
Molokai Is…Week 2 — VOTE NOW!

Monday, March 1st, 2010

Molokai Is…Week 2 — VOTE NOW!

We have our first winner for the Molokai Is… contest: Ko’i’ula Davis! The 10-year-old Kualapu’u School student received the most online and call-in votes for her short and sweet essay about her home island. Congratulations to her, and to all the contestants; everyone submitted unique and motivating pieces.

This week we have four more entries, including mana’o from the kindergartners of Kaunakakai Elementary. Vote for your favorite by logging in to, emailing to, or leaving a message at 552-2781. Voting ends on Friday, March 5, at midnight.

Remember, if you’d like to enter your own ‘Molokai Is…,’ submit poetry or other writing in 150 words or less, photography or another piece of art that defines this island for you. Include your full name, phone number, and a photo, and submit to, in person at our Kaunakakai office (Moore building suite 5 – we can take your photo), or by snail mail (PO Box 482219, Kaunakakai, HI 96748). Mmm, mmm – thanks Kualapu`u Cookhouse!

Joseph Barno

If aloha was a place, it would be called Molokai. The beauty of the land and the beauty of its people is beyond compare. It is the smile on the faces you pass on the street, the hand waving as you pass on the road. It is the ‘talk story’ at the Friendly Market checkout line and no one gets impatient. We are all a big family, different races, different family combinations but still a family, a loving brotherhood of people. Thank God for Molokai!

Road Closure: Mock-car crash

Friday, February 26th, 2010

Friday, March 05, 2010, Farrington Ave and Lihi Pali Ave will be closed from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (Molokai High School gym). 

A mock-car crash will be staged and filmed.  SRO, Michael McCutcheon, Driver Education Instructor, Malia Lee, and MHS Senior, Kaili Levi have been collaborating this year to create a film (similiar to Shattered Dreams) for awareness of teens and (distracted and alcohol induced) driving. 

Kaili Levi's senior project is to establish beliefs and behaviors among teen drivers and passengers that promot safe drivng habits by informing them of the high driving risks and consequences associated with distracted driving. 

Molokai Is…Week 1 — Voting Over

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Molokai Is…Week 1 — Voting Over

UPDATE -- Last week, we asked you to define Molokai in your own words. Surprisingly there were as many entries from off-island as there were locally. So who won this week’s competition? It’s up to you. Vote for your favorite response in the comments below. Vote now for Ko`i, Donald, Derek or Marvalee. The winner will be announced in next week’s paper. Voting ends Fridays at midnight.

Marvalee Leilani Wright Lin Kee, Maui
Moloka’i is….home
Home is where your heart can rest,
And feel the peaceful love….
Home is where Ohana gather,
to praise the Lord above….
Home is where we lay our head,
And feel the love surround….,
Home is Moloka’i,
Its equal not yet found….

Want to share your ideas about what Molokai means to you and potentially win $50 to the Kualapu`u Cookhouse? The contest continues… One winner per week selected by Molokai Dispatch readers. Each submission must include the full name, phone number, and photo of the contestant. Kids, ask your parents or teachers for permission. The Molokai Dispatch reserves the right to edit and print all submissions. Submit entries via email (, in person at our Kaunakakai office (Moore building suite 5 – we can take your photo), or by snail mail (PO Box 482219, Kaunakakai, HI 96748). Mmm, mmm – thanks Kualapu`u Cookhouse!

