief the council on the company’s wind farm proposal for Moloka‘i.

Common Ground

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Government agencies and homeowners create conservation partnerships.   
By Melissa Kelsey

Rare and endangered species on Molokai are not only located inside designated land preserves –  they may also be right in your backyard. Environmental professionals are becoming aware of the importance of involving private landowners in the conservation process, and both state and federal agencies are reaching out to Molokai residents.                 

A Landowner Assistance Workshop presented by government officials at the Mitchell Pauole Center last Friday covered a plethora of topics and information, ranging from wetlands conservation to controlling invasive species. Officials from the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service, and the Molokai Invasive Species Committee contributed to the workshop.    

Lifestyle Price

Monday, April 6th, 2009

Lifestyle Price

Federal tax for cigarettes goes up to fund child health initiative.

By Melissa Kelsey

Smoking is a tough habit to break, but those who want to quit now have an added financial incentive. Last Wednesday, federal taxes on tobacco rose by 62 cents per pack, increasing the total federal tax for one pack of cigarettes from 39 cents to $1.01. The tax hike came after President Obama signed the State Children’s Health Insurance Program bill last February to raise the tax and use revenue to fund healthcare coverage for an estimated 4 million uninsured American children.

Indirectly, the bill may improve adult health as well.

“A lot of people have told me they are going to quit,” said Judy Egusa, a store manager at Friendly Market. “However, others are rolling their own cigarettes because it is cheaper.”

As an additional blow to local smokers, a bill to raise the Hawaii state tobacco tax from $2.00 per pack to $2.40 per pack was kept alive by Hawaii state lawmakers last week. If the bill goes into effect, the total tax for one pack of cigarettes in Hawaii will be $3.41 per pack, federal and state taxes combined.

“An average pack of cigarettes at our store used to cost anywhere from $4.00-$6.00, but just last week the average cost went up to $6.00-$8.00,” said Egusa. “If you really want to, better start quitting,” she said.

Smoking is responsible for one in five deaths in the United States, and is the country’s leading cause of preventable death, according to the American Lung Association.

Barge Bailout

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Young Brothers proposes schedule and rate changes.  

By Melissa Kelsey

Even transportation giants like Young Brothers are feeling the economy’s crunch, and Molokai could potentially see the brunt of the company’s money-saving strategies. Since December, Young Brothers, Limited, a barge company that has become an island life-line, has submitted two proposals to the State of Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC) that have gotten Molokai residents’ attention. One proposal, if approved, would increase shipment costs, while the other would change Molokai’s barge schedule.

Young Brothers ships goods to ports throughout the Hawaiian archipelago on a regular weekly schedule. Because Young Brothers is the only company of its kind, resulting in no inter-industry regulation through price and route competition, Young Brothers is regulated by the government through the PUC. This means that the transportation giant cannot make changes to its sailing schedule or shipment prices without the state commission’s approval.