Beached Whale Found at Hale o Lono

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

Beached Whale Found at Hale o Lono

FEB. 22 UPDATE – A dead, 30-ft humpback whale was found at Hale O Lono Harbor on Sunday, Feb. 21. A team from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is currently at the scene, taking samples for baseline research. “My guess is it didn’t come ashore alive,” said David Schofield, the stranded marine animal coordinator for NOAA. There hasn’t been a beached whale on Molokai since 2008, when a live humpback was stranded at Kaunakakai Harbor. “It is very decomposed, the chances of knowing [if] it died of a disease is unlikely,” said Schofield. The whale will stay at the beach near Hale o Lono Harbor for now. A witness said at first it was hard to tell it was a whale, in the way it was positioned and how far it had decomposed. “The blubber was all out and there was a pool of blood next to the whale,” she said. A row of the whale’s baleen plates (whale ‘teeth’) were found around 100 yards away from the body. “It looked like there were several shark bites – but not an obvious cause of death,” she added. Four whales were found beached in the main Hawaiian Islands last year, and Schofield said this find is “on par” with the state’s average. “As far as this whale season is concerned, this is the first of the season,” he said. Approximately 15,000 humpback whales frequent the main Hawaiian islands every year. Check back with the Molokai Dispatch at during the week for more information.

Ho’ailona Gets Own Website

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

Ho’ailona Gets Own Website

The lab at the University of California Santa Cruz where Ho’ailona, formerly and affectionately known as KP2, has created a website so everyone can keep informed of his health.

According to the website, his trainers say he has remained alert and inquisitive and doing very well. Their first goal was to increase his weight – he weighed 16 kilograms (35 pounds) at birth, and now weighs over 70 kg (154 lbs). they increased the variety of fish in his diet and added calories, and trained him for weekly weigh-ins. The staff at UCSC uses “positive reinforcement” training techniques for him to feel relaxed and comfortable for his examinations.


Molokai Filmmaker’s Newest Venture

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

Matt Yamashita, Molokai born and raised, has just released his newest 30-minute documentary titled, “Sustainable Living on the Island of Molokai.”  The Hawaii Department of Education has already purchased 250 copies for statewide distribution in the school system.  It’s a great piece that explores the many different ways that people are practicing sustainability on Molokai.  

If you want to purchase a copy of the DVD, go to:

Molokai Is…

Monday, February 15th, 2010

Molokai Is…

Is it a poor and backwards place mired by in-fighting, poverty and activism – a place that is lacking or resisting much of what the rest of world has to offer? Or is Molokai a community that is striving for a better future while celebrating and perpetuating its culture and history – a place where wealth is measured by generosity?

What is Molokai? Although the question usually sparks much debate, most who call Molokai home have the island clearly defined by something they feel. For some, the feeling is love, for others, frustration.

However we feel there is great importance for us to talk about it. If we do not accurately define Molokai for what it is, others will surely attempt to define this island for what it is not.

The act of defining a community by what it lacks is called deficit thinking. In concentrating on that which we do not have, we can become distracted from nourishing the great things that we do have. In the process we run the risk of weakening and dividing our community.

Anyone can point out problems – it’s easy. However, it takes the dreamers and leaders who can build something meaningful from a place of positivity and inclusiveness. In this spirit, the Molokai Dispatch asks you: What is Molokai?

Molokai Is…
Win $50 Gift Certificate to Kualapu`u Cookhouse

Enter the ‘Molokai Is…’ contest now! Answer the question “What is Molokai?” using between 1-150 words, poetry, or photography for your chance to win a $50 gift certificate to the Kualapu`u Cook House.

Details: One winner per week selected by Molokai Dispatch staff. Each submission must include the full name, phone number, and photo of the contestant. Kids, ask your parents or teachers for permission. The Molokai Dispatch reserves the right to edit and print all submissions. Submit entries via email (, in person at our Kaunakakai office (Moore building suite 5 – we can take your photo), or by snail mail (PO Box 482219, Kaunakakai, HI 96748). Mmm, mmm – thanks Kualapu`u Cookhouse!


Molokai is Maika`i

By Kanoe Davis

Darkness consumes the night. Ole pau illuminates the sky. Kukui lights the path where once Lehua flourished. Trek the path of the pueo. Shadows gather upon the puu ahead.

An unveiling occurs. Her sillouette reveals soft curves. His night sends chills through the known ravines. The pueo call into the night. Blind in the darkness, hearing is heightened. Soft sounds of the animals moan at dawn.

Puunana stands erect. Laka & Kapoulakinau await their arrival. Sounds of the mo'o click in unison as an army. Guardians of the hill. Our presence is known. Calm are the winds. We are at the piko. A lei embraces us. Kapoulakinau, Kapikoowakea, Olohe, Kaneikaulanaula, and Mooheleia.

Hookupu are shared amongst those present. Olohe in the distance. Tall on puuholehua. I see you. A ball of light rises above kamakou. Hina peels her fire. Return is eminant.
Hold true to the path of our kupuna. Ho'i i ka po.

Parishioners Mourn Loss of St. Sophia’s Church

Monday, February 15th, 2010

Parishioners Mourn Loss of St. Sophia’s Church

It wasn't the way parishioners wanted to bid aloha to their beloved Catholic church, but to some, the loss of St. Sophia's Church to a fire last Wednesday may come as a blessing.
"I don't think anybody ever imagined the chapter of Sophia closing this way," said Maria Sullivan, a long-time parishioner who has led fundraising efforts. "But when I looked up and saw the cross, it looked untouched ? like a pillar of strength."

," Guerreiro said. "It's sad because of all the memories here ? the marriages, sacraments, communions."
The parish council called an emergency meeting Thursday night to determine where Saturday's and Sunday's Mass, along with Ash Wednesday, would be held. And while “generous” offers poured in from other churches and one nonprofit in Kaunakakai, the council chose to hold future church services and activities at the former Pau Hana Inn ? recently taken over by the Molokai Community Health Center.
 "We're going to utilize this site until further notice," said Leoda Shizuma, parish council member.
Before Wednesday night's fire, St. Sophia's Church, built in 1937, was slated to be demolished and replaced later this year with a new worship structure named St. Damien Church, in honor of Father Damien, who was canonized just four months ago.
The Molokai Catholic community has been raising funds to contribute to the $3 million project since 1995.
"It should advance our progress," Guerreiro said.
While the new church’s design plans are being reviewed by the Maui County Planning Commission, the parish hopes to celebrate Christmas Mass 2011 in the new St. Damien Church.
"We're sort of homeless right now," Sullivan said. "It's important that people come through for us financially."
While plans to rebuild excite some, the loss of St. Sophia's Church is still difficult to fathom for others.
"My heart hurts," said Kanani Negrillo, long-time parishioner who was born only a year after the church was built. "I was born and raised in this church ? there are too many memories."
"We feel loss, we feel sorrow," Shizuma added. "But you can also see the beauty in it ? the community coming together and asking, 'How can we help?'"

Raising Funds for Fun

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Raising Funds for Fun

A few dozen Special Olympics athletes put their running shoes and basketballs aside and slipped on waiter aprons for their fifth annual fundraiser, “Dance Under The Stars”.

Around 100 supporters enjoyed a meal, entertainment, raffles and a silent auction at Hotel Molokai. Guests could bid on items from Molokai Hot Bread, a collection of Lono’s CDs to Molokai Princess ferry tickets.

Rita Kalahiki, Special Olympics Molokai area administrator, said the most expensive part of their budget is airfare.

” – which means they don’t get to compete at all, she said.

Kalahiki said a lot of these athletes were often the first to be cut on the high school teams, and without the encouragement and work of the volunteer coaches, wouldn’t be playing anymore.

Jim Sonnikson, chairperson of Special Olympics Molokai, is also the coach of bocce ball, which he came across by circumstance.

While driving along the highway many years back, he saw some kids playing and stopped to say hi. They didn’t have a coach, so Sonnikson decided to help them out.

“They’re fun, it’s enjoyable,” he said. “They’re always smiling.”

Happy Chinese New Year!

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

Molokai celebrated the Year of the Tiger last month when the Chungs’ organized the island’s first Chinese New Year Parade. But according to Chinese astrologists, Chinese New Year will take place on Feb. 14, 2010.

Kenneth Nip, a Molokai Public Library volunteer and one of the kupuna honored at the parade, set up a display at the library (pictured above), as he has for the past several years.

“It’s to let people here on-island know what Chinese New Year is all about,” Nip said.

The display has information on ‘tigers,’ or those born in the Year of the Tiger, as well as about Chinese traditions around this holiday. The display will be up until Sunday, Feb. 14 for everyone to check out